Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 380

In order to convince Madara that he is really interested in Tailed Beasts, Alan deliberately revealed some characteristics of Tailed Beast Chakras.

Because the nine-tailed beasts belonged to different ninja villages before, no one has ever done any research in this area.

There are many points of view, all of which make Madara have an amazing feeling.

Although he was not very interested in these things, he began to gradually believe that the youngster in front of him was indeed full of interest in tailed beasts, otherwise he would not have taken a huge risk to seal so many tailed beasts. in your own body.

But out of obsession with the Moon Eye plan, after being silent for just two 3 minutes, the arrogant man finally asked, "When are you going to seal the tailed beast in your body? Into the outsider golem?"

"Soon! From a few weeks to a few months."

Alan roughly estimated how many tailed beasts were left. Pick up speed and give a deadline right away.

He understood that the reason why the other party was looking for him as soon as he was reincarnated from the dirt was to ensure that the plan to resurrect the ten tails would not go wrong.

As long as this can be guaranteed, Madara doesn't care about anything else.

"Okay! As a reward for you messing with the five kingdoms, I'll give you this time!"

As expected, Madara happily agreed.

"Thank you very much!"

Alan pretended to be humble and owed a debt to the ninja senior.

But Madara smiled and shook the head: "No! Don't thank me, you deserve it. Also, aren't you curious, what is the ultimate goal of Akatsuki's organization to collect tailed beasts? "

"No!" Alan without the slightest hesitation gave a negative answer. "I'm only focused on my own field and have absolutely no interest in what's going on outside. Whatever you want to do, or what the organization wants to do, that's your business, not mine."

"hahahaha! Funny! It's so funny! I've never met anyone as funny as you. Also, I heard you have a kaleidoscope too?"

At the mention of this, Madara's eyes instantly turned into the shape of an eternal kaleidoscope.

"That's right!"

Alan also opened his peculiar kaleidoscope writing wheel.

After a brief collision of pupil power, a surprised expression appeared on Madara's face: "The rumor is actually true! Are you sure you don't have a bloodline from the Uchiha clan?"

"Of course! Pretty sure! It's my ability, not bloodline inheritance."

Alan rubbed his eyes with a deliberately painful look.

The best way to deal with a conceited guy like Madara is to put yourself in a weak position.

As a result, no matter what you do, Madara will feel nothing to worry about.

After all, if such a perfect Kaguya resurrection container ran away, he would not be able to find a suitable replacement for a while.

"Ability? Ah! I remember it! It's the kind of power called mind! If you don't mind, can you show it to me?"

Although this sentence is It was said in a negotiating tone, but from the expression on Madara's face, it was easy to see that it was actually an order.

"Yes! But it doesn't seem to work here, how about we move to another place?"

tone barely fell!

Alan instantly disappeared in place.

And Madara follows closely from behind, galloping at speeds barely discernible by naked eyes.

In just a few minutes, the two of them one after the other came to a lawn near the river.

Because of the state of reincarnation, Madara not only returned to her youth, but also possessed an almost infinite Chakra, as well as an Immortal Body in the true sense.

Therefore he did not hesitate at all, and directly instructed: "Attack here! Use your strongest attack! I want to see what is so special about this power called mind."


"As you wish!"

Alan without saying a word, directly gathered a lot of qi on his right fist to form invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable hardness.

The next second...


As soon as his fist swung out, half of Madara's body disappeared, and the original slowly Confidence is all frozen in the face.

Although the reincarnated body does not have the powerful defensive ability like the real body, being able to knock down half of the body with one punch is definitely not something that ordinary ninjutsu can do.

Even the fists of Qianshouzhujian were not so terrifying!


In just a few seconds, the damaged body has been repaired.

Recalling the astonishing destructive power of the blow just now, Banana's face showed a thoughtful expression: "Is this a thought? Naked eye can't see it, but can feel it. No wonder the ordinary person is in After learning these, I can actually drive the ninja into a dead end in a very short period of time."

"This is just the basic application of mind! According to each person's personality, growth experience and deepest desire, it is You can also develop a variety of interesting abilities. Unfortunately, you are now reincarnated from the dirt, and you cannot accept human body transformation at all, let alone learn and use mind." Alan sighed with regret.

To be honest, he is quite curious about what kind of interesting abilities people like Madara Uchiha and Chishou Hasuma will develop.

But Madara responded indifferently: "It's nothing to regret. This kind of power is interesting, but it's not that important to me anymore. Remember, get rid of those tails in your body as soon as possible. The beast is sealed into the heretic golem. If you dare to deceive me, then the next time I come, I won't have this attitude."

After saying that, he instantly disappeared without a trace.

However, within a few seconds of Madara's forefoot leaving, Heijue's rear foot came out of the ground and asked urgently, "Are you finished talking?"

"en! It's over! Unexpectedly, the master behind Akatsuki's organization is really Madara Uchiha. If you don't mind, can you tell me what you are going to do next? As far as I know, Payne seems to be still in the dark." Alan meaningful probed.

"hmph! You don't need to worry about this, Mr. Madara will handle it himself. I hope he will be as aware of current affairs as you, otherwise the end may be very miserable." Hei Jue put on a gesture Deputy loyal dog-leg appearance.

"It's so terrifying! It made my heart skip a beat. It seems that the leader can only ask for his own blessings, and others can't help him."

Alan pretending He gently patted his chest while letting the red dragon detect Hei Jue's life status.

Just now, he had switched all of the hunter's tracking skills, but none of the tracking skills could reveal what the black oil-like thing in front of him was.

It's not a humanoid, not an elemental creature, and it's not a mess of dragons, wild beasts, giants, etc.

Strictly speaking, it should be the same as the tailed beast. It is an unknown life born from the combination of pure consciousness and energy.

As for those black liquids, it's a bit like a melted jade...

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