Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 377

Despite being suspicious of the Nine-Tails' words, Minato decides to be kind.

After all, he is only in a state similar to Remnant Soul plus Chakra, and there is no way to confront this strongest tailed beast head-on, and trying to communicate with Naruto has failed, so the only way All you have to do is figure out the situation first.

Without any hesitation!

The fourth-generation Hokage directly locked the Disciple Kakashi, who was most familiar with him, in the crowd, and Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, flew over and asked, "What is going on with all this? ?"

"teacher? You're not dead!" Kakashi was so excited that his hands were shaking slightly.

To know that his short life can be described as extremely tragic.

First, when I was young, I watched the father was forced to commit suicide amid rumors, followed by the teenager and lost the two most important companions, and finally even the teacher and the teacher were both in the Nine-Tails Rebellion. die.

It's just a standard Scorpio Lone Star template.

It's no wonder that he fell into darkness for a long time later, and was even favored by people like Danzo.

Now, at first glance, seeing the teacher come back to life, the emotion that has been suppressed for more than ten years in my heart finally burst out.

"no! I am indeed dead. What you see now is just a conscious body condensed by Remnant Soul and Chakra. And I exist for a limited time, you most want to keep it short If Naruto's consciousness can't be awakened, then the situation will move towards the worst possible development."

Minato apparently didn't have much time to waste on reminiscing about the past, and the two stared at the nine tails. His eyes were full of worry.

As a father, what he hopes most right now is to free Naruto from that self-enclosed state.

What's interesting is that all the Konoha ninjas present, including Tsunade, had expressions of shame on their faces.

Anyone with a sense of shame would never agree that the decision made by the three generations, Danzo and the two advisors was to protect Naruto, the orphan of the fourth generation.

Even if you want to hide and protect the newcomer Zhuli, you must protect their basic living needs.

But what did these old farts do?

Even the most basic living allowances are not paid in place!

And spread rumors to disgust and isolate this hero's son from all the villagers.

even more how, there are many high-level children of Konoha, and there are not a few who hide their identities.

Take the three generations of Hokage as an example, his son Asma left Konoha when he was young to be the guardian of the Ninja in the Kingdom of Fire, and his grandson Konoha Maru was even more unscrupulous in the village. Play pranks.

How come a double standard came directly to Naruto?

Feeling that the surrounding atmosphere seemed a little wrong, Minato immediately realized that his son's rampage was probably related to the decision made by the village's top management after his death, and immediately turned his attention to Tsunade who was beside him.

The latter knew that he had to give an explanation, and rather helplessly sighed, without omission and in detail, recounted what happened in the village after the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

When she heard that the village for which she sacrificed her life actually treated Naruto like this, even the good-natured Minato became angry, gritted his teeth and asked, "This is what the three generations of adults mean. , or Danzo?"

"Sorry, I don't know. Because whether it's my teacher three generations or Danzo, they're all dead. The two advisors are now estimated to have been killed by Uchiha Sasuke, No one knows what happened back then, why did they arrange Naruto like this." Tsunade replied with a wry smile.

She has a bold personality, and she doesn't even have the courage to lift the head to look into each other's eyes at this moment.

Sometimes, she herself feels that Konoha has become like this, and indeed, as Alan said, it has no value in existence.

"Okay! I see! It seems that Naruto felt that the whole world had deceived him because he was strongly stimulated. He took the initiative to cut off all contact with the outside world and handed over his body to Jiu. Tail to control. Now, what we have to do is to wake him up first, try to gather his normally best friends and companions..."

Not waiting for the watergate handle, which is full of fire After speaking, Obito, who was wearing a mask and the uniform of Akatsuki, suddenly cut into the battlefield, and just one look turned the strongest tailed beast into his pet.

As the eyes of the Nine-Tails changed into the shape of a wheel-shaped eye, all those who experienced the Nine-Tails Rebellion showed a look of fear and despair.

"Sorry, the nine-tails are ours now."

Obito directly activates the kaleidoscope ability, sending himself and the nine-tails into the dive might space.

"no! !!!!!"

Although Minato tried to use the Flying Thunder God to catch up, the speed at which the double divide might be activated is far faster than that of all other space ninjutsu. superior.

Disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

For a while, the entire battlefield became absolute silence.

Although the threat of the nine tails disappeared, no one could laugh at it.

Especially Minato, who originally planned to use this opportunity to talk to his son, but in the end he couldn't do anything.

And under the protection of losing the power of the seal, his chakra is dissipating at an extremely fast speed, and he will leave this world forever in a few minutes at most.


On the other side, Obito, who successfully captured the nine tails and even the man Zhuli, did not stop, and brought it directly to Alan: "Here! This is what you want. Nine tails."

"You did good! It seems that there are only eight tails and three tails left, and the task of collecting all nine tailed beasts can be declared complete."

Alan watched Vortex Naruto fell unconscious on the ground with a satisfied smile on his face.

"The more you have to be careful at this time! Do you know who I saw just now? Fengshui Sect, the fourth Hokage wave! He seems to have left some chakras and souls in the seal. things." Obito reminded meaningfully.

But Alan didn't care, and spread out his hands with a smile: "So what? It's just a wisp of Remnant Soul, even if he appears in person, it can't change anything. Even more how, I am very fond of vortex. Naruto's future has a better arrangement."

"Better arrangement?" Obito grasped a key word keenly.

"Yeah! You don't know yet! Sasuke is actually the chakra reincarnation of Six Paths immortal eldest son Indra, and vortex Naruto is the reincarnation of the second son Asura chakra. From some To a certain extent, they are all Child of Destiny, with a fate that has been entangled for thousands of years. With a little training and guidance, they will all become the right-hand man in the final battle."

Alan did not hide the gods, Generously stated his intentions.

After this rampage, it is almost certain that vortex Naruto is impossible to return to Konoha.

The lie and deceit have made this boy lose his trust in the village and in all the acquaintances around him, plus the ninjas who have killed too many Konoha after losing control, both psychologically and physically. Transformation is bound to happen.

At this moment, whoever can tell him more truths and secrets, he will be on whose side.

"Indra and Asura? The two sons of Six Paths immortal?" Obito opened his mouth in surprise.

"It's a long story, if you're interested, I can tell you it slowly. Also, Madara Uchiha and Senju Hakuma happen to be too."

After saying this, Alan stretched out a finger and gently pressed the strangely shaped seal on Naruto's stomach, feeling the chakra that belonged to half of the Nine-Tails inside.

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