Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 386

"Resurrection Orochimaru?"

Xiao Nan frowned immediately after hearing the plan.

As one of the earliest and core members of Akatsuki's organization, her sense of Orochimaru is quite poor.

Because this guy hasn't been honest since the moment he joined Akatsuki.

First, he spy on Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, but he was instantly killed by a glance, followed by treason and escape without authorization.

In Xiaonan's opinion, Orochimaru is a poisonous snake hiding in the grass, which is not trustworthy at all.

No one knew what he was thinking, let alone when he would suddenly turn around and bite himself.

"That's right!" Alan nodded lightly. "Because of the threat that Uchiha Madara may pose, we must find something to do for him, otherwise there will definitely be trouble. Orochimaru, who masters the reincarnation of dirty earth, is just the most suitable candidate. And currently, vortex Naruto has only half of nine tails in his body. The other half was brought to the Pure Land of Bliss by Bo Fengshui Sect, and I have to get him back."

"Then can you guarantee that Orochimaru will join us after resurrection?" Xiao Nan asked slightly sighed.

"No! Orochimaru has a very strong independent mind and consciousness. He will not submit to anyone, and will only act according to his own thoughts and will. But I am sure that he will never hope I saw that the planet under my feet was over-extracted with life energy and eventually turned into a barren desert. So if nothing else, Orochimaru should be our ally rather than our enemy." Alan analyzed from a rational point of view.

To be precise, most people in this world will never stand on the side of Hei Jue after learning the truth of the Moon Eye plan and the ambitions of Kaguya, the ancestor of Chakra.

Maybe even the spots will jump back instantly.

"You're right, Orochimaru really shouldn't be our enemy."

Nagato is obviously easier to understand Alan's thoughts than the sentimental Konan, with a haggard and weak face A looked thoughtful expression appeared.

"Since you agree, then I will go to Konoha to find Red Bean or Sasuke later, and use the curse of the sky left by Orochimaru to revive him. But before that, let us Let's seal all these tailed beasts into the heretic golem together. I want to make room for the last three tails, eight tails and nine tails."

Speaking, Alan subconsciously put his hand on his stomach.

Obviously, for him, except for the two tails that were just sealed in, the rest of the tailed beasts are useless.

And throwing these tailed beasts into the outsider golems early will also make Madara less wary of herself, which is completely one move, two gains.

"I'll help you!"

Nagato controlled Penn's Six Paths and Alan to walk into the place where the outlander golems were stored, and quickly made a seal and began to guide the search of the tailed beast. Carat quickly flowed to the remains of the Divine Tree's body.

Whenever the chakra of a tailed beast is completely extracted, one of the nine eyes on its head will open, giving a very eerie feeling.

After the four tailed beasts were all stripped off in a certain order, even people like Nagato with vortex bloodline and a lot of chakra were so tired that they almost collapsed and went directly back to their room to rest. .

And Alan alone, with the help of the flying thunder divide technique placed inside the wooden Leaf Village, directly performed space ninjutsu across a long distance to the small room that once belonged to him.

Judging from the thick layer of dust on the table and floor, it had been a long time since he left.

Not only that, but the surrounding houses assigned to Genin are also in similar condition.

From this point alone, it is not difficult to see that with the rise of the rebel army and repeated blows, the number of ninjas in Konoha has been reduced to an extremely low number.

The number of Shimonin is probably less than one-fifth of what it was before Konoha's collapse plan.

"It's really an apocalyptic situation. The ninjas who implement the elite selection system VS the people who have the ability to select by the whole people, the war potential and mobilization ability of the former are really too far behind. This is why, Almost all elite rule that is separated from the people will eventually collapse without exception."

Alan sighed while standing on the empty and desolate street.

As the culprit responsible for all these results, he does not regret what he has done, and is even a little gratified that the resistance of the people at the bottom is faster and more violent than he expected.

But with emotion, he didn't forget what to do next.

Alan knew where the red beans lived because he had spent time in Danzo's root tissue before.

After all, this woman is the only Disciple of Orochimaru, and has always been the key surveillance target of the village, especially the root organization.

But with the death of a large number of ninjas, Konoha's ability to control the interior has become weaker and weaker.

When he quietly sneaked into the red bean residence, he found that there was not even a single person nearby.

Just as he was about to enter the yard, a silhouette suddenly appeared behind him, and suddenly waved his arms and threw out several poisonous snakes: "Silhouette Snake Hand!"

Unfortunately, these snakes ended up being unable to bite anything, and all passed through the afterimages.

"Good alertness!"

With the silhouette reflex speed that is dozens or even hundreds of times higher than ordinary people, Alan not only can't open the blow, but also backhand Red Bean's arm pressed it firmly against the roof tiles.

"It's you?! What are you doing here in Konoha?"

After seeing the true face of the intruder, Anko's face changed dramatically.

When the Konoha collapse plan was launched, she had seen the terrifying destruction caused by Alan's last blow with the power of the tail beast before leaving, and knew that it was impossible to fight against it with her own strength.

"Don't worry, I'm not here for Konoha this time, but for you. To be exact, I'm here for this heavenly spell on you."


Alan, without any nonsense, ripped open the red bean's shirt directly, and injected a large amount of chakra into the three tadpole-like patterns on the surface of the skin.

The next second...

"Ah Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!"

The unbearable pain made Hongdou unable to bear it on the spot He let out a piercing scream.

In just a split second, a huge white snake emerged from the curse seal.

It's not over yet!

When the giant snake head fully grew out, it opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and protruded a living person from its stomach.

And this person is the long dead Orochimaru!

Creating a big living person out of thin air is obviously a big burden to the body of Hongdou.

So it didn't take long before she fell into a semi-conscious state.

In contrast, the revived Orochimaru seems to have completely recovered his full strength. He first felt the chakra and thoughts in his body, and then he couldn't help but let out a deep hoarse, and The laughter of send cold shivers down one's spine.

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