Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 376

Obviously, the fact that the Hinata clan handed over all the youngsters to Neji and left Konoha is naturally impossible to hide from anyone.

even more how, Neji didn't mean to hide anything from beginning to end.

Although at the very beginning, there were still a few people who obeyed the high-level Anbu members and jumped out to try to stop them, but after they were all killed by ruthless, the rest of them chose to keep silent about it. .

Because just two days ago, Yun Ren had notified the other three allies of Raikage's death and his heavy losses.

Now everyone knows that Neji Hyuga is no longer the genius who shined during the Chunin exam, but a powerhouse who dared to kill Yunnin's pursuit troops alone.

And in the end it turned out to be an unbelievably brilliant result!

Including the famous AB group in the ninja world, as well as a large number of young elites, they were all defeated in the first battle.

Except for one of the eight-tailed people, Zhuri, the rest of the corpses were not even complete.

Especially the kind of dense chakra lines sprayed directly from the acupoints, which can destroy most attacks and defensive ninjutsu with no difficulty. Once hit, it will turn into a blood mist.

With the current situation, Konoha has no power to stop such a powerhouse, so he can only let it go.

apart from this, another reason is that the two Naruto consultants have now fallen in a pool of blood and swallowed their last breath.

The one who killed them was none other than Sasuke with a sharp sword.

I saw the avenger of the Uchiha clan gently shake off the blood stained on his sword, and said to those who rushed over in a condescending tone: "This is the grudge between me and them. , I advise you not to get involved, otherwise I don't mind blood-washing this building. Even more how, you have already heard about the details of Naruto's life experience, for such a village full of decay, darkness and filth , do you really want to sacrifice your precious life for it?"

"Sasuke! You bastard!" Iruka's eyes showed a complicated look.

As a person who was completely brainwashed by the will of fire, he couldn't agree with his student's turn to destroy the village.

But at the same time, he was also angry that the high-level officials concealed Naruto's identity and allowed him to be discriminated against by the villagers for more than ten years.

But in any case, the killing of the two Hokage advisors was a blatant humiliation and provocation to Konoha.

Any ninja who still has a sense of belonging to this village will not let the murderer leave so easily.

"Iruka teacher. Times have changed! Ninjas and Ninja Village will slowly withdraw from the stage of history like warriors. Your persistence is meaningless. It seems that the current ninjas don't care at all. The desperate resistance of the warriors is the same." Sasuke threw the two corpses out of the window.

Next second...

Bang! boom!

The tragic death of the two advisors was directly exposed to the public outside the Hokage Building.


The whole square becomes absolute silence!

And Sasuke also disappeared in place after this neutral position.

Although he originally wanted to wreak havoc in the village, now he prefers to slowly enjoy the whole process of Konoha's decline and even its demise.

Because the longer it goes on, the more miserable and desperate those high-level people will be.


At the same time, deep in the woods outside the village, Nine Tails has completely taken over Naruto's consciousness, and is frantically arresting and imprisoning him for nearly a hundred years. The ninja organization takes revenge.

Although it has successfully retaliated once more than ten years ago, it was controlled by Sharinyan at that time, and this time is conscious, and the two naturally have no comparability.

"Go to hell! Humans!"

The nine tails roared and shot a hair of tailed beast jade, tearing up everything within several hundred meters in front of them on the spot, at least six Seven ninjas who were too late to escape the blast were killed instantly.

Different from the other eight tailed beasts with specific attributes, it is the closest to the legendary ten-tailed Divine Tree. Chakra is also a yin and yang escape, not wind, fire, water, soil, and thunder. These five basic attributes and the derived blood descendants.

So unless the same yin and yang escapes are involved, or the kaleidoscope Sharinyan, wood escape, and vortex family sealing techniques involving yin and yang escapes, most ninjutsu can't do anything about it at all.

Even in the immortal mode, at best, it can only match the state of nine tails spare no effort.

"Damn it! We won't be able to hold it any longer this afternoon!"

Five Hokage Tsunade clenched his fists tightly, showing an expression of despair and helplessness.

She is undoubtedly very aware of how unfavorable the current situation is for her side, but she can't come up with a good solution.

After all, she is a medical ninja, and most of the time she is responsible for logistical work such as treating the wounded.

As for the battle strength...

Maybe it's strong in the eyes of ordinary ninjas, but it's still a little bit worse than the batch of cream of the crop.

When it was replaced by the previous Konoha talent, this would naturally not be too obvious.

But now, with Jiraiya being beaten into a coma by Nagato, Kakashi lost his dive might, and his strength dropped sharply. Tsunade has actually become the highest battle strength on the surface in the village. .

As for Mike Kay, who lost an arm, he tried to open the Eight Sects Dunjia several times to completely suppress the Nine-Tails, but was stopped.

Because the enemies that Konoha needs to face right now are not only the runaway Nine-Tails Zhuri, but also Uchiha Sasuke, who is extremely hostile to the village, the rebel army that blooms everywhere in the country of fire, has Samsara Eye and secretly The collection-tailed beast plans to revive Akatsuki, the legendary ten-tailed organization.

"Naruto-sama! Let those ordinary ninjas retreat, don't continue to make unnecessary sacrifices. As for the nine tails, I will lead it to a place where no one is, and wait for Naruto to regain consciousness. Let's talk."

At this critical moment, it was Kakashi who took the initiative to take the initiative to undertake this dangerous mission with a mortality rate of 90%.

But before Tsunade could reply, a golden silhouette suddenly flew out of Kyuubi's stomach.


Kakashi's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

Not only him, but others around him raised their heads and stared at the golden silhouette standing in midair.

"Fourth generation! Isn't he already dead?" Tsunade's face also showed shock and astonishment.

That's right!

This silhouette is none other than Konoha's four generations of Hokage, known as the golden shining wave Fengshui Sect, and also Naruto's biological father.

As the will of the Nine-Tails was completely freed and controlled, the chakra that was sealed in his stomach was finally awakened.

Looking at the chaotic situation around, Minato immediately frowned and muttered to himself: "What's going on? Why did Naruto suddenly go berserk? Even I can only feel the sadness in his emotions. , anger and hatred?"

"Hahahaha! Watergate! Do you want to know the truth? Then ask the villagers you sacrificed to protect! They will tell you why this child chose to put his body Leave it to me." Nine Tails gave advice with a wild laugh.

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