Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 387

"hahahaha! Alan-kun, where did you learn the secret about the curse seal?"

Orochimaru glanced at the red beans who had lost too much chakra and stamina and fell into a coma , and immediately realized what was happening.

As the developer of the immortal, he initially just wanted to make up for his inability to learn immortal mode.

But with the in-depth research, he soon discovered that the spell seal and natural energy are far more complex than any kind of ninjutsu he knows, and can even regenerate himself after death.

And the curse of the sky was specially created to meet this need.

It's just that Orochimaru didn't expect that the last person to help him leave the world of the dead will be Alan.

According to his expectations, this person should be Dou or Junmalu.

"Why, do you feel weird?" Alan faint smile rhetorically.

Orochimaru smiled and nodded: "Yes! Because you have always been the kind of person with clear intentions and goals, unless you need to, you will never do this kind of thing that has nothing to do with yourself. Let I guess, you must have encountered some trouble, so you want me to help you solve the trouble, right?"

"That's right! I need you to resurrect a few people through the reincarnation of the dirt." Alan said not Jia Sisuo gave an affirmative answer.

"Reincarnated from the dirty earth?"

Orochimaru had a strange expression on his face when he heard these words.

He may not be surprised if others say this, but Alan, who is also reincarnated in filth, said this, but anyone who is not a fool will feel that something is wrong.

"Yes! I need you to resurrect the first Hokage Senju Hasuma, the second Hokage Senju Tobirama, and the fourth Hokage Fengshui Sect whose soul was sealed in the belly of Death God. It shouldn't be too difficult for you, right?" Alan blunt asked.

"Why does it have to be me? You and Tou should be able to do it, right?" Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and asked.

Alan replied nonchalantly: "Because Dou has now joined Akatsuki, and has also transplanted the cells that prepared you for a perfect body, and learned the immortal mode of Ryudidong. Now he is no longer that one. The assistant who is trembling with fear by your side, but a rather dangerous guy. As far as I know, not long ago, he just helped the reincarnation of Uchiha Madara."

"It turned out to be in me After he died, did this guy betray him too? No wonder..."

Orochimaru touched the chin with a thoughtful look on his face.

But it didn't take long before he continued to ask: "What exactly does the Akatsuki organization want to do? They resurrect Madara Uchiha, shouldn't they really start the Ninja World War?"

"How should I put it, in fact, the leaders and members of the Akatsuki organization are just pawns thrown by the greater secret mastermind, and all this involves Six Paths immortal and his mother, as well as the grievances that lasted thousands of years ago. If you're interested, come with me. But make a statement in advance, once you listen, it means that you have joined my camp by default, and you will never be allowed to betray or quit halfway, otherwise you should know the consequences." Alan half true half false warning.

To deal with a curious person like Orochimaru, the more you hide it, the more you can make him jump into the pit.

"Yes! I agree!"

Orochimaru agreed without thinking.

Not to mention, the secret mastermind, who regards Akatsuki as a pawn, has already filled him with interest, not to mention the Six Paths immortal, the founder of Ninja Sect.

"This is not the place to talk. It's better for us to leave Konoha first." Alan threw the red beans into the yard and grabbed Orochimaru to activate space ninjutsu.

Before the guy who jumped out of the shadows could react, the two of them disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving only a few masked Konoha Anbu members not knowing what to do standing there.

A few minutes later, everyone involved, including Anko, who fell into a coma, was taken to the Hokage office building.

Tsunade, who was already devastated, even used medical ninjutsu to wake up the only Disciple of the Orochimaru, and asked impatiently: "Tell me! What's going on? Why did Alan and Orochimaru do this? Appearing near your residence?"


Red beans jumped up from the ground, subconsciously touched the curse mark on her body, and found that the thing had already After disappearing completely, he explained in a slightly trembling voice: "Yes... it's resurrection! He used the curse mark on me to resurrect Orochimaru!"

"What?!! !"

The voice of Tsunade who heard the news suddenly raised an octave.

Not only her, but other high-level executives in the office also showed their dumbfounded expressions.

Be aware that even in this ninja world where anything can happen, coming back from the dead is definitely a shocking thing.

"Orochimaru has come back to life! I saw it with my own eyes! There's absolutely nothing wrong with it." Hongdou repeated with clenched fists.

"Damn it! Now we have another dangerous enemy to deal with." Tsunade cursed in a low voice while holding his forehead.

Although she wasn't quite clear why Alan wanted to resurrect Orochimaru, she instinctively felt that this was definitely not a good thing for Konoha in the wind and rain.

Because Orochimaru, like Sasuke, is also full of hatred and hatred for this village.

even more how, Konoha just experienced a Nine-Tails Rebellion + Uchiha Rebellion Comprehensive Version 2.0 not long ago.

Especially for those shady stories that were revealed again, many ninjas began to alienate from the village.

The most typical one is that the Hyuga family sent all their young clansman away.

If it was changed to the past, this would definitely be an out-and-out act of betrayal of the village, and it would need to be held accountable, or even be annihilated as a traitor.

But now?

As the fifth Hokage, Tsunade not only has no way to hold him accountable, on the contrary, he has to reward those middle-aged and elderly people who originally intended to stay and die with the village.

It can be said that the current Konoha is only one step away from disbanding.

Seeing the village founded by the two grandfathers turn into this scene, Tsunade's heart is as painful as being eaten by thousands of ants.

But what can I do?

I can't beat it!

And even the nine-tailed man Zhuri Naruto was lost.

Just when she was at a loss, Mute suddenly rushed in from the outside and shouted in an overjoyed tone: "Master Tsunade! Jiraiya... Jiraiya-sama, he is awake!"


"Jilai is also awake?!"

This news immediately injected a little vitality into the originally gloomy Naruto office.

Without any hesitation!

Everyone rushed into the hospital to visit the seriously injured toad immortal, and by the way asked what the information was about.

But no one noticed at all, there was a pair of scarlet writing wheel eyes, standing on the head of Hokage Cliff belonging to the Thousand Hands Pillar, silently watching their every move.

The owner of these eyes is not someone, but Madara Uchiha who was reincarnated from the dirt not long ago.

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