Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 383

The appearance of spots is a major event for many people.

Especially the core members of Akatsuki's organization, one of each one returned to Yuren Village after hearing the news, and began to discuss the countermeasures intensely.

Among them, Deidara, who has a rebellious personality, shouted loudly: "Isn't it Madara Uchiha! If he dares to come, I will show him what the ultimate art is. I have already I learned new recipes and blasting methods from Alan, and I promise to keep him coming and going."

"Sorry, although I don't want to hit you, but I still want to say that with your reaction speed, I'm afraid it's too late to detonate The bomb will be instantly killed by Madara Uchiha. His speed is so fast that even naked eyes can't catch it." The ghost shark took the initiative to describe Madara's horror.

As a witness, he will never forget the feeling of the hair on his whole body standing on end when he passed by.

Compared with the strange ability of Obito Kaleidoscope to write round eyes, the real spot exudes the unique bloody smell of the Warring States period powerhouse.

That's the imposing manner that comes from slaughtering thousands of people with your own hands!

And this imposing manner has also been reflected in Alan.

"Is Madara Uchiha as strong as you say?" Scorpion subconsciously frowned.

It should be known that Deidara is not the strongest among Akatsuki's core members, but it is also not the weakest.

Especially oversized clay bombs can often destroy a village with a single hit. Maybe the formidable power can't be mentioned on equal terms with the nuclear warheads that Alan once used, but they can also follow closely from behind. in the second.

Even he wasn't sure if Deidara would have survived the violent explosion if Deidara went completely mad and detonated his body as a bomb.

The ghost shark obviously knew what the scorpion was thinking, and nodded without thinking: "Yes! His power is far beyond our imagination, even the leader's Penn Six Paths and Samsara Eye are not necessarily the same. Madara Uchiha's opponent of the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye."

"After all, that is the only Asura who can be indistinguishable from the god of ninja Senju! I have seen Senjuju before. During the time, he even fought against him, his strength is beyond your imagination. So no matter how strong Uchiha Madara is, I will not be surprised."

The old birthday star in Xiao's organization finally stood up To be fair.

Although many people joked, he threw a shuriken from 800 miles away when he fought the first Hokage.

But in fact, the horns not only got the front, but also forced the opponent to use the wooden escape, which was the final defeat.

If it wasn't for Senju Zhuma's kinder character, he felt that it would not be easy for Xiaonin Village to cultivate an elite ninja like Kokaku, so he finally chose to let him go. It is estimated that he is several meters tall now. .

"Kakuto is right! No matter how careful we are with Madara Uchiha, we can't be too careful. And with the development of the situation, what Alan said at the beginning has become a reality in little by little. So for safety's sake, let's follow his plan." Itachi expressed his attitude clearly.

As the physical condition is getting worse and worse, the genius and pride of the former Uchiha clan already knows that his time is limited, and he is ready to find time to make a deal with his beloved younger brother, and take his eyes as parting by the way. gift to Sasuke.

Itachi has always been very clear about Madara, who was suddenly reincarnated in the way of reincarnation, that is, to ensure that the other party will play according to the script planned by Alan 100%.

After all, compared to the guys in front of him who were more or less played with applause by Madara and Kurojue, he was more willing to believe in Alan who could in turn hold the two secret masterminds in the palm of his hand.

even more how, Alan has also shown that he possesses the powers of Samsara Eye, Yin-Yang Escape and Qiu Dao Jade.

"I agree with Itachi! It's safer to follow Alan's plan rather than scrambling to make temporary countermeasures. If Madara can't wait to control me to cast the reincarnation art, none of you should do it. Block. As long as this world can be liberated from the hands of the ancestors of Chakra, so that human beings can decide the future with their own will, then my sacrifice will not be in vain."

After a long silence, Nagato finally decision was made.

Like Itachi, he also knows that his body time is limited under the consumption of Samsara Eye, so he is not afraid of death at all, and even looks forward to that day.

Because he really wanted to see Madara Uchiha, the man who could still manipulate his own destiny after his death, before he died.

"Since Nagato said so, then there is no reason for us to continue arguing here. But Itachi, haven't you decided when to settle with Sasuke? You must know that Madara's appearance not only means that The Moon Eye Project is about to start, and it also means that this world will enter an unprecedented state of danger. Only by obtaining the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, your younger brother will be eligible to stand on the final stage.”

Obito reminded in a meaningful tone.

"I'm already preparing! And before this moment comes, I hope to meet Alan alone, can you help me arrange it?" Itachi lifts the head very cautiously probed.

"Yes!" Obito agreed without the slightest hesitation. "But you'd better not have any unreasonable thoughts! He has mastered Strength of Six Paths, and any ninjutsu based on the Chakra system is theoretically invalid for him, including Shisui's eye."

"Don't worry, I just hope to make a deal with him, that's all." Itachi responded calmly.

After saying this, the core members of the Xiao organization went their separate ways and continued to carry out their tasks.


At the same time, far away in the deepest part of Mt. Myogi, Immortal Fukasaku was standing in front of the Great Immortal toad and asked in a very respectful tone: "You? Did you foresee the future of the ninja world again?"

"Yes! I foresee it! The outsider sealed on the moon will eventually be killed by the scorching Demon Sword, covered the heavens, shielding the The red giant dragon of the sun devoured it. The gods will eventually fall, and the world will usher in the age of mortals." The old Kamamaru gave the answer in a broken voice.

"But I don't understand, why did you order to block Miaomushan's communication with the outside world, even Xiao Zilai was abandoned." Shen Zuo's tone was a little puzzled.

After all, since the birth of ninjas, no Holy Land has unilaterally tore up the psychic contract, which will greatly affect the reputation of the toad family among humans.

"Because the threat of that human is not just a threat. If we continue to intervene, he will drop weapons of that formidable power on Mt. Miaomu. When the time comes, maybe you and I Immortal can be spared. This place where the toads have lived for generations will eventually be completely destroyed. As he said, human affairs are left to human beings to solve themselves.”

says After all, the old Toad Maru finally couldn't hold on anymore, and fell asleep again groggy, leaving Fukasaku alone standing there in a daze.

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