Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 370

"Hey! You look a little miserable!"

Xianglin glanced at the color of the blood spit out on the ground, and her tone was full of playfulness and ridicule.

I don't know why, but she especially likes to see the other side deflated.

No way!

Who makes Erzhuzi always like to say the harshest words and be beaten the most.

"Shut up! Aren't you here to watch the fun? Stand aside and watch how I complete my revenge against Konoha."

Sasuke wiped the residue from the corner of his mouth The blood stains, Susanohu, who did not choose to continue to care for the big, but started the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

In the blink of an eye, a huge pale Purple Skeleton composed entirely of chakra rose from the ground, completely wrapping his entire body.

There is no doubt that this is just the most primary level Susanoo, not even showing armor and weapons.

But even so, it still made the ninjas in Konoha feel an unprecedented shock and fear.

Especially the substantial purple chakra, which is definitely enough to resist most ninjutsu and body refinement attacks.

"What is that?" Asma asked Kakashi in an uncertain tone.

The latter smiled wryly and shook the head: "Sorry, I don't know, maybe it's some kind of special ability that only has a kaleidoscope. We know very little about those eyes. ."

"Damn! First Orochimaru, then Itachi, followed by Alan and Neji, and now Sasuke. What happened to our Konoha, one after another appeared here such a thing," complained the red gnashing teeth.

As a special Jōnin specializing in Illusion Technique, what she hates most is to face the writing wheel eyes of the Uchiha family.

You don't even need a kaleidoscope, even a three-column jade can easily bounce back most of the Illusion Technique.

"Alan! Have you finished talking with that old woman? I'm going to start!"

Susanoh's strength undoubtedly made Erzhuzi's self-confidence burst. , urged impatiently.

"Don't worry, didn't you see that Hokage-sama is considering the profit and loss? Be patient! Even if you destroy Konoha, you won't be in a hurry at this time." Alan responded casually.

Maybe others will be afraid of Susanoo's unique ability to combine attack and defense, but he knows that Susanoo is not invincible.

Let's not mention Yin Yang Dun and Strength of Six Paths, just the dust escape plundered from the three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi is enough to easily kill a complete Susanoo.


Although Sasuke looked very upset, he still chose to give Alan a face.

Anyway, he was able to get to this step today, absolutely thanks to the help of the other party.

So before there was a fundamental conflict between the two, he had no reason to draw a knife to his benefactor.

Tsunade no doubt noticed Sasuke Uchiha's attitude, his brows furrowed even tighter, his eyes narrowed and probed: "Do you want to separate the Hinata clan from Konoha?"

"no! Don't get me wrong! This matter does not depend on me, but on the patriarch of Neji and Hyuga's family. Unlike you, I will never advertise myself as representing justice, and I will never force others to do what they don't want. What I do. I respect everyone's ideas and choices, even the enemy." Alan satirized the extremely twisted and morbid system of Shinobu Village.

"What if my answer is no?" Tsunade obviously didn't want to back down so easily.

After all, Hyuga is the No. 1 wealthy family in Konoha. If even this family is divided, or even chooses to leave Konoha directly, then the hearts of this village will be completely dissipated. It fell apart in a short time.

And after losing the white eyes, Konoha's ability in detection will be greatly reduced, and it will no longer have the absolute advantage of the past.

This will surely suffer in future wars.

"sorry, you seem to have misunderstood something. I'm not discussing with you now, but informing you, or warning you. If you reject my kindness, Konoha will be gone before sunset. Removing the name from the ninja world, even if the first and second Hokage are resurrected, will not help. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that Yun Ninja's Raikage is dead, and Neji personally screwed his head off, and their top management also suffered heavy losses. Especially The younger generation, almost all died."

When he said the last words of this sentence, Alan was almost threatening and intimidating.

As he gets closer and closer to the launch of the whole plan, he himself becomes less and less fond of dealing with these Ninja villages who lack rationality and political common sense and are extremely short-sighted.

In his eyes, this world has not produced a qualified politician with strategic vision.

Whether it is Kaguya, who was originally regarded as Goddess, or the founder of Ninja Six Paths immortal, or the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara who ended the Warring States Period and created the Five Kingdoms pattern, each one is a hammer .

Naturally, Kaguya needless to say, at that time it was almost equivalent to ruling the entire world, but forcibly played a good deck of cards to a pulp, and finally was sealed by two biological sons.

In the beginning, if she knew a little about social psychology and engaged in a set of religious brainwashing things, she would not end up being imprisoned for thousands of years, but would establish a heaven on earth with religion as a link. , and completely turned this planet into his own sanctuary.

Six Paths immortal is a typical over-idealization and ignorance, naive to believe that passing Chakra to more people can make people understand each other and eliminate war completely.

Did the war break out because they didn't understand each other?


The essence of most wars is to compete for interests, resources and living space.

As for the concept dispute between the original Hokage and Uchiha Madara, it is even more ridiculous.

The latter, who was fooled and crippled by Heijue, needless to say, it is a mental disorder with a problem in his brain. Anyone with a little common sense will understand that the peace depicted in the Moon Eye Project is essentially It's just self-deception, but these two people are stunned and believe it, and they still believe it.

And the former is also not much better, and even distributes the tailed beasts, intending to use it as the key to deter each other and maintain peace.

What about the result?

As soon as he died on the front foot, the other four kingdoms came to the door on the back foot.


The current ninja world has gradually moved towards a completely different direction!

Tsunade obviously doesn't know that, in Alan's eyes, the grandfather who he respects immensely, the first Hokage, the founder of Leaf Village, has been classified as a political waste, and is quickly in his mind Weigh the gains and losses.

It took a full minute before she finally made up her mind and winked at the four Seal Team members who were following behind her.

As soon as these four people saw it, they rushed out at a very fast speed without saying a word, and surrounded Alan in a square shape.

Everyone held a purple scroll in their hands, shouted loudly: "Lisixiang Formation seal technique!"


The four reels unfold at an extremely fast speed, wrapping Alan, Sasuke Uchiha, Kaoru and Neji in a giant black Formation.

And this Formation keeps shrinking, shrinking, shrinking at a very fast rate...

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