Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 378

More than 200 kilometers away from Yinin Village, another stronghold secretly built by Orochimaru.

Touhou, Hei Jue and Oni Shark are gathering here for the final preparations for the reincarnation of Uchiha Madara.

Especially the ghost shark, with his rich undercover experience for many years, quickly won the trust of the first two people.

All right!

It's not trustworthy either!

To be precise, whether it is a pocket or a black, it is regarded as a valuable tool.

The latter even wanted him to play the role of a double agent, secretly monitoring the former's every move.

No one knows at all, he is actually the person that the leader of the Xiao organization, Nagato, placed here to monitor Dou and Hei Jue.

It has to be said that this is indeed a rather ironic thing.

On the one hand, the most annoying thing about ghost sharks is to be a spy, but they can't get rid of their spy status.

On the other hand, Hei Jue thinks that everyone is playing with applause, but under the exposure of Alan, he has become a clown, and everyone around him is admiring his hard-working performance.

But he didn't know it at all, and still tried to hide in secret to control the situation and complete his plan that had been prepared for thousands of years.

"Whoo - finally ready! Do you want to start now?" He lifted the head and stared at Hei Jue's eyes probed.

"Of course! Let's start! I can't wait to see him come back to life." Hei gave an affirmative answer without hesitation.


"Ninja - the art of reincarnation from the dirty earth!"

With a clear voice in this all black, no Daylight's basement echoed, and a huge coffin slowly rose from the ground.

Just as the coffin lid was about to open, Hei Jue suddenly ordered: "You two go out for a while! I need a little time to be alone with this lord."

"No problem!"

"As you wish!"

Ghost shark and Dou looked at each other, then turned and left without the slightest hesitation.

After they were completely gone, the coffin slowly opened the lid, and a man in red armor walked out.

He is none other than the famous ninja world Asura, the only best friend and rival of the first Hokage Senju, and also Madara Uchiha who firmly believes in the Moon Eyes plan.

I saw this once-powerhouse powerhouse first feel his physical condition, and then immediately frowned and asked: "What's going on? Why didn't I resurrect? Is there something wrong with the plan?"

"Sir Madara! I'm very sorry, but I had to bring you back from the Pure Land summon in this way first. There was indeed a big flaw in the plan. To be precise, there was a person who appeared and made the whole plan go wrong. It's out of the way of the original track."

Hei Jue, who has no shame, immediately put on a loyal look, and explained the changes in the entire ninja world before and after Alan appeared.

At the same time, he did not forget to secretly observe each other's expressions and eyes.

Obviously, this guy is very afraid that Madara also, like Nagato, has a strong interest in overthrowing the old order and establishing a new era, and finally put the matter of collecting tailed beasts aside.

"Oh? You mean...someone wants to end the era of ninjas? Even one of the five great kingdoms has been wiped out, and the other four are in jeopardy?" Madara touched the chin with a playful look smile.

Hei Jue hurriedly nodded: "That's right! Right now, the entire ninja world is full of organizations called the Resistance Army. They recklessly kill daimyo and nobles, compressing the living space of the ninja village. Alan's guy also joined Akatsuki and keeps collecting tailed beasts, and seems to be very interested in the power of the legendary ten tails."

"Interesting little fellow! It seems that during the period after my death In addition, what about Obito? What is he doing recently?"

Madara suddenly thought of the young Uchiha who was completely pulled into the darkness by him.

"That guy Obito is searching for the traces of the three tails. As soon as it is resurrected, the plan to resurrect the ten tails will start immediately. At that time, those weak powers will not have time to respond." Hei Jue Explained in a disdainful tone.

Madara heard this remark, and immediately couldn't help laughing loudly, laughing and saying, "Hahahahaha! Hasuma! Did you see it? This is the result of refusing to listen to my advice in the first place! Humans The greed of the people is endless! There must be an absolutely powerful force to dominate everything! Otherwise, the war and chaos will never disappear."

"Yes! This person is you!" Black complimented him without any hesitation.

"Let's go! Let's leave this hellish place first and go to meet the threat you mentioned. I'd like to see what kind of youngster can change his forbearance by virtue of his strength of oneself. World."

Speaking, Madara Uchiha was about to walk towards the tunnel leading to the outside.

But before he could take a few steps, Hei Jue stopped him and reminded him quickly: "Sir Ban, you are in a state of reincarnation now, it is best not to be too many people. It's better to know. Even more how, Obito is under your name right now, once it's a gang, it will be very troublesome."

"hmph! It's okay! I'm just going to meet that youngster named Alan. And After so many years, I'm afraid not many people will recognize me anymore."

As this sentence blurted out, Madara disappeared instantly.

Because of the speed, Dou and the ghost shark didn't even have time to react. They only felt a silhouette brushing past him, and a cold sweat broke out all over his body.

Because this means that if the people who passed by just now want to kill them, it will definitely not be much more difficult than eating and drinking.


Absolute strength rolling!

This kind of gap like a natural moat suddenly makes the pocket, which has been a little swollen recently, show lingering fears in the eyes.

And the ghost shark, who already knew that the reincarnation object of the dirty earth was Madara Uchiha, secretly felt trembling in fear, and couldn't believe that Asura of the ninja world would terrifying to such an extent.

But now, none of that matters.

The important thing is how to get this news to Nagato without anyone finding out.

Just when the two guys at the door were each having their own ghosts, Hei Jue finally came out of the ground and threatened in an unquestionable tone: "Remember! You didn't see anything just now, understand. Is it? Otherwise, the grown-up will be unhappy! If he is unhappy, no one will know how terrifying things will happen."

"Understood! I have always been very strict." The first to stand up.

"Me too!"

Seeing that the two are so interesting, Hei Jue was immediately satisfied and nodded: "Very good! If there is an opportunity, I will say a few words for you in front of that adult."

tone barely fell!

He went straight into the ground in front of the pocket and the ghost shark and went after Madara Uchiha...

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