Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 373

Tsunade obviously has no way of refuting Alan's remarks.

Because these are not fabricated out of thin air, nor are there any exaggerations or distortions, all of which are hard facts.

Sometimes even she herself felt that her teacher, the three generations of Hokage, was completely an incompetent old fogey.

Especially during the second ruling in his later years after the death of the Fourth Hokage, he was simply incompetent, allowing Danzo to engage in unscrupulous crafty plots and machinations.

If there is an opportunity, Tsunade really wanted to ask that old fogey what he thought at the beginning, to make such a stupid decision.

What made her even more incomprehensible was where Alan got these secrets and information.

Especially the truth of the night of extermination, even the fifth Hokage himself is not very clear, or the two advisors had to obediently and honestly explain what happened after being pressed.

Did you learn about it from Danzo after joining the root organization?

Just when Tsunade had some headaches about how to deal with the collapsed morale and the ninjas who began to have strong doubts about the high-level villagers, a boy with yellow hair slowly walked out of the woods, using a little With a trembling voice, he asked: "Mother-in-law! what he said just now true? parents are the fourth Hokage couple?"


Seeing this scene, Kakashi immediately couldn't help covering his eyes.

Without a doubt!

This is the worst case scenario!


He couldn't imagine how this stubborn and stubborn guy would react after learning the truth.

Will he choose to defect directly like Sasuke Uchiha?

Or is Konoha a target of revenge?

If this is the case, then Konoha can really be declared dead.

The combination of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and the nine-tailed pillar force is absolutely enough to pull up the entire village by the roots, and even the hope of reconstruction no longer exists.

Thinking of this, Kakashi immediately stepped forward to stop him, and said in a very bitter tone: "Naruto! Listen to my explanation! The truth is not what you imagined."

"Isn't it like that? Isn't my father the fourth Hokage? Or is the suffering and discrimination I suffered from childhood an illusion?"

Naruto's eyes flashed with a fire called anger, and at the same time The nine-tailed chakra also emerges continuously, forming a fiery-red tailed beast coat.

Originally, he always naively believed that everything he suffered in childhood was actually caused by misunderstanding. As long as he worked hard to prove himself, he would one day be recognized by everyone.

But now, the cruel truth is that his parents were heroes who sacrificed for the village, and he, the son of a hero, has deliberately concealed his identity, and his childhood was not as good as an ordinary person!

Looking at Naruto who was out of anger and gradually began to turn black, Sasuke couldn't help but slightly raised his mouth to reveal a sarcastic smile, lowered his voice and asked Alan beside him, "You did it on purpose? "

"What need to ask?" Alan gave Erzhu a meaningful glance.

The reason why he said what he just said was that he found this unlucky child hidden in the dark by tracking humanoids, and then decided to fan the flames to see what would happen.

The result is not surprising!

Naruto exploded directly on the spot!

There's no way not to explode!

Unless you're a fool, anyone else would have a similar reaction.

No one will tolerate living in a huge lie from birth to the present.

Especially the three generations of Hokage, who often appear to act as a kind elder, taking the opportunity to instill the will of fire to this four-generation orphan to ensure that he will not have hatred for the village.

I have to say!

This old fogey's brainwashing work is really good.

It's a pity that he forgot that everything he did was essentially based on a lie.

If someone breaks this lie, it will immediately trigger a violent backlash.

"I knew it! You really don't have a good heart!" Sasuke's eyes were full of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

He couldn't wait to see Naruto go berserk, directly releasing the nine tails in his body and raze the entire Leaf Village to the ground.

"Naruto! Your parents sacrificed to protect Konoha! Do you want their sacrifice to be destroyed in your own hands?"

Tsunade held back his heart In the middle of the anger and hatred for Alan, I tried to calm down this dangerous little fellow.

She understood that it was too late to explain anything.

Because in the eyes of the other party, all the people around you who are close to you are no longer trustworthy.

Just when vortex Naruto wanted to say something, Sasuke finally opened his mouth and proposed: "Hey! Tail car! Since you can see the true colors of these guys, why don't you join me? On this side. I promise, no matter what Konoha has done to us, it will definitely pay for it today. And even if the fourth generation couple learns what happened to you, they will definitely feel that their death is not worth it. Because this A bunch of ungrateful things don't deserve it!"

"Sasuke is right! You guys don't deserve it!"

With the last word, Naruto finally found the evil, brutal, Under the influence of bloodthirsty Chakra, he entered a state of madness.

Before Kakashi could react to what happened, he was slapped out with a claw and turned into a piece of wood in midair.


He obviously expected that things would develop to this step, so he made the seal in advance.

And those remaining Konoha ninjas also started to attack the tailed beast Naruto in order to protect themselves.

It's just that compared to the last scene of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, most people just wanted to save their lives this time.

As for the village...

Not many people care anymore.

Tsunsu waved his strange power fist fiercely to knock out Naruto who was rushing towards him, then turned around and questioned Alan, who was watching the fun and was not afraid of trouble: "This is what you want? little by little Completely destroy the village that my grandfather built from the inside out?"

"No, I actually don't have any purpose for Konoha, just to pass the boring time when I have nothing to do. And... these things Isn't it all the work of your senior Konoha? I just told the hidden facts. This is your own sin, and of course you have to bear the consequences yourself."

After finishing this sentence Then, Alan ignored Tsunade's livid face, and directly pulled Xianglin and Sasuke to retreat to a high mountain peak in the distance, admiring this classic remake of the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

I saw that the feet of the three people had just landed, and the tailed beast jade over there destroyed all the forest thousands of meters in front of them, and many unlucky people died completely without even screaming. through.

As the strongest nine-tailed beast among the tailed beasts, the tailed beast jade it releases is not comparable to the other eight.

Fortunately, this battlefield is still some distance away from the Leaf Village, otherwise, it is estimated that half of the village will be almost gone.

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