Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 388

"hmph! As you said, this village is really degenerate."

Watching the to-and-fro on the street, but couldn't see anything in his face or eyes. Madara's tone was full of contempt and disdain, only the numb and desperate ninjas were angry.

You must know that when he and Qianshou Zhuma teamed up to build the village, Konoha was the strongest organization in the entire ninja world at that time, even if all the remaining ninja villages united, they would only be beaten.

But who would have thought that in just a few decades, the once glorious and powerful Konoha was gone, replaced by a decaying atmosphere of asserts the senses.

"Yeah! Since the death of Hashima's younger brother Torima, the entire Konoha has been caught in the vortex of factional and political struggles, and there have even been several crises for this. If not, The plan to bring soil is also impossible to succeed." Hei Jue echoed with a smile.

"Third generations and Danzo are both Disciples raised by the despicable villain Tobirama. It is not surprising that Konoha can be made like this."

For the second Hokage, Madara was undoubtedly full of disgust and hatred.

Because without Senju Tobirama, his younger brother Izuna wouldn't have died, and he might even become Konoha's first Hokage.

It's a pity that all of this eventually came to nothing because of one person.

Hei Jue is undoubtedly very aware of the grievances between the two, and deliberately instigated: "Why don't you destroy this village now? Konoha has already arrived, and he only needs to stretch out his hand and push it and it will collapse. With your strength, you should be able to make it disappear completely in about ten minutes."

But Madara looked at the head: "No, I'm not interested in bullying a group of juniors, so I just let Muda go. Let the leaves decay slowly in the midst of decay and decadence."

After saying this, he turned and left without the slightest hesitation, planning to go to the Valley of Ending again to cherish his old friend Between the Thousands of Hands.

Looking at Madara's nostalgic look of the old man, a trace of mockery flashed in Hei Jue's eyes, but in the blink of an eye, he returned to his usual appearance.

As the culprit who personally provoked the hatred between Indra and Asura back then, he almost witnessed the battle between the two Chakras after each reincarnation, so he knew very well that Madara had a role in defeating this fateful opponent. How persistent.

And he took advantage of this persistence to finally push the plan to rescue mother to the final stage.

This is thousands of years of humiliation!

Of course, if Alan was here, he'd be laughing at Black for being rubbish.

Hiding in a corner for thousands of years watching the reincarnations of Six Paths immortal two sons Chakra fight each other and then do nothing?

However, in Hei Jue's eyes, it was his prudence that made the Moon Eyes plan go so smoothly.

even more how, both he and Kaguya have the characteristics of not being old fart, and time doesn't mean anything to them.


At the same time, on the other side, Alan also just finished telling Orochimaru about the thousands of years of turmoil in the entire world caused by an invasive alien species. Summed up in one sentence: "The so-called ninja is actually the Disciple that Six Paths immortal received after the founding of Ninja Sect, and his descendants. So you can completely regard the ninja war as a ninja sect. Dou."

"so that's how it is! No wonder I often find the same very similar genetic factor when I study Xueji." Orochimaru's eyes flashed with rays of light of excitement.

There is no way not to be excited!

As a person who is determined to learn all Ninjutsu and Xueji, he finally cleared the layers of fog today and figured out what the ultimate goal he needs to pursue.

Neither Uchiha, Senju, nor Hyuga and Vortex, but the root of all these bloodlines, Six Paths immortal Yui, and his mother, Kaguya, the ancestor of this world's chakra.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru stretched out his slender tongue and licked his lips, and offered to propose: "I can help you reincarnate the first Hokage, the second Hokage, and the fourth Hokage with dirty soil. But there is a The condition, that is, I hope to finally get a piece of Six Paths immortal mother's flesh and blood for research."

"Yes!" Alan agreed without even thinking.

He knows very well that people like Orochimaru will never help him without any reason, so trading is the best way.

"Hehe, I knew you would agree. I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!"

The two of them held hands again hold together.

Although the final outcome of the last cooperation was that Orochimaru was killed by Sasuke, who was trained by Alan...

With the agreement reached, Orochimaru immediately began to act without a word .

I saw that he first quietly regained the control of the first and second generation of dirty soil reincarnation from the pocket, and then began to look for the Death God mask left by the vortex family.

Looking at the way this guy was busy, Alan had a meaningful smile on his face, returned to his own room in Yinin Village, and directly used the engineering skills on the hunter professional panel. Deleted, then learned blacksmithing.

The next second...

All the engineering knowledge in my head is disappeared without a trace.

But it doesn't matter, he has already made all the backups, and directly picked up a densely packed ten centimeters-thick notebook to start re-reading and studying.

As expected, although system removed all engineering-related memories from his mind, these carefully curated notes helped him regain all his engineering skills.

Especially several engineering devices can be operated and used by learning even without equipment.

This also means that breaking the constraints of two business skills is not impossible, it just takes a lot of time to learn and try.

And once learned this way, there is no need to worry about forgetting.

"I really am a genius! From now on, I don't have to make those troublesome choices anymore. As an adult, whether it's forging, engineering, or enchanting, alchemy, leather making, I have to do everything !"

When talking about this remark, Alan made a gesture of grasping with both hands, and the expression on his face looked like the big boss of the evil camp.

Because all this knowledge and technology from the world of Azeroth is too important to him.

If you can learn all of them and become Full Mastery, you can break the limitations of the game system, prepare new medicines according to the raw materials that can be obtained in the current world, create weapons and equipment that meet the requirements, and carry out training for existing weapons and equipment. Enchanting...

No matter which one it is, it can ensure that he can adapt to the new environment faster and better.

Most importantly, these things help him masquerade as a blacksmith, Potion Master, and Enchanter that are particularly receptive to the masses.

As engineering turned into blacksmithing, Alan immediately put a lot of energy into the blacksmithing ranks of ding ding dong dong.

Because I had accumulated a lot of ore and metal ingots from mining before, I didn't have much effort to rush the forging to the full level, and tried my best to get all the recipes, followed by all the knowledge and new all recorded, delete the skill again.

In the following period of time, he successively completed and deleted all business skills such as alchemy, enchanting, tailoring, leatherworking, skinning, and herbal medicine.

In the end, I just accumulated a lot of notes. It is estimated that it will take at least seven or eight years to learn from scratch.

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