Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 385

Obviously, completely changing Naruto's character and way of thinking is definitely not something that can be done overnight.

So Alan is not in a hurry at all, just exerting unnoticeable influence on him through language and hints, trying to amplify the disgust of Konoha and the three generations of Hokage in the other party's heart, and finally embark on a line. completely different path.

apart from this, he also needs to place members of the Hinata clan who came back with Neji.

Because Tianzhiguo and Yininin Village have already become the land of right and wrong, it is definitely not acceptable here.

After careful selection, the two settled on a secret base abandoned by Orochimaru.

It is hidden deep in the mountains. It is not only very hidden, but also has cultivated farmland around it. It can basically be self-sufficient. It only needs to go out to purchase a small amount of living materials every time. Secluded place.

In addition, Alan has mastered a lot of wood and earthen ninjutsu, with no difficulty can solve all the problems including housing.

Watching the young Spark follow several branch families to practice soft boxing in the field, Neji showed a very gratifying smile on his face: "Thank you! Thank you for everything you have done for me and the Hyuga family. ."

"You're welcome! Now that you can finally let go of the past, it's time to calm down and tap into the full potential of these eyes."

Speaking, Alan turned around The two white eyes that stared at each other vaguely had begun to release blue rays of light.

There is no doubt that this is a sign of the imminent awakening of Tenseigan.

Especially the large amount of chakra that originally flowed in the body is concentrating on the eyes at an unimaginable speed, and it is estimated that it will not take long to transform from quantitative change to qualitative change.

"Understood! I don't think it will take long for these two white eyes to evolve into what you said. When the final battle begins, it will definitely start everyone." Neji replied confidently.

From his predecessor, Patriarch Hizu, he has learned many secrets of the Hyuga family, especially the origin of the white-eyed and caged birds.

It's just that he prefers to solve those potential dangers once and for all, compared to the conservative practices of the older generation.

Only in this way can the split of the Hyuga clan be truly free.

And in order to do this, you must have a powerful force like rolling.

Alan nodded lightly: "en! I believe you won't let me down. Come on, we don't have much time left. In addition, I'm going to Yuren Village recently. The few tailed beasts were all sealed in the outsider golem, and I discussed the next plan with Nagato by the way. I think people like Madara will not wait quietly until the ten tails are resurrected before jumping out. He will definitely try his best to be here. Made some big noises before."

"You mean that guy will start a war on his own initiative?" Neji subconsciously frowned.

You must know that Madara is now in a state of reincarnation, with a certain Immortal Body and almost infinite chakra.

Combined with the strength of the eternal kaleidoscope and experienced experience, there is almost no one who can defeat him in the entire ninja world.

"Almost! His extremely arrogant and conceited talent will not choose to change the world in an obscure way. So in order to make this game a little more difficult, I am going to resurrect Orochimaru, and then by Orochimaru revives the first Hokage, the second Hokage, and the fourth Hokage. As a result, Madara doesn't have the time and energy to pay attention to our little actions." Alan touched the chin and said his plan.

In fact, although Orochimaru was killed by Sasuke, he still left a lot of means of resurrection.

Among them, the simplest and most direct one is the Heavenly Spell Seal on Red Bean and Sasuke.

So the cost of resurrecting Orochimaru is very low, and at the same time, it can resurrect the fourth Hokage and draw out the other half of the nine-tailed chakra.

As someone with a mild obsessive-compulsive and perfectionistic personality, Alan wouldn't have allowed so much media to slip through his hands.

"When are you going to do it?" Neji asked thoughtfully.

"After discussing with Nagato, I will go directly to Sasuke or Red Bean, release Orochimaru, and help him regain his strength. I believe that after this failure, he should realize that he What is missing, I won't jump out and do those irrational things again in a short time." Alan replied meaningfully.

He couldn't help laughing when he thought of Orochimaru's psychedelic operations and the embarrassment of trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off at the end.

What's even more sad is that this guy obviously found the Longdi Cave, but he found that he couldn't learn the immortal mode, and could only study the immortal mode desperately, trying to crack the mystery of the immortal mode from another direction.

And Yao Shidou learned the Immortal Technique through trials with no difficulty by relying on the contract scroll.

Not only that, the perfect body Orochimaru has worked so hard to prepare for himself, and finally this guy is cheap.

Even if he is resurrected now, I am afraid that he will not be able to take back what belongs to him from his pocket, which is extremely sad.

"hmph! If he dares to have any bad intentions, I don't mind sending him to the Pure Land again."

Ningji obviously didn't have any good feelings for Orochimaru, and his tone with intense disgust.

Because this guy has also spied on Hyuga's white-eyed blood, and even wants to make a clone.

But in the end, because of Alan's relationship, no actual action was taken.

"Relax! Orochimaru is indeed a genius to a certain extent, but he will never be able to catch up with those of you who have the bloodline of the ancestors of chakra. That's why I let him do it on Sasuke. Reason. Well, now that the new camp of the Hinata clan has been built, there is no need for me to stay here and waste time. Remember, until the end of the final battle, make sure they all stay here obediently and honestly and don't go out, otherwise God knows what will happen."

After saying this, Alan immediately activated space ninjutsu and disappeared from the spot.

The next second...

He directly crossed the far distance, with the help of the space ability obtained by swallowing the divide might writing wheel eye, and the positioning of Feilei's diving technique, he appeared directly In front of Nagato.

The latter was obviously very surprised to see this scene, and asked very curiously: "You can now use space ninjutsu directly from the sound of the ninja?"

"Yes! It needs some assistance though." Alan glanced at the flying thunder dive technique he left on the wheelchair.

Nagato no doubt discovered this, and an expression of sudden realization appeared on his face: "No wonder! You left it when you left last time. You should already know about Madara's resurrection. Right?"

"How could I not know. He was the first to look for me, and he urged me to seal the other tailed beasts into the heretic golem as soon as possible." Alan pursed his lips and said with a cold laugh.

"Then what are you going to do?" Nagato raised his right hand index finger and tapped the armrest of the wheelchair lightly.

"Of course I did as he said. These tailed beasts are no longer useful to me, so let Madara happy for a while. Apart from this, I'm going to resurrect Orochimaru, and then let Orochia be happy.

" Maru Tutu reincarnated the first, second and fourth Hokage to distract Madara's attention."

Alan didn't hide anything, and spoke out his plan generously.

He understands that the more at this time, the more frank he has to show, to ensure that Nagato and Konan don't have any suspicions.

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