Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 382

Just as Alan was planning how to break the rules and restrictions and learn all the important business skills, Madara finally found the only one he designated after his death in a small town in the border area of the Fire Nation. successor - with soil.

After many years, when the two Uchihas met again, they didn't speak for several minutes, just silently turned on the kaleidoscope and looked at each other.

About two 3 minutes later, Banana took the lead and said, "long time no see, you seem to have matured a lot."

"This is not something as it should be by rights After all, almost twenty years have passed, and I am no longer the ignorant teenager I used to be." Obito responded meaningfully.

Although at this moment, he wished he could tear the real murderer who killed Lin in front of him to shreds, he just pretended to be nonchalant.

Because true deep love and hatred are by no means superficial, let alone crying, dying or living like dog-blood idol dramas, but will settle in the bottom of my heart, Become an unshakable faith and persistence.

Obviously, the current belt soil is in such a state.

From the moment he made up his mind to take revenge on the two secret masterminds, he was silently enduring and gathering strength, only waiting for the last moment.

"Yeah! It's been so many years unconsciously."

There was a hint of emotion in Madara's tone, completely unaware of how dangerous this pawn under his control had become.

But soon, he changed the conversation and asked with a faint smile: "What is Nagato doing recently? I heard that he seems to be obsessed with helping the rebels overthrow the Shinobi village, nobles and daimyo, To establish a new order, I have not cared much about catching tailed beasts."

Obito gently nodded: "en! That's right! That's right. But I have found it. Another substitute."

"You mean the boy named Alan? I've seen him just now, and I've also felt that power called mind. As a youngster, he's really good , and he also has quite unique views on the tailed beast. Unfortunately, like most people in this world, he has not been able to get rid of the way of thinking of mortals. But you and I are different, we have all tasted real sadness, felt pain and Helpless, only the Moon Eye Project can create a truly peaceful world."

When Madara said this remark, she was full of responsibility and domineering.

He was never a bad guy by nature.

Just the opposite!

This guy has an overdone sense of justice, a strong conceit and a lack of political vision, so he was crippled by Hei Jue.

His actions are a testament to how stupid and terrifying things can happen when someone with great personal power but no management skills wants to change the world.

"You believe that youngster named Alan?" Obito deliberately probed with a playful look.

"Believe! Because in front of me, he can't make any waves. Even more how, didn't he take the initiative to seal Yiwei into the heretic golem? This also means that he I didn't plan to seal all the nine-tailed beasts into my body." Madara replied casually.

In his mind, unless he can gather all nine tailed beasts and resurrect ten at the same time, the difference between one tailed beast and eight tailed beasts is not big.

As long as he intends, he can use the power of the eternal kaleidoscope to control all tailed beasts at any time.

Obito understood Madara's thoughts very well, and reminded him deliberately in a low voice: "I advise you to be careful. Although I don't know why Alan joined Akatsuki, he and Nagato There is obviously some secret agreement that we don't know about. Also, what are you going to do about Nagato? Take his Samsara Eye directly, or..."

"No hurry! I'm not ready for a showdown with Nagato for the time being, let him continue to indulge in the illusion that he is a savior."

It is not difficult to see from Madara's attitude that he never organized this Akatsuki from beginning to end. the leader in the eyes.

"Why don't you directly control Nagato to perform the reincarnation innate technique?" Obito asked very puzzled.

"Because it's not when the time comes! Akatsuki is now helping the rebels to suppress and consume those Great Shinobi villages. If I have a showdown with Nagato at this time, it is equivalent to helping the enemy. So I would rather Wait for a while." explained blunt.

Although he has only been reincarnated from the dirt, he has already learned about the current situation in the ninja world from Hei Jue.

Among them, Iwanin, who has disappeared, can naturally be ignored directly. Sand Ninja, who has lost its tail beast and became second-rate, and Kirin, who is trapped on an isolated island, are also not worth wasting too much thought.

This also means that in the entire ninja world, only Konoha and Yun Ninja still retain a considerable degree of power.

If these two Ninja villages are let go, it will definitely have a certain impact on the plan.

So Madara prefers to maintain the posture of reincarnation first, and then collect all the tailed beasts before going to Nagato for a showdown, so that Akatsuki, an organization that should not have appeared in the first place, completely withdraws from the stage of history.

"Understood! But you'd better be careful about Dou and Gui Sha, these two guys are not our people."

After saying this, Obito cast The Divine of Kaleidoscope Shakers might disappear in place.

Less than five seconds after he left his forefoot, Hei Jue crawled out of the ground and asked in an uncertain tone, "Have you seen Obito?"

"I have seen it! As you said, this guy is no longer satisfied with being a chess piece, but wants to replace me as a chess player. It's a pity that he has no idea what we have left in his body. The back door." Madara responded with a sneer.

"What are you going to do next? Are you just waiting for the news of Sanwei's resurrection?"

Madara smiled and looked the head: "no! Of course not! I'm going to go to Konoha and see for myself what the village founded by Hasuma has become."

"Go to Konoha?"

Hei Jue was obviously stunned.

He never dreamed that this extremely proud, conceited guy in front of him would want to go to the Leaf Village at this time.

"Let's go! Take one last look before the place is completely destroyed. I hope the descendants of Hakuma and Disciples will not be too disappointing."

End this remark, Banana jumped and disappeared into the depths of the dense woods without looking back.

Looking at his retreating back, Hei Jue suddenly frowned and muttered to himself: "Is this the fate of Indra and Asura who have been entangled for thousands of years? At this time, they still think about each other. Fight. I hope that when the plan is about to succeed, nothing will happen."

There is no doubt that in Hei Jue's eyes, no one can be trusted except himself.

As it happens, in Madara's eyes, apart from himself and Hei Jue, no one else is trustworthy.

And it was their distrust and concealment that gave Alan an opportunity.

These two guys don't know at all, the entire Xiao organization already knows their plan, as well as the ancestor of Chakra who was sealed inside the moon.

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