Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 379

"Verna Lazas, do you feel it? That belongs to Nine-Tails' unique Chakra! Ten-Tails Divine Tree is as expected, a typical bio-energy collector. This means that the so-called The chakra fruit is actually the crystallization of countless life energies."

Alan put his hand on Naruto's stomach, his eyes flashing with excited rays of light.

I don't know what Six Paths immortal thought when they created the nine-tailed beasts. The difference in strength between the tailed beasts and the tailed beasts is simply outrageous.

Especially the nine tails, which are two completely different levels from the previous eight.

Even if the Nine-Tails sealed in Naruto's body is only half chakra, he can still hang the Ranked 2nd's Eight-Tailed Bull Demon.

Obviously, if ten tails are compared to a big tree, then one to eight tails are the branches of the tree, and nine tails are the typical trunk.

It's a pity that half of the nine-tailed chakras can't be drawn out yet, so I can only wait patiently for the three-tailed revival.

“en! I feel it! The medium contained in it far exceeds the sum of the other eight-tailed beasts. By collecting energy, purifying, concentrating, and finally forming an essence that can change the essence of life, The biotechnology of this group of aliens is really incredible. If we can capture and devour the Divine Tree, then we can directly extract energy directly from the planet itself."

When talking about this remark, Will said Narasas's tone was full of excitement and anticipation.

In her opinion, the efficiency of simply devouring individual organisms is too low, how can it be faster to extract energy from the planet itself.

It doesn't take much, just draw once to make the two instantly ascend to another Life Level.

Alan agreed with nodded: "Yeah! We don't even need to drain a planet completely like Kaguya did, we only need to extract half or even one third, and we can get unimaginable immediately. Huge strength."

"But the problem is! If Kaguya really swallows nearly half of the life energy of the planet under her feet, or even one third, then she is far more powerful than we imagined." Verna Lazas reminded in a low voice.

"Don't worry! Kaguya's original aptitude wasn't good, and she wasn't good at fighting, and she didn't even develop her full potential at all. Although she was already on the Life Level, she could be called Goddess, but not a true powerhouse, let alone face death. As long as we show the ability to kill her, she will run away like a frightened kitten." Alan explained meaningfully.

Is Kaguya strong?

From the perspective of life force, she is already the most powerful individual on this planet.

But what about her battle strength and battle awareness?


It can be said to be rateless!

As a god who devoured this planet one third and even half of her life energy, it would be fine if she was defeated and sealed by her two sons, but she was later killed by Naruto and Sasuke. It was sealed again, and it was so embarrassing that it was thrown into my grandma's house.

Especially in the battle method, there is no skill at all from the beginning to the end. It simply uses bloodline and energy to crush the opponent, and has never developed any unique ability.

And from Kaguya's life experience, it is not difficult to see that this woman is extremely afraid of injury and death.

So from the beginning to the end, Alan didn't regard Kaguya as a real opponent, just as a prey, that's all.

"I suggest you better be careful! Anyway, that's an individual with a Life Level far above ours."

After all, Verna Lazas A tentacle-like thing was transformed, and they were inserted into the seal on Naruto's abdomen, slowly extracting the medium in half of the nine-tailed body.

Although the efficiency of this method is far less than that of sealing it into Alan's body, it can be counted as a little bit.

With the influx of a large number of media, she is no longer satisfied with storing energy, but wants to transform into an energy collector, just like the ten-tailed Divine Tree.

But she is obviously very dissatisfied with the efficiency of the Divine Tree yielding fruit only once in a thousand years, so she plans to use her special bloodline of red dragons to make some improvements and shorten the process as much as possible.

Just as Alan quietly watched those who were trying to extract the nine-tailed medium from Naruto's body, a dark figure suddenly opened the door and walked in slowly from the outside.

You must know that his room is a forbidden area in Yinin Village, and only a few people such as Dou, Neji and Xianglin are qualified to enter and leave.

And these people would knock on the door before entering or leaving, never being so rude and rude.

After realizing this, Alan instantly went into battle and opened the circle to wrap the entire room in it.

When the invisible thoughts were completely spread out, he immediately discovered that the intruder was not a living person, but a deceased reincarnated from the filth. No wonder there was no response to tracking the humanoid creature.

Thinking of the news that Obito had provided not long ago, the identity of the other party was immediately revealed.

"Are you Alan?" Sombra asked, staring at two scarlet eyes.

"Ah! It's me! Are you the legendary ninja world Asura Uchiha Madara?" Alan lifts the head to look at him without showing weakness.

The two looked at each other like this for half a minute before Madara couldn't help laughing: "Hahahaha! What an imposing manner! Good eyes! As expected of breaking the pattern of the Five Powers for the entire Renren The youngster who brought drastic changes to the world."

"Thanks for the compliment! But you came back from the world of the dead specially, shouldn't you come to praise me?" Alan asked meaningfully.

"No! Of course not!" Madara softly shook the head. "You don't seem to be surprised by my appearance. This means that you have already seen through Obito's identity."

"Isn't this obvious. If the famous Madara Uchiha also You can wear a mask to hide your head and show your tail, so how can it become a powerhouse with the same name as the original Hokage Senju. Although I'm not quite clear who the guy who claims to be you is, I can't feel any powerhouse from him. Breath." Alan explained with a deliberately casual look.

To be honest, he didn't expect Madara Uchiha to find himself so quickly after being reincarnated from the dirt.

I also don't know what this mental disorder is trying to do.

"You're right! Obito is like a mouse accustomed to living in the sewers, and it will always have its own power. No matter how you disguise it, it's just my inferior shadow in the end. But you Different, I see strong self-confidence and even conceit in you. Tell me, why did you join Akatsuki? Or what is your purpose for joining Akatsuki?" Madara went straight to the topic without any nonsense.

"For the tailed beast! To be exact, for the resurrection of the ten tails!" Alan gave the answer without thinking.

"Resurrection Ten Tails?" Spotted subconsciously frowned.

"Yes! Don't you wonder what happens when nine such amazing energies are brought together? And tailed beasts are just tailed beasts? At least from my current research It can be known that there are some unknown secrets hidden in their bodies..."

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