Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 391

There is no doubt, but in terms of numbers, the Ninja Alliance is dozens of times the Akatsuki organization.

But the problem is that wars in the ninja world are never won by numbers.

Otherwise, there would be no Ten Thousand Rock Ninjas besieging the three generations of Raikage. As a result, they fought forcibly for several days, and in the end, the opponent died because of his exhaustion, rather than being killed.

So the value of a powerhouse on the battlefield, as well as the effect it can produce, is much higher than that of thousands of ordinary Genin and Chunin.

Unfortunately, Akatsuki is such a small group composed entirely of powerhouses.

Excluding the dead cult fanatic, Feiduan, the remaining one is an uncompromising shadow grade, even itachi who is on the verge of collapsing and dying, can easily Hang and beat most elite johnin.

Not to mention Deidara, Ghost Shark, Scorpion, who are good at wide-area coverage attacks.

So it took less than two 3 minutes for the two sides to fight, and the coalition forces began to see a large number of combat attrition.

Don't even go after them to chase Alan, it's hard to even make sure he survives.

As for Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, the Disciple Nagato, which was trained by himself, was pressed on the ground repeatedly and rubbed repeatedly, all relying on the immortal mode's large amount of chakra and strong recovery ability. write.

"Jiraiya teacher, give it up, there is no place for you in the future world. If you give up your unrealistic fantasies earlier, you may still be able to survive as an ordinary person." Nagato used a kind of The tone of aloof and remote advised.

"Give up? How can I give up! I'm Konoha's ninja! I will die!"

Jilai also roared and threw it out of the huge Immortal Technique spiral pill, Shoot the Beast Dao that is close to you.

But just as he was about to perform the next ninjutsu, he suddenly felt a biting chill in the surrounding air.

Before everyone could react to what happened, Alan, who was standing above the water, suddenly opened his arms.


Including the three tails that just floated up, and everything within a dozen kilometers around them, all frozen into white ice.

Such a terrifying picture like a natural disaster, not only the ninja coalition was stunned, but even the people of Xiao's organization were stunned.

Especially for Nagato, although it can also be used to create a meteorite and smash it down, causing almost the same range of coverage damage.

But that is the release of energy generated by the impact of gravitational acceleration.

And this kind of large-scale super status that even tailed beasts can freeze is obviously much more difficult, and the consumption of chakra is especially amazing.

You must know that this is not as simple as just freezing a layer of ice, but freezing the water several hundred meters deep into a large ice lump.

Some of the unlucky ones who were too close to the water to dodge turned into crystal clear and near-transparent ice sculptures in almost a second, and the speed completely surpassed the concept of ordinary ninjutsu .

In contrast, Alan, like a normal person, directly pulled the three tails out of the completely frozen ice, and forcibly sucked it into himself through a certain technique that no one knew. in the body.

No seals!

The whole process is as relaxing as drinking a drink.

"Damn it! Let this guy succeed!"

Jilai also saw this scene, and immediately realized that the mission had failed, and made a decisive gesture to indicate that everyone was following Xiao. Those who organized the fierce battle stopped.

Because he knew that if Alan got three tails, it meant that his own plans and efforts had failed.

The only thing to do next is to defend the last eight tails of Yun Ren.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya involuntarily turned his attention to Kirabi, who had remained silent since Raikage died in battle.

Compared with the previous style of non-mainstream hip-hop rap, where he opened his mouth and opened his mouth, he obviously made a 180-degree turn, and his eyes flashed with the name of anger and hatred. The rays of light, as if rushing to perish together with the enemy at any time.

It's a pity that his opponent is Kodo, who has five hearts and is extremely experienced in combat.

"Go! Catch the Eight-Tailed Man Zhuri!"

Nagato immediately gave orders to Akatsuki's core members.

When he came, he had already discussed with Alan that he must get the last two tailed beasts at one time, otherwise it would give Madara and Hei a perfect opportunity.

"Protect Kirabi!"

Jiraiya's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately tried to move closer to Yatai Ren Zhuli.

But it's obviously not an easy thing to get rid of Penn's Six Paths, just a few steps after he ran out, he was immediately attracted by myriad forms.

Deidara also took the opportunity to unleash an oversized clay bomb.

"Art is a blast!"

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The dazzling fire and explosion instantly lifted everything within a range of several hundred meters around Kirabi into the sky.

In just one blow, at least forty-fifty people on the coalition side were killed on the spot.

Kirabi was also forced to completely enter the tail animalization, forcibly resisting the destructive power generated by the explosion.

When the dust and gunpowder in the sky slowly dissipated, the strange and huge body of the Bull Ghost was finally revealed.

"Go to hell! Akatsuki's offal!"

Chirabi instantly gathered a large amount of chakra, forming an incomparable gigantic tail beast jade near his mouth, aiming at Alan's location emitted in the direction.


Alan sneered, who has completely controlled and swallowed the three tails, raised his hand to directly draw the chakra of the nine tails, and then gathered natural energy, in a very short time Inside, he created a larger, more terrifying tailed beast jade with formidable power, and went straight back.

When the two tailed beasts collided in midair!

The whole of Heaven and Earth is overshadowed by it!

The amazing explosion turned the sky directly into black and white!

Many New Generation ninjas who witnessed the battle between Ren Zhuli and Ren Zhuli for the first time, without exception, stood there with wide-eyed eyes, watching the dazzling light in the sky, and the aftermath of the explosion. How the terrifying shock wave formed tore the earth apart.

Real Divine Immortal fights!

Especially those Chunin and Genin, who are not even qualified to be a little closer to the sidelines.

Even if it's just the aftermath, it's an irresistible terrifying natural disaster for them.

"You bastard! Did you really take the Nine-Tails from Naruto..."

As the leader of the seventh class, Kakashi was almost at a glance. Recognizing the source of the tailed beast jade chakra just now, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

You must know that since Naruto disappeared, many Konoha ninjas, including him, have been searching for news.

even more how his teacher, Remnant Soul of Fengshui Sect, the fourth generation of Hokage, asked before it dissipated, and must Naruto bring it back.

"Take it away? No! I think you misunderstood something! This is Naruto asking me to take this demon fox out of my body. He is tired of your hypocrisy, and even more tired of the so-called so-called carrying on your body. Destiny. Right now, he just wants to pursue a free and unconstrained life, and I gave him this opportunity." Alan responded, turning around and staring into Kakashi's eyes.

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