Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 371

"This is..."

Through the reincarnation of the dirty earth, Xianglin has learned a lot about the sealing technique from the dead powerhouses of the vortex family, and suddenly realized that this is a The four-image seal" was transformed.

Compared with the "Li Sixiang Seal", this technique has added the concept of Formation to ensure that the target can be completely sealed in a closed Formation at the moment when the technique is launched and cannot escape.

And with the continuous shrinking of the "four-image seal", the forbearance in the Formation will eventually be completely sucked in.


Sasuke Uchiha saw this scene and immediately drove Susanoo with all his strength, attacking the surrounding Formation like crazy.

Unfortunately, no matter how he attacked, the black translucent barrier was completely motionless, and there was no sign of even the slightest crack.

After realizing this, Erzhuzi immediately asked impatiently: "What should we do? We seem to be trapped!"

"Hehe, this is Konoha Are you preparing for the killing move for me?"

Alan raised his hand and tapped the layer of Formation that seemed to divide the space, his face not only without the slightest fear, but full of curiosity.

"That's right! This is a sealing technique specially developed for you! You are too arrogant and arrogant, kid. And even if you have the ability to space, don't expect to escape. Because from the Formation The moment it was formed, the inside and the outside were already two completely different worlds." Tsunade said in a very proud tone across the Formation.

Alan smiled nodded: "so that's how it is! Then I'm really honored. But you know, in fact, all Formations have a limit. When the attack power reaches the limit , the entire Formation will shatter in an instant. For example..."

I saw that Black's Formation was getting smaller and smaller, and when it was only a few dozen meters away, he finally took out his bow and arrow and showed himself. 's first hole card, which injected black's psychic energy into Doomsday.


The aura of destruction emanates from that arrow!

It's not over yet!

Alan injected a large amount of yin and yang chakra into it, turning the entire arrow into black like a jade.

As soon as the fingers are released lightly!

The incomparably bright light shot out from the tip of the arrow, making the sun in the sky overshadowed.

Before Konoha's ninjas could react to what happened, the deafening sound and explosion completely destroyed their perception of their surroundings.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

white beams of light run through Heaven and Earth!

The whole earth trembles under this terrifying force!

A lot of rocks, trees and dirt turned into indistinguishable dust under the impact of energy!

When all this gradually dissipated, the black Formation seal just now was still disappeared without a trace, leaving only a large concave crater that seemed to have been hit by a meteorite.

Except for the central position where Alan, Neji, Sasuke and Xianglin were standing were not damaged, everything around was disappeared without a trace, whether it was the four seal class people or those of Konoha. Ninja, all disappeared in the process of energy release, and even the corpse could not be preserved.

"My arrow's formidable power seems to have become stronger again..."

Alan glanced at the extent of the damage nearby, with a satisfied expression on his face.

There is no doubt that he did not spare no effort in the arrow just now, but only used about 60% of his strength.

But even so, this group of ordinary ninjas can't bear it.

Especially those guys who were relatively close, without exception, were instantly torn and evaporated.

"This is the power you have?!" Sasuke stared at the two scarlet's writing wheel eyes, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.


Too strong!

Unmatched power!

Combined with the ability of the kaleidoscope to write round eyes - it will definitely hit!

He really couldn't think of anyone in this world who could take such an arrow and not die.

"It seems that Hokage-sama doesn't seem to be willing to accept my kindness."

Alan ignored Erzhuzi's surprise, each minding their own business and turned his attention to the stunned Tsunade , and Mike Kay with only one arm left beside her.

Don't ask to know, Mike Kay blocked the fatal blow with his arm at the critical moment.

Otherwise, Konoha has already begun to consider choosing the next Hokage.

" actually broke the seal of the four formations?!" Tsunade's voice was trembling.

The reason why Formation has the word "Formation" is that it can withstand huge external shocks.

But now, this sealing technique, which had high hopes, was scrapped without even holding on to a single blow.

Not only that!

There were at least a hundred Konoha ninjas who were hit by the energy shock just now, all of them died instantly, and there was no chance to dodge.

If this kind of attack falls directly into the center of the village, it is estimated that the entire village will be disappeared without a trace in an instant, and even a little residue will not be left.

"There's nothing worth making a fuss about nothing. Any ninjutsu has its limits, especially the special ability of sealing, which utilizes contracts, psychics, and space. But I'm curious, what is it? I gave you the illusion that this thing can kill me? Don't you forget that there are five tailed beasts sealed in my body, and I am the strongest minder in this world."

Speaking of this When remarking, Alan retracted the bow and arrow and approached forward step by step.

When Kakashi and Mike Kay saw it, they immediately stood in front of the fifth Hokage.

Although they all knew that it was impossible to block the terrifying youngster in front of them with their own strength, they still did it without hesitation.

Mike Kay is even more prepared to open the last door to join the old Disciple perish together.

But in the end, Tsunade did not choose to let his subordinates pay for his mistakes, but stopped him, and then stood at the forefront: "Come on! Kill me! All this is The order I gave has nothing to do with other things."

"Oh? I should say that she is the granddaughter of the first Hokage Senju! But unfortunately, I have no interest in killing you. I just want Ask Neji to talk to the head of the Hyuga clan. As for the grievances between you Senju and the Uchiha clan, it's up to you to resolve it yourself. Sorry, Sasuke, you can handle the rest yourself."

After saying that, Alan ignored anyone and sat down in place and looked like he was watching a good show.

Neiji passed by the remaining Konoha ninjas generously, came to Hyuga Hizu, and said in an emotionless tone: "Patriarch! Come with me! Regarding the future of the Hyuga clan, I need to talk to you alone."


Hyuga Hizu is not a fool, and can already clearly feel that Konoha has disappeared, and directly Follow Neji and disappear into the depths of the dense woods.

His departure immediately made the rest of the ninjas feel the sadness of when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter.

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