Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 384

"I...Where is this?"

With a slight moan, Naruto, who had been in a coma for more than three days, finally slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, he just felt like he had a nightmare.

In the dream, he incarnated as Nine Tails, unscrupulously killing and destroying in the forest outside the village, countless Konoha ninjas died tragically, even some people he knew.

"Are you awake?"

Accompanied by a familiar voice, Alan slowly walked out of the darkness and placed a steaming meal and water on the protagonist. in front of.

"It's you?! Why are you here!"

Naruto jumped up from the bed in fright, posing in an alert posture.

In his impression, this guy in front of him is the enemy of Konoha, and he is also the enemy of all ninjas and Ninja Village.

But Alan didn't pay much attention to this and replied with a smile: "This is Yinin Village, of course I live here. Could it be that you have forgotten what happened before?"


Naruto was stunned for a moment, but his face quickly turned ugly, obviously recalling the question he asked Tsunade before he ran away, and also those nightmares It wasn't just a nightmare, but the fact that he had handed over his body to Nine Tails' control. He sat on the bed with a limp and his two deep blue eyes were full of fear and despair.

After all, for him, the village is his home, and becoming Hokage is his dream and hope until now.

But now, he has ruined it all with his own hands.

Desperate Naruto subconsciously covered his face and muttered to himself in a dejected voice: "I...what have I done..."

"no! You did the right thing! What was wrong was Konoha! What was wrong was the stupid system of Shinobu Village! What was wrong was the high-level officials including Sandai and Danzo! And you are just seeking justice from them."

Alan tried to guide the mind and consciousness of the young man in front of him with a bewitching voice.

He still doesn't believe it!

Asura's chakra is really so powerful, it can turn every possessed person into a passionate little powerhouse.

Today, he has to try to change Naruto.

"It wasn't me who was wrong?"

Naruto heard this sentence, and finally there was a bright light in his dark pupils, followed by slowly lifting the head.

Alan nodded thoughtlessly: "That's right! Any other person in your position will inevitably do something similar. So you don't have to blame yourself at all, but to Think about what to do next."

"Can I go back to Konoha?" Naruto asked weakly.

"At least hundreds of ninjas died during the Nine-Tails rampage, what do you think?" asked Alan faint smile.

Naruto turned pale when he heard this number face instantly changes, and subconsciously clenched his fists.

It took a full minute before he frantically scratched his messy hair and said bitterly: "Okay! It seems that I'm going to throw the dream of becoming a Hokage out of my mind. I guess Kakashi teacher, mother-in-law Tsunade, and those ninjas in the village will never forgive me."

"On the contrary! It's not you who should beg for forgiveness, but them. Don't forget , it was these people who concealed the identity of your parents at the beginning, and even almost handed you over to Danzo, completely erasing all feelings and turning them into a weapon of war that only knew how to kill. You have never seen the root organization, never will Know how dehumanizing Danzo's training is. Do you know why Sasuke hates Konoha so much and even wants to destroy it himself? Just look at these related mission records. The sunny and warm village you think has never been It has never existed, but it was disguised as that by the high-level officials of the three generations of Hokage-tailed beasts."

After saying that, Alan kept a scroll that recorded countless Konoha black histories still playing. in front of people.

Out of curiosity, the latter opened it and glanced at it, and his anger rose in the mind again.

This time, there was no more guilt in his pupils, instead he was clenching his fists, trying to tear the scroll to pieces several times, but in the end he was patient enough to read it all.

After reading the last word, Naruto took a deep breath and asked without looking up: "Is this all true? Since the second Hokage, the top management of the village has been suppressing Uchiha. A family, Kakashi teacher's father was also forced to commit suicide by deliberately spreading messages. The same experience also happened to Neji's father? Shouldn't the village be a place to protect his companions? Why does Hokage make such a decision time and time again? "

"Because this is Game of Thrones!" Alan pursed his lips into a sarcastic expression. "In order to stabilize the power in their hands and prevent anyone from threatening their status, the three generations of Hokage, Danzo, and the two advisors have done countless disgusting actions. In their eyes, the entire Konoha except for himself. In addition, there is no who can't be sacrificed. Especially the will of fire that the three generations have constantly emphasized, to a certain extent, is brainwashing, making all those who accept this consciousness become tools and victims. Unfortunately, you are the one who was Brainwashed pitiful person."

tone barely fell!


Naruto slammed his fists, fiercely smashed a big hole in the wall.

Because of his emotional excitement, he was shaking slightly all over his body.

As the truth is unraveled little by little, he is more and more full of disgust and hatred for the kind-hearted, kind-hearted image of the three generations of old fogey in his memory.

It was this old man who turned him from the son of a hero into a demon fox that everyone spurned. of instant noodles, drinking expired milk to survive.

What's even more ridiculous is that he actually believed in those cheap and deceptive rhetoric, and was eager to change everyone's view of himself through hard work, and finally became Hokage.

Looking at the intense emotion on Naruto's face, Alan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a faint smile, pointing to the water and food on the table and saying, "Okay. Now, don't think about that, just eat it while it's still hot. You have to know that you haven't eaten anything for two or three days. If you continue like this, there will be problems with your digestion system. And this is Yinin Village, Konoha's hand can't be stretched out for a while, you can think about it slowly."

"Thank you! Thank you for telling me this. Now I finally understand Sasuke's mood at that time."

Naruto bowed solemnly, then immediately picked up the cup and drank half a glass of water, then devoured it and started stuffing food into his mouth.

Although the two had had a lot of conflicts before, after going through this incident, he suddenly felt that Alan didn't seem to be so disgusting.

At least the other party let the self in the dark know who his biological parents are, and that the old fogey of the three generations has been deceiving himself...

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