Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 375

For Konoha, Nine Tails is definitely a terrifying existence that can no longer be terrifying.

Especially that terrifying night more than ten years ago left an indelible deep fear on everyone who lived here.

Because of this, when Naruto was completely tailed and started to run wild, the entire village began to shiver coldly in the face of that destructive force.

But this time, there will be no more four generations of Hokage to stand up and use their own lives as the price to seal this terrifying monster.

In addition, those ninjas who escaped from the battlefield, without the slightest hesitation, announced the true identity of the nine-tailed vortex naruto, which caused an uproar in an instant.

A hero orphan has become a victim of the power struggle at the top of the village?

For a while, not only the ninjas were angry, but the ordinary villagers were also angry.

In less than ten minutes, the entire Hokage building was surrounded by a swarming crowd.

Especially the two Hokage consultants, who became rats crossing the street on the spot. If it wasn't for the protection of Anbu's people, they would be torn to shreds by the furious crowd in minutes.

You must know that at the end of the Orochimaru Konoha collapse plan, the black material about Konoha that was exposed has already made many people suffocated.

It's just that the five generations of Hokage Tsunade just came back at that time, everyone was too bad, and coupled with the pressure of the external resistance army, we had to temporarily choose peace as the most precious.

But today!

Anyone with discerning eyes could see that Konoha was about to die soon, so naturally he didn't have so many scruples, madly clamoring for the liquidation of the filthy and rotten upper class.

Looking at the lively scene in front of the Naruto building, Sasuke could not help but slightly raised his mouth, and said meaningfully: "How interesting! Those Old Guys who keep on saying for the sake of the village are eventually regarded by them as The villagers and subordinates who should support themselves and understand themselves are regarded as enemies."

"Because they are so stupid! It is naive to think that secrets can be used to keep those dark things from being exposed. I never thought about how to deal with it once it is exposed. Maybe as Alan said, most of the high-level villagers in this ninja world lack enough vision and ability, but they firmly hold the power, and the result is naturally non-stop Create a tragedy." Neji sighed slightly.

As one of the victims, he naturally won't sympathize with the two Old Guys around the three generations of Hokage, but he won't be so extreme like Sasuke, eager to kill the other party himself to vent the accumulated feelings in his heart. resentment.

In fact, when Raikage was killed, most of his resentment for his father's suicide had dissipated.

"I'm going to kill those two old bastards, do you want to come together?" Sasuke offered to invite.

Ningci gently shook the head: "Sorry, I have more important things to do. Enjoy this revenge by yourself."

After that, he followed. Hizu returned to the resident of Hyuga's house together.

As soon as he passed through the gate, Hinata, who was forcibly locked at home, rushed over and asked in a very urgent tone: "Sir Father! I... I heard that Naruto-kun ran out of control. Now, is this true?"

"Ah! It's true. He has completely released the nine tails sealed in his body, and he is wreaking havoc in the forest not far from the village." What to hide, blunt told the truth.

"Ning...Ningci's big brother?! How could you be here?"

Following closely from behind, the little spark stared wide-eyed and couldn't believe he had defected from the village. The Neji, who was still able to swagger back to the village.

She remembered it clearly. On the night after the Chunin exam, the father told herself that everyone in the Hixiang family should not mention Neji again, otherwise they would be dealt with according to family law.

"I'll take you out of Konoha and live in a brand new place." Neji bent down and smiled and squeezed his cousin's cute cheek.

After all, since he knew the truth about father's suicide, he was already not in hating Zong's family, but hating Yun Ren and Konoha's higher-ups even more.


When Hinata heard these two words, her pupils suddenly dilated, contracted, and dilated again, followed by asking in an unbelievable tone: "Sir Father, Are you going to lead our Hinata clan out of Konoha?"

"no! It's not me who will lead you, but you youngsters who will leave Konoha with Neji, me and all the older clansman will Stay and live with Konoha. And from today onwards, Neji is the new patriarch of the Hyuga clan, and all of you must obey his arrangements.”

Hyuga Hizu used an unquestionable attitude. The tone told the daughter of her decision.

As a typical feudal patriarch, his attitude towards his daughter has always been that he only has orders and no negotiation.

However, this time, Hinata, who has always been docile and obedient, resisted fiercely: "No! I will never leave Konoha! I want to stay with you!"

"Stay? Is it for that kid vortex Naruto?" Hizu asked subconsciously frowned.

He is not a fool, he has already noticed the completely different attitude of the eldest daughter when he treats the nine-tailed man Zhuri.

"Yes! If the father wants to ensure the continuation of the family, it is enough to send the sparks away. I have already put on the forehead guard to become a ninja, and naturally I must persist as a ninja to the end." Hinata expressed his position resolutely.

I have to say that her appearance was completely beyond the expectations of everyone present.

In the eyes of most people, the eldest lady of the clan has always shown a soft and weak image.

But who would have thought that at such a critical moment, she would have the courage to stand up and make her own life choices.

Because how I look at it now, the chances of surviving without Konoha are higher.

Looking at the unshakable determination in her daughter's eyes, Rizu reconfirmed: "Have you really made up your mind? Once you decide, there is no way out."

"I figured it out! Let Huo Huo leave with Neji's big brother."

Having said that, Hinata hugged her younger sister tightly in her arms and warned in a low voice repeatedly: "Huo Huo, remember to listen to Neji's big brother in the future, don't be petty, you know?"

"Ah? Elder sister won't come with me?" Huo Huo blinked Blink asked.

"Sorry, elder sister has some more important things to do. If there is fate, we will meet again in the future."

With the last word, Hinata blurted out. He let go of his hand and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and without turning his head, he rushed out of the gate of Hyuga's house and ran towards the battlefield outside the village.

Seeing her retreating back, Neji turned to Hizu and said, "Don't worry! Hinata will be fine. Alan has ordered the people in the organization to take vortex Naruto Bringing back to the Ninja Village alive. So if there is no accident, she should be there too."

"Then please! Patriarch!"

Hyuga Hizu bowed down A respectful bow to this Junior.

He conveyed a clear signal to the entire Hyuga family with practical actions, that is, Neji will be the supreme leader of the entire family from now on.

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