Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 381

Alan is undoubtedly quite interested in what the hell is a black jerk.

It's a pity that he can't catch this guy and study it for the time being, and he can only watch the other side re-drill into the ground, disappeared without a trace.

When it was confirmed that the guy had gone far away, Alan stretched out his left hand to create a tennis-sized jade, and said with great interest: "Chakra is really an interesting thing, isn't it? It seems to be different from what we think is just pure energy, it can also have life and consciousness."

"No! You are wrong! There are actually two types of chakra. One is from within your own cells. The extracted life energy, this part is the embodiment of your own life force and spirit. But the other part is the natural energy drawn from the surrounding environment and even the entire planet, or it can also be called other biological energy. This part is due to the fact that it is derived from other biological energy. It is absorbed from the body, so it will inevitably carry all the remnants of the creature's consciousness and thoughts. I think that the Black Jue and the Tailed Beast are not so much created as they are to bring those messy consciousness together and guide them in a certain way. , transformation."

Verna Lazas offered a different point of view.

She has seen with her own eyes the human beings who have become Bai Jue in the infinite moon reading, and she also understands that no life and consciousness can be born out of thin air, just like she has experienced a period of growth before Gradually gain independent thinking and awareness.

If Hei Jue is really created by Kaguya at the moment of being sealed, then it is impossible that it is a life created from nothing.

"Transformation? You mean...the black is definitely the remnants of those who have been hit by the infinite moon reading human consciousness?" Alan touched the chin and fell into contemplation.

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows. But the black slime that composes his body is indeed created by yin and yang, and it is 80% the same as the material of Daoyu, and it is necessary to destroy it. A very difficult thing." Verna Lazas replied in a low voice.

"Well, it seems that it was the right choice not to act rashly. Otherwise, once this guy escapes, it will not be easy to find it again."

Having said that, Alan performed space ninjutsu again and went directly back to his own room in the sound ninja village.

But just as he passed through the black tunnel, he suddenly found that the swordsmith uncle was waiting for him with a "flame demon sword" in both hands.

It is different from the blade blank when it was forged. Now it has a beautiful hilt and scabbard. .

Including the scabbard and handle, the entire weapon is over one meter five in length.

The first two are made of molten dog skin and Black Dragon skin, so they look red and black, giving a very wild impression.

And because it completely follows the actual combat design, there are not too many fancy decorations from head to toe, just the eye of Savras near the sword grid, which constantly flashes the light of crimson and heat.

"Finally finished?"

Alan took it straight and pulled it out without saying a word, feeling the amazing power contained in this weapon.

"Yes! It's all done! This is the greatest achievement of my life, and perhaps the most powerful a saber in the entire ninja world. It's stronger and sharper than anything else, if it weren't for yours Help, I may not even be able to melt mysterious metals and materials. Even if thrown into lava or molten iron, it will still be unscathed."

When talking about this remark, the fifty The face of the old knifemaker was full of pride and pride.

Even in order to create the flame demon sword, his hands have been abolished three times. If it weren't for medical ninjutsu and healing potions, he would be a standard disabled person now.

"Thank you! This is the reward I promised you."

Alan immediately took out the box that had been prepared in advance and placed it in front of the other party.

No more, no less, a full 100 million taels.

Although this sword is not produced by any dungeons or related quests, the one-handed sword proficiency of up to 300 points came into play instantly.

Combined with the sword techniques he learned from various ninjutsu scrolls, he can use the Divine Item in his hand to the most huge might with almost no effort.

Especially with the hunter's two near-battle skills, "Raptor Strike" and "Mongoose Bite", it can definitely cause amazing damage in an instant.

"Then I'm welcome! If you want to build something in the future, you can come to the Iron Country to find me at any time."

The swordsmith Uncle carried the full The heavy chest of money, turned and disappeared at the end of the dim tunnel.

And Alan lightly stroked the blade of the flame demon sword and instantly activated the copy ability.

The next second...

The same weapon becomes two!

After all, dual-wielding for melee hunters is king!

According to the original plan, he should be holding the Wind Sword in one hand and the flame demon sword in the other.

But unfortunately, under the illumination of the "Black Hand Halo", the Imprisoned Skull has not even seen a shadow until now, and can only make do with dual-wielding flame demon swords.

For Alan, who has far surpasses human extreme physical ability and reaction speed, the obstacle of using two weapons at the same time is almost equal to none.

Just the opposite!

Under the blessing of terrifying nerve reflex speed, this Two Swords is like an extension of the arm, which can easily perform many difficult movements, and it looks like a elf dancing from a distance.

It's just that this dance is a dance of death.

Any enemy shrouded in the flames of the crimson will be slaughtered by the ruthless no matter what.

After a little practice for about ten minutes, Alan quickly put away the weapon and fixed it behind him with the rope and bracket prepared in advance, instead of placing the two weapons in the weapon bar of the hunter occupation panel.

Doing this will not only speed up the suddenness and speed of the sword-drawn attack, but also enjoy the base stats of an extra 45 points of Dexterity and 22 points of Stamina from the Polearm Spider's Eye.

In simple terms, it is to equip weapons with higher attributes and use weapons with higher damage and stronger destructive power.

To a certain extent, this should be considered a loophole in the game system.

If it is changed to before crossing, 80% will be sanctioned by the game administrator.

But now, let alone the gamemaster, there is no one alive in the entire game world except Alan.

So he has started to go from following the rules at first to drilling whenever he finds a loophole.

I'm even thinking about how to keep those relevant memories in my mind forever without removing business skills.

In this way, he can learn all the most important business skills such as blacksmithing, enchanting and alchemy at the same time, without having to worry about which two to choose.

After all, the biggest difference between people in the real world and characters in the game is that they have unlimited learning ability.

No matter what it is, as long as it is a systematic thing, there is no reason to learn it.

Deleting business skills cause related amnesia?

It's okay!

You can make detailed notes before deleting it, and then learn it back little by little with your own efforts.

For a person with an almost infinite lifespan, the most important thing is time.

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