Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 390

"How... how is that possible! With so many Ninjutsu levels above B, he has nothing at all."

A Mist Ninja who has never fought against Akatsuki and Alan , with an involuntarily look of disbelief amazement on his face.

You must know that even if it is the shadow of a village, when faced with ninjutsu above B level, it is either countered with ninjutsu of the same level, or the world casts a substitute, or Instantly avoided.

What about Alan?

Stand in place from start to finish without moving!

As if all the attacks just now were some kind of hallucination, not what really happened.

"Calm down! He's not an ordinary person, but is known as the most dangerous guy in the entire ninja world. You have to be mentally prepared, because anything happens to him. It's not surprising !"

Another Konoha ninja explained in a low voice.

"He's right! The person we are facing now is a monster who really has the ability to destroy a country with no difficulty. So fight with the determination to die! Maybe in the next second, we They will all be killed." Yun Ren's Shangren also echoed with a solemn expression.

Just as the few people were talking, Jiraiya had already launched at least three rounds of attacks on Alan.

Unfortunately, his understanding and application of immortal patterns and natural energies are obviously still in the initial stage.

Several so-called Immortal Techniques have not been able to break away from the original category of ninjutsu at all, at best they have only strengthened the formidable power.

In front of Alan, this kind of attack doesn't even need to be dodged, it's enough to transfer it away directly through space ninjutsu.

"Is it space ninjutsu?! You diverted all the attacks away?"

Jilai is obviously not a fool. After several attempts, he finally realized something was wrong. .

Because all ninjutsu will disappear from the unfathomable mystery when they get close to a certain level.

Although the naked eye is almost imperceptible, he finds the anomaly through a keen sense of natural energies.

Alan learns to nod with a smile: "That's right! I suggest you don't waste your time! In immortal mode, you're just a baby just walking, and you can't pose any threat to me at all. "

"No! I will never just watch you collect all nine-tailed beasts and resurrect the legendary ten-tailed beasts." Jiraiya said firmly.

"Yes, that's really a pity. In that case, let me teach you how to use the immortal mode."

With the last word, Alan's The body suddenly inhaled amazing natural energy, followed by a terrifying breath emitting from the body.

Although there is no change in the body, and there is no eye shadow even on the eyes, it gives an oppression that cannot be described in words.

"This is?!!!!!!!"

Jilaiya was undoubtedly the strongest at this feeling, and his mouth widened in surprise.

"This is my immortal mode! Although the principle is from Longdidong, it is already another completely different thing under my transformation. So now, let's start with the most basic The energy application begins. The real Immortal Technique chakra, to put it bluntly, is to refine and apply the natural energy of this world everywhere. Generally speaking, in order to ensure safety, users use their own chakra as a base and stabilizer, and then combine with nature Energy mixing. But if your chakra control is strong enough, you can even trigger a chain reaction of several times, or even dozens of times, of natural energy with just a little of your own chakra, like this..."

Speaking, Alan raised his hand to imitate the ninjutsu the other party just performed, and in just one second, he created a giant spiral pill that was dozens of times larger than the super jade spiral pill.

In order to increase the formidable power, he even integrated his best Thunder Chakra into it.

Such a terrifying thing, let alone seeing it with my own eyes, I have never even heard of it.

Just as everyone was shocked and terrified by this terrifying ninjutsu, Alan threw it directly over the head of the coalition camp.

"Not good! Quickly! Quickly disperse!"

I don't know who shouted, and the crowd who were still standing stupidly showed their Divine Ability, and the most Quickly escape the coverage area.

As soon as these people left their forefoot, this super thunderbolt helix dropped from the sky, directly turning into a white electric light to devour the entire camp.

Whether it is flowers, trees, or tents that are temporarily set up, all of them are instantly carbonized without exception, and some are struck by lightning and start naturally, and emit a pungent burnt smell.

It is foreseeable that few people in the entire camp would survive if they hadn't escaped fast enough.

"See? This is the real formidable power of the Immortal Mode, using the least amount of self-chakra as an introduction. That's why it's called Immortal Technique."

Alan is like a teacher, and he also tells the basic principles of Immortal Technique.

Although the immortal mode of the Three Great Holy Lands has a different focus, in the final analysis, it is all about improving your battle strength with the help of natural energy.

Of course, this is just a method that the local natives were forced to come up with without the pure bloodline of aliens.

Like Kaguya who devoured the chakra fruit, what immortal mode is needed there, directly fuse with the Divine Tree, and draw life energy from the planet casually until all the life on the entire planet is consumed. , completely turned into a death star.

But Jiraiya obviously didn't know this yet, so he clenched his fists gnashing teeth and asked, "Are you humiliating me?"

"Shame? No, no , no, don't get me wrong, I'm just showing you the real potential of immortal mode. Right now you are too weak to even qualify for the upcoming final battle." Alan replied playfully.

When Jiraiya wanted to say something, a giant silhouette like a turtle finally slowly floated up from the water.

Isofu Mio finally appeared!

Seeing this scene, Alan immediately left Jiraiya and rushed straight to Sanwei.

"Not good! Stop him! Don't let Akatsuki take the three tails!"

Jiraiya shouted while trying to catch up.

But at this time, Nagato controlled Penn Six Paths to stop him, and said in a tone without any emotion: "Jiraiya teacher, it seems that he survived the last time. It didn't teach you a lesson."


When he encountered this student who almost killed him again, Jiraiya suddenly had extremely complicated emotions.

He clearly knew that he was no match for Penn's Six Paths and Samsara Eye.

Not to mention, Heavenly Dao Payne's myriad forms Tianyin and Shinra Tianzheng alone made him unable to find any solution.

As for the others, they were naturally blocked by other core members of the Xiao organization.

Although the number of the coalition forces is large, there are very few people who can truly defeat Kakuto, Itachi, Ghost Shark, Scorpion and Deidara.

And once they fight, it is definitely not a short time to decide the winner.

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