Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 389

As Alan goes into a dormant state again and begins to concentrate on his business skills, the entire ninja world finally begins to slowly quiet down.

On the one hand, since the core members of Akatsuki learned that Madara Uchiha had been resurrected, they ended their help to the rebels and began to prepare for the upcoming final battle.

Especially the crazy guy Deidara, who secretly made enough clay to level a large island, intending to show Madara a good experience of his ultimate technology.

In the absence of high-end martial power, the rebels did not dare to take the initiative to attack the Dainin villages who held the hole cards, but entered the stage of strategic confrontation, desperately digesting the preempted during this time. At the same time, improve the rough internal system and management mode, and prepare for the upcoming founding of the country.

On the other hand, the remaining four Ninja villages finally signed an offensive and defensive alliance with the efforts of Tsunade and Kirabi, helping the daimyo and the nobles to stabilize the remaining land.

In this way, the turbulent world has ushered in a short-lived peace.

But unfortunately, this peace is just illusion after all.

When the news of the wild three tails came, the Akatsuki organization including Alan, the senior management of the four major Ninja villages, and Uchiha Madara and Kurojue who had been wandering around recently, all agreed. start to act.

In less than three or four days, this originally deserted place has become extremely lively.

"Interesting! I didn't think that the fifth Naruto Tsunade had the courage to lead the coalition forces to snatch the three tails with us at this time." Obito stared at the ninjas who were camping aside, his tone Full of jokes and fun.

Not only him, but also several core members of the Xiao organization had similar reactions.

Because of the frequent fights a while ago, the two sides have long been de facto enemies, so immediately after the meeting there was an atmosphere of with swords drawn and bows bent.

It's just that before the three tails appeared, both sides still maintained restraint.

"Do you want me to teach them a lesson?" Deidara's eyes flashed with rays of light of excitement and anticipation.

But Nagato controlled Heavenly Dao Payne shook the head: "No need! They won't have any impact on our plan to capture the three tails. Compared to these people, they are hidden in the dark. Madara and Kuro must be more vigilant."

"Don't worry! Madara and Kuro will not be able to catch up with this action to capture the three tails." Alan curled his lips into a playful smile.

"Oh? You shouldn't be..."

Nagato instantly thought of the previous plan about resurrecting Orochimaru.

"That's right! I guess he's catching up with his old friend now, and there's more than one." Alan hinted meaningfully.

tone barely fell!

There was a sudden loud noise and vibration in the woods in the distance.

lifts the head and sees a deep blue giant made entirely of chakra standing in midair.


The unique ability of Kaleidoscope Shaker!

But before everyone realized what happened, there was an equally huge Guanyin statue with thousands of hands that appeared out of thin air.

Wood Dun—thousands of hands!

There is no doubt that Senju Hasuma and Madara Uchiha are fighting against each other again.

"Such astonishing Susanoo and Mudun! Could it be..." Itachi's face suddenly became serious.

"Ah! That's right! It's just the two of them. It seems that Orochimaru has done a good job. I believe we don't have to worry about Madara's problem for a long time." Alan blunt gave a positive answer.

"As expected of you! Even people like Madara Uchiha were toyed with applause." The ghost shark grinned, revealing sharp teeth.

"no! Madara is too arrogant and thinks that no one can stop him. But he forgot one thing! It's not impossible to come back from the dead in this world, it's just a little more troublesome. Let's go, let's get the three-tailed quickly, and then go catch the eight-tailed, when the time comes the nine-tailed beast is all together."

After saying that, Alan went straight to the misty water ahead. go.

As early as a few months ago, he had successfully extracted all the chakras of the nine tails from Naruto and Minato, and the two tails were also drawn bits and pieces and stuffed into the outsider golem in the stomach.

At the moment, his body has emptied the space to seal the three tails and the eight tails.

When he gets the last three tailed beasts, he will immediately hide in the dungeon for a while, until 90% of the medium is removed before showing up.

In this way, it is time to start the final battle.

"Damn it! Akatsuki's guys are moving!" One of the guards, Sand Shinobu, shouted nervously.

There is no way to not be nervous!

He had seen with his own eyes how Alan, with his three subordinates, was like no one in his village, and even the old-fashioned puppet master powerhouse like Chiyo's mother-in-law could not resist, and in the end only Able to bow your head softly.

It's a pity that no one cares about him now.

The eyes of most of the coalition forces were firmly attracted by the spectacular scene of Mudun and Susanohue fighting in the distance.

Especially the five generations of Naruto Tsunade, who almost recognized at a glance that it was a ninjutsu that only his grandfather could perform. His whole body was shaking with excitement, and his eyes even showed excited rays. of light.

But just when she was about to send two people over to take a look, Kakashi suddenly lowered his voice and reminded: "Lord Naruto! The people of Akatsuki's organization have begun to act! The leader is not someone else, but It's Alan."


Hearing this sentence, Tsunade instantly came back to his senses, and turned his attention to the search and detection under the water that had already begun Alan of the test, instructed without looking back: "Jiraiya! Bring all the elites to make trouble for me as much as possible. Today, no matter what, I can't let them take Sanwei."

"Don't worry. Give it to me!"

Jirai, who was seriously injured and recovered completely, patted his chest and made a promise.

The near-death experience did not make this bold old man feel any fear. Instead, he figured out a lot of things, and even managed to do it even without the help of the two toads immortal. A way to enter immortal mode on your own.

In the blink of an eye, he absorbed a large amount of natural energy and put himself into a state of immortal mode.

Following, he rushed directly to the surface of the water, raised his hand is the immortal art - the super large jade spiral pill, aimed at Alan and smashed it fiercely.

The next second...


The chakra of the high-speed rotation suddenly released terrifying destructive power, setting off a destructive power on the water. Ten meters of waves.

Several other elite jounin have also started to form seals one after another, using their best ninjutsu, which is also the strongest ninjutsu with formidable power.

"Water Escape - The Technique of the Great Waterfall!"

"Wind Escape - Wind Blade!"

"Wind Escape - Tornado Hurricane !"


All of a sudden, all kinds of ninjutsu with gorgeous visual effects appeared all over the water.

It's a pity that when all the fog and spray dissipated, Alan was still standing there intact, and even his clothes were not stained with a little spray.

Not only that, he also asked in a mocking tone: "This is it?"

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