Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 392

"Where is Naruto? What did you do to him?" Kakashi asked frowned.

"Rest assured, I just made a deal with him and parted ways after getting what he wanted. He wanted freedom and peace, and I gave him this and that kind of life he wanted. ' Alan explained casually.

Obviously, convincing a stubborn guy like Naruto is by no means an easy task.

So from the very beginning, he didn't plan to convince Naruto, but took him directly to one of the most potential rebel sites.

Let this idiot, who has been instilled with the will of fire for more than ten years, witness the suffering of the lower-level civilians with his own eyes, and feel the reason why the resistance army can bloom everywhere, even if it is destroyed several times, it can still be revived.

As the saying goes, seeing is believing and hearing is false.

It took just over a week for Naruto to learn from the commoners how miserable and miserable life is for the ordinary person under the rule of ninjas, daimyo and nobles.

Especially Konoha, she doesn't want to be as righteous and bright as she imagined.

In order to keep the secrecy slaughtered, the whole village was not spared at all!

Not only that!

They also collect orphans in war-torn areas, train them to be dead soldiers and spies, send them to other countries to inquire about information, and do all kinds of sabotage work.

In the eyes of commoners, ninja is the Myriad Evil Origin of this world, a vicious dog raised by daimyo and nobles.

For a young man who is determined to become a ninja, or even Naruto, this is undoubtedly the most fatal psychological blow, and even shatters all the dreams and hopes of life.

When vortex naruto was in despair, Alan gave a spiritual suggestion to a high-ranking rebel army through the Illusion Technique.

As a result, by a "coincidence" a few days later, he got acquainted with this high-level, and joined the resistance army at the invitation of the other party, and began to use the power of his ninja to really do what he could for the civilians. matter.

gradually, the despairing Naruto began to integrate little by little into the group, and even found a sense of home.

But Kakashi obviously didn't know this, and asked in disbelief: "You let him go?"

"Yeah! I would never force anyone , you should be most aware of this. In my opinion, there should be equality between people, and this equality has nothing to do with status, status, wealth, power and power, but a basic Respect. It's a pity that ninjas like you who rely on strict subordinate relations and death threats to consolidate their rule will never understand." Alan said with a profound irony.


The original intention of creating Konoha was good.

And during his tenure, when he encountered problems, he basically sat down with everyone to talk and discuss.

But with the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama taking the upper hand, the loose alliance within Konoha began to move towards the Road of No Return of **** all the way.

The newly established institutions such as Ninja School, Anbu, Police Department, etc. directly transformed Konoha into a ninja assembly line factory from training to brainwashing.

Especially Anbu is a complete spy organization, by fair means or foul.

Later, Danzo's root organization took this idea to the extreme.

Any normal country or organization will never regard assassination and sabotage as a common deterrent.

Available in the world of Naruto, which is the norm in almost all great powers.

Many people are loyal to the village, not because of how much they love the village, but because they are afraid that they will be hunted down by Anbu if they defect.

In simple terms, it is to rely on terrorist threats to achieve the purpose of unity within.

And it was the second Hokage Senju Tobirama who opened the door to the sin of the folding fan.

I have to say, the younger brother Hasuma has never done a few good things in his life.

The forbidden technique he invented almost filled the entire sealed book. His discrimination against the Uchiha family directly pushed the other party to the precipice of genocide. The system he created turned the entire ninja world into a The complete Asura field, the two Disciples he cultivated, directly led to Konoha's later several decades of dark and political struggles...

Thinking of this, Alan suddenly understood why Madara hated Tobirama so much.

Because compared to the straightforward and upright column Ma, this guy is a typical dark personality, always likes to think bad about people.

While the two of them were talking, Kirabi once again gathered a huge tailed beast jade.

It's just this time, before Alan could make a move, the ghost shark rushed up with the big sword shark muscle, forcibly tore off a large piece of flesh and chakra from the eight tails, and said with a grinning face: "Don't be too arrogant! Do you think we will always give you time to prepare the tailed beast jade?"

"You devoured the chakra with the tail?" Kirabi stared at the other party's strange shape The weapon, his face suddenly became ugly.

Although he has long heard that the core members of Xiao's organization are almost all extraordinary, but didn't expect any one to stand up and evenly match him.

You must know that he is the Ranked 2nd person in Yun Nin Village!

The B in the AB combination!

At the same time, it is also the perfect human pillar force of the Ranked 2nd Tailed Beast Bull Ghost!

But now, it was actually suppressed by a mister's betrayal!

"Haha! The shark muscle likes your chakra very much." The ghost shark grinned, revealing a row of sharp teeth.

But just when he was about to chase after the victory and tore off more chakra from the opponent, another Yun Ren fell from the sky and stopped directly in front of Kirabi and said: "Enough! This is not the place for you to be a hero! Immediately retreat back to Yunnin Village. With the claws of the three tails, you are now the last person, and you cannot fall into the hands of the enemy no matter what."

"No! I want to avenge my big brother and those who died!" Kirabi waved an eight-tailed octopus-like shot to push the opponent away and rushed to fight the ghost shark.

"This bastard!"

Yun Ren who was pushed away suddenly cursed in a low voice helplessly, and without saying a word, he immediately turned around and ordered others to join forces to perform ninjutsu, and attacked Xiao's organization. People conduct long-range fire suppression.

In less than two 3 minutes, the battle started again.

For a while, in this place where Sanwei haunted, all kinds of ninjutsu, detonating charms and shuriken danced in the sky, and every once in a while, a few more incomplete corpses appeared on the ground.

The strategy of the coalition is very simple, that is, use the number of people to exhaust the chakras that Xiao organizes these powerhouses, and even use their lives to repel the opponent.

Unfortunately, their wishful thinking was doomed to fail.

It doesn't make any sense to have more of these ordinary ninjas when Alan comes out to join the fray again.

He just smashed through the strong defense line formed by hundreds of ninjas with just one move of the Thunderbolt Armor and Flying Thor.

Most people don't see who killed themselves in their last lesson before dying. The only thing they can see is the flashing white light.

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