Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 368

"This is Konoha? As expected of the most prosperous village in the ninja world!" Chonggo couldn't help but sighed as he stood on the hillside overlooking the front.

"hmph! No matter how prosperous it is, it will only turn into ruins in a while." Red Lotus sneered with disdain.

Since the death of Orochimaru, apart from the five die-hards, Junma Lu and the four people, the rest have basically either been collected by pockets, or they have taken refuge in the second pillar that killed Orochimaru.

Ninja World has always been a place where powerhouse is respected, and dead people have no meaning and value.

This can be seen from the tragic life of Naruto when he was a child when the four generations of Naruto and his wife took tea to cool off.

This is even true of Da Ninja Village, not to mention the grass-roots team that developed sneakily like Orochimaru.

When many brainwashed guys heard that Orochimaru died, they fell into a state of walking corpse as if their beliefs collapsed, and some even chose to commit suicide on the spot.

As for those with relatively flexible brains, they are of course just grass, and whoever is forced to rely on them.

It just so happened that Sasuke also needed a group of people to launch a revenge operation against the Leaf Village, so naturally, these guys were all cannon fodder on the spot, and all of them were brought over.

Looking at the blood ninjas that Orochimaru collected from all over the world, and the crooked melons and cracked dates after various brutal transformations failed, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, with a very cold expression. The tone said: "That's right! After today, Konoha will disappear forever from in this world, just like Iwanin."

"When will you start?" Shuiyue grinned and revealed a sharp mouth. teeth asked.

"No hurry! I want those rotten and dirty high-level executives to suffer in fear for a while longer. We will attack after resting." Sasuke deliberately pretended to be confident.

It's not that he doesn't want to attack immediately, but that those crooked melons and cracked dates behind him are really incapable of directly confronting the elite Konoha ninjas after a long-distance attack.

Although Orochimaru's subordinates basically have each one, they are all lunatics with not very normal spirits, and they are not afraid of death at all, but their strength is really too weak.

Sasuke was originally from Konoha. Knowing how many outstanding battle strengths there are in this village, even if he has a kaleidoscope and immortal mode, he still dare not take it lightly.

An invasion of this scale is naturally impossible to detect by Konoha scattered around Anbu and patrols.

To be precise, Konoha's reconnaissance team had already been eyeing them when they entered the country of fire, and a team was secretly monitoring the movements of this ninja army.

Just when Sasuke Uchiha ordered to rest, the five generations of Naruto Tsunade got all the detailed information of the enemy, and then glanced at the gathered jounin, and said with a cold face: "Everyone! I know that many of you are privately resentful of my teacher, Hokage III, for indulging Danzo and Gen, and even more resenting Danzo for his own selfishness, forcibly pushing the situation to an irreversible point. But anyway, Konoha They are all our homes, and Sasuke Uchiha is here today not only for revenge, but also to destroy the homes of all of you. So even for your own family and friends, please spare no effort."

"Lord Naruto, please rest assured, our Hyuga family will always advance and retreat with Konoha."

As Konoha's No. 1 wealthy family, Hyuga Hizu was the first to stand up and show his attitude .

Because since Neji publicly defected, the situation in the Hyuga family has gradually become more complicated.

Especially, after seeing the disappearance of the caged bird spell, many people from the separated family had some thoughts that they should not have. Release the curse of the caged bird, even at the cost of defecting.

This also means that the sparsely populated clan can only hold onto Hokage's thighs tightly, in order to barely suppress the restless branch members.

After all, he can't really kill all the family members who have such thoughts...

With the first one taking the lead, the rest are rooted in Konoha The ninjas also stood up to show their loyalty.

Some of them are really loyal to Konoha, but some are really no other choice.

Even a fool can see that the rebels may accept some rebellious and civilian ninjas, but they will never accept any systematic ninja family.

So no matter what ideas they have, they can only rely on the big tree Konoha at present, even if this big tree is already showing signs of dying.

"Thank you for your support! Since that's the case, let's go out! Show some color to the little devil of the Uchiha family!"

Speaking, Tsunade took off the symbol Hokage's hat, taking the lead towards the enemy's camp.

Her idea is very simple, that is, if she can fight outside the village, she will never let the war spread into the village.

Anyway, Orochimaru's subordinates are a bunch of weak chickens, and the only real enemy is Sasuke, who is suspected to have a kaleidoscope.

Under the siege of so many jounin, she didn't believe that the other party could make waves.

As a well-trained ninja army, Konoha's ninja is undoubtedly one of the best military organizations in this world.

With excellent hiding skills, they surrounded the mob under Orochimaru with no difficulty.

Before the other party could react to what happened, the unlucky guy who was close to one third was smeared directly on the neck.




A large number of jounin and elite chunin have used practical actions to teach the enemy a lesson and tell them what a real war is.

"Damn! Konoha's people took the initiative to attack us!"

Gulian suddenly stood up from the ground, squinting at the surrounding people who were constantly harvesting life Onin.

But Erzhuzi pulled out his sword unconcernedly, and responded with a sneer, "It doesn't matter! Those guys were originally cannon fodder to make up the number, it doesn't matter how much they die."

tone barely fell!

He disappeared in place in an instant!

The next second...

The heads of two unnamed Shangnin were cut off, and the blood of bright red spurted out from the aorta of the neck, forming a formation in the air. Pretty blood flowers.

They didn't even have a chance to connect the double, they turned into headless corpses and fell to the ground.

"Uchiha Sasuke!!!!"

Tsunade saw this scene, and his eyes burst out with strong anger and murderous intention.

"old woman! You should be the last bloodline of the Senju clan, right? Our Uchiha clan was coaxed and deceived by your two grandfathers to get to where we are today, even me My big brother Itachi was influenced by your shitty will, and finally committed an unforgivable crime. Your two grandfathers are damned! Your teacher three generations of Hokage and Danzo are damned! You should be damned too!"

When Er Zhuzi was talking about this remark, the writing wheel eyes of the two scarlets suddenly turned into a kaleidoscope shape, and exuded hatred that made everyone present shudder.

Under the influence of Alan's unnoticeable influence, he has long regarded Konoha as his ultimate goal.

In addition to Indra's Chakra, and his easy to go extreme character, even if Naruto's mouth is so powerful, it is now impossible to persuade the avenger to go back.

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