Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 369

"Second grandfather is right! You Uchihas have dual personalities. Once stimulated by the outside world, they will immediately go from one extreme to the other."

Looking at Sasuke's pair With the eye-catching kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, Tsunade's face showed naked and undisguised disgust.

As a Princess of the Thousand Hands family, under the influence of her family and the teacher, she had no good feelings for Uchiha, and she didn't think it was wrong for the Uchiha family who wanted to seize power by coup to be extinguish sect .

In fact, this is what most Konoha ninjas and residents think.

Because this group of pink eye patients is so arrogant!

Totally look down on anyone but yourself!

In addition to the long-term exclusion and discrimination, they gradually separated themselves from the Leaf Village, so that no one of the whole family, regardless of gender, age, or child, was slaughtered. To be fair.

"hmph! Double-standard dog! The Hokage faction inherited from the Qianshou clan really has this face!"

Er Zhuzi directly said what he learned from Alan saying.

He didn't even bother to refute, and rushed out with his sword in hand.

Those Jōnin, Anbu and guards are naturally impossible to let the enemy close to their own Hokage, and they jumped out to perform various ninjutsu, trying to destroy the remnants of this Uchiha clan.

But most of them were hypnotized by Illusion Technique in front of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and couldn't even hold a single face-to-face, followed by a sword owl head.

Just a moment of effort!

Many people, including Genma Shiranui and Aoba Yamashiro, fell directly to the ground and turned into headless corpses.

No mercy!

No forgiveness!

No show mercy!

Only ruthless kills!


Join is not even a cannon fodder in the face of the power of this blend of Yin and Immortal mode!

Sasuke's heart becomes stronger every time he kills a familiar silhouette.

The Konoha must be destroyed!

Only in this way can I be worthy of my dead parents and clansman.

"Sa... Sasuke! How could this be? How could this be!"

Seeing her companions who kept falling like wheat, Sakura fell into a state of sluggishness.

She couldn't believe that the person she had always admired and waited for could become so cold and ruthless, and even when facing her classmates, she would simply kill her.

"Damn! Don't be in a daze! Pull yourself together! Go and rescue the wounded!" Tsunade shouted loudly to the newly received Disciple.

"Yes... yes!"

Sakura hurriedly came back to his senses from the shock and began to perform her duty as a medical ninja.

Unfortunately, most of Erzhuzi's attacks were a critical strike, leaving few wounded, most of them were corpses emitting residual heat.

Especially the sword that exudes lightning and flames, even if it doesn't die on the spot, it will quickly erode the internal organs in the next few seconds, and finally make a person die quickly, even if it is medical ninjutsu It is also difficult to treat.

But compared to Sasuke's big kills, those Orochimaru's original subordinates were much worse.

Whether it was Chongwu, Gulian, or Shuiyue, they all fell into a hard battle.

Although each of them has their own unique limits and abilities, they are still a little too tender in the face of the experienced Konoha Jonin siege.

Especially Chonggo is the worst!

Mike Kay was treated like a big sandbag and kept beating him. The only thing he could do was get up from the ground and use natural energy to recover from the injury.

I don't care about the life and death of these cannon fodders at all, Sasuke doesn't care at all, just concentrated attention completely staring at Tsunade, constantly killing those Konoha ninjas who came one after another to protect Naruto.

"Thunderbolt - super thunderbird!"

In order to get rid of these obstructive guys at one time, he decisively used the powerful Thunderbolt ninjutsu he learned from Alan.

In less than a second or two, a super-giant thunderbird composed entirely of dazzling electric light appeared out of thin air above everyone's heads.

Accompanied by Erzhuzi's left hand wave!

The next second...

The giant thunderbird disappeared under everyone's attention in an instant!

Seeing this scene, Kakashi immediately reminded his companions sharply: "Quickly end the seal of the substitute technique! Otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, any A terrifying pillar of silver lightning suddenly sprang up under the feet of those within the influence of the electric field!

The destructive discharge begins!

Excluding the very few lucky ones who completed the avatar technique, more than 30 Konoha elites turned into coke under this blow.

The defensive force around Tsunade Five Hokage suddenly had a huge gap.

"Old woman! Go to hell with your grandfather and teacher!"

Sasuke rushed up with a grim face, and a shot of Amaterasu would rush up to intercept those who wanted to Kakashi forced back, intending to kill the last bloodline of the Senju clan, Uchiha's old enemy.

Just as he thought he was about to take his hand, a gust of wind suddenly came from behind his head.

Out of subconsciously first reaction, he directly backhand is a sword.

But the sword didn't take out the sneak attacker as he expected, instead he was fiercely kicked flying by the enormous and unbelievable force.


With a loud bang, the two pillars fiercely broke two trees and barely stabilized their figure, and wa'ed spurted bright red blood.

It was none other than Mike Kay who opened the former Seven Sects in the Eight Sects Dunjia.

"Uchiha Sasuke! It's not me who will die here today, but you. Do you think you can act wilfully with a kaleidoscope? Konoha is not as fragile as you think !" Tsunade said in a condescending tone.

But the voice is still alive!

The other three silhouettes suddenly appeared out of thin air on the battlefield, and Alan, the leader of them, asked in a slightly playful voice: "Oh? Really? Why do I think the situation is just the opposite? ."

"How come you are here?!"

I originally planned to pursue the victory in a spurt of energy, and Mike Kay, who completely defeated Sasuke, saw the comer. Instant changes are hard to look at.

Not only him, but Tsunade and Kakashi's reactions were similar.

In their opinion, a Sasuke Uchiha with a kaleidoscope writing wheel is already difficult enough. If these three dangerous elements are added in front of them, Konoha may really have to bode ill this time. rather than well.

"Relax! I'm just here to watch the fun, and I won't interfere in the grievances between you. In addition, Neji also has some family matters that need to be discussed with the head of the Hyuga clan. Why don't you just ignore us, we Ignore you too, it's good for both parties, what do you think, Lord Tsunade Five Hokage." Alan suggested with a smile.

"Bastard! What kind of bad idea are you making?" Tsunade asked, clenching his fists tightly.

"Sorry, this is an internal matter of the Hyuga family, I hope you don't interfere. After all, ninjas and Shinobi villages will soon become history, and it is time for the Hyuga clan to leave the sinking ship Konoha. I'm done."

Alan didn't hide his intention to dig a foot in the wall at all, and blunt showed his intention.

On the other side, Xiangpho directly threw a bottle of healing potion to Sasuke, who was severely injured.

The latter was no nonsense. He opened the stopper on the spot and drank it all. In the blink of an eye, he was back to normal.

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