Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 372

As Hyuga Hizu followed Neji away, all the members of the Hyuga family who were present also stopped hostilities, all standing by and waiting patiently for the final result.

I have to say that this is definitely a huge irony for Konoha who keeps spreading the will of fire.

Because since the first Hokage, the top management of Wood Leaf Village has been constantly emphasizing that the village is greater than the family.

Unfortunately, to this day, in the eyes of most ninjas, the interests of their own family are still far higher than the interests of the village.

Uchiha is like this, and so is Hinata.

Only the advocates, the Senju family, were completely integrated with the village, and even their surname and name gradually disappeared, leaving only Tsunade, the last bloodline, to hold on.

"You won't kill me?" Tsunade's eyes widened with disbelief.

After all, from the moment she failed, she was ready to meet the wrath of the other party.

But it's incredible that Alan didn't show panic or anger from beginning to end, as if what just happened was not aimed at himself but someone else.

"Kill you?" Alan laughed and looked the head. "No! It's not my turn yet. You should first consider how to resolve the grievances between Senju and Uchiha that have lasted for hundreds of years."

"That's right! The person who wants to kill you It's me!"

Sasuke controlled Susanoo and walked over from behind, naked and undisguised hatred flashing in his eyes.

"Do you think Uchiha's annihilation is entirely the responsibility of Konoha and Hokage?" Tsunade raised his head and looked at the pair of kaleidoscopes without fear.

Sasuke responded without thinking: "Of course! If there is no doubt, rejection, and marginalization of your day after day, would the Uchiha clan choose to launch a rebellion? The answer is obviously no! Especially Danzo and those two disgusting advisors have been treating Uchiha with the attitude of when treating the enemy from beginning to end."

"But have you ever thought about why, from the extermination of the clan to the present, Has anyone in Konoha ever stood up to speak for you?" Tsunade asked with a sneer.

This question obviously caught Erzhuzi.

I saw him frowned pondering for a long time, then turned around and asked Alan: "Do you know the reason?"

Obviously, he is more than Konoha's people. Willing to take Alan's word for it.

Because it was Alan who first exposed the truth of the night of the genocide, and completely exposed the dirtiest and darkest side of the village.

"Of course!" Alan nodded slightly for the reason. Faint smile's young you explained: "About this, you can actually find it from yourself and recall that when you were young and in school, Why are the peers around you rejecting you. Except for those little girls who are nympho, almost no boys intend to be friends with you. Of course, except for the guy vortex naruto. Compared with him, your childhood has been very happy , at least have a family, and love his big brother and parents."

"You mean...the Uchiha family are too arrogant?"

Sasuke is not Idiot, I understood the meaning of this sentence at once.

"Not only that! Remember how I told you about the opening and evolution of Sharinyan? Almost everyone who owns Sharinyan has seen with their own eyes the things they treasure most are taken away . That kind of pain, sadness and despair will gradually drive a person crazy. All people who have a wheel eye have actually been severely stimulated, so in the eyes of outsiders, they are often representatives of withdrawn, arrogant and dangerous. Therefore, in the In my opinion, Konoha is responsible for at least 60% of the high-level responsibility for Uchiha's annihilation, and the remaining 30% to 40% is your own reason."

Alan blunt expressed his point of view.

He felt that when Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara joined forces, it was essentially a mistake.

Let's not mention the millennium-long battle between Intro and Asura, the flaws in character alone determine that this special group of Uchihas cannot be integrated into the overly complex living environment.

even more how, these two guys didn't talk to each other about their political ideals and aspirations before they formed an alliance, which led to the final outbreak of fierce conflict, both of them died, and planted the seeds for the subsequent genocide.

"so that's how it is!" Sasuke looked thoughtful on his face. "What happened to Naruto?"

"Naruto?" Alan gave Konoha a meaningful glance. "This matter is long speaking of which, and it also involves another dark history of Konoha. First of all, take a guess, who are Naruto's biological parents?"

"Parents? You mean that Naruto is not as he said, just a simple orphan?" Sasuke raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Orphan? hahahaha! Do you think Konoha will seal the strongest tailed beast in an orphan's body? Think again, who is responsible for the power of the nine-tailed people in all dynasties? ?" Alan asked meaningfully.

"The first nine-tailed man Zhuri is the wife of the first Hokage, vortex Mito, and the second is the wife of the fourth Hokage, vortex Kushina..."


Sasuke seemed to understand something, lifts the head and said in an unbelievable tone: "Naruto is the child of the fourth Hokage and vortex Kushina?!"

" That's right! It seems that you are not too stupid. How is it? It's incredible, right? As a four-generation couple who sacrificed themselves for the village during the Nine-Tails Rebellion, their child actually lived like a beggar, even three times a day. The meal was not guaranteed, and rumors were spread that it was a demon fox. What's more interesting is that the three generations of Hokage who knew the truth kept silent about it. The teacher of the fourth Hokage, Jiraiya, and his discipline Kakashi also Turn a blind eye to it. How sad and ridiculous! Please tell me, Five Hokage-sama, is this the will of fire inherited from your two grandfather and teacher?"

Alan stared into Tsunade's eyes ruthless. questioned.

As these words blurted out, all the Konoha ninjas present fell into shock and silence.

Those who were shocked were the first to learn about this, and they couldn't believe that the top management treated the hero's son in this way.

Those who are silent already know the truth, but do not have the courage to speak out.

Obviously, Alan delivers another fatal blow to the sinking ship Konoha.

This time, he attacked everyone's will and belief.

As the saying goes, the best way to completely destroy an organization and ensure that it never comes back up is to completely destroy something they believe in.

"hahahahahaha!!!!!! Interesting! It's so funny! It turns out that this is the so-called will of fire! Tell me! Is such a village really worth your life to protect? If you die in battle too Now, will you trust your relatives, friends and family members to take care of them? Who can guarantee that similar things will not happen again?"

Sasuke looked around all around with a mad laugh.

At this time, he was no longer in a hurry to destroy the buildings in the Leaf Village, but enjoyed the pleasure of psychologically dismantling the enemy by little by little.

Tsunade was clearly aware of Alan's words, which was more terrifying than directly attacking the village to cause destruction and killing.

Because this is killing the heart!

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