Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 393

"The armor of thunder?"

"Flying Thor?!!"

"Is this guy a monster?"

"With this How can a monster fight be won!"


On the battlefield, there is nothing more desperate than the appearance of an enemy who is good at space ninjutsu.

even more how, Alan is not just as simple as using space ninjutsu, but he also uses the double enhancement of the Immortal mode and the armor of thunder.

Ordinary swords and A-level ninjutsu cannot even break through the outermost defense!

In the blink of an eye, the allied ninja army that rushed to protect Kirabi was wiped out.

Looking at the corpses everywhere, Alan lifts the head and asks Zhuli, who has completely turned into a beast: "Is this the result you want? Kill more people? Accelerate the decline of Yunnin. and perish?"

"Shut up! What do you bastards know!" Kirabi roared angrily.

"I really don't understand, why are you ninjas so eager to treat daimyo and nobles as dogs, and even have a sense of superiority in some unfathomable mystery. But it doesn't matter, it won't take long for ninjas anyway Like warrior, I will completely withdraw from the stage of history. Today, no one can stop me from getting the eight tails."

As the last word blurted out, Alan's eyes instantly turned into the shape of an eternal kaleidoscope.

Before the other party could react to what happened, Niu Gui started to go mad.


After a deafening roar, it directly aimed at the coalition forces and would shoot a formidable power astonishing tail beast jade , causing a large number of casualties and attrition in an instant.

As for Kirabi, although he is hailed as the perfect human pillar, but now facing the eight tails who are controlled by the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, he is also incapable of doing anything, and he can only do his best to suppress it.

"Despicable! You actually use this method! Don't you even have the courage to fight me head-on?" Kirabe asked loudly with gnashing teeth.

Because Alan has so many ninjutsu skills and abilities, and he rarely uses the kaleidoscope, most people forget that he has such a trump card.

Now it was suddenly taken out, and the ninja coalition was plunged into an unprecedented crisis on the spot.

"Despicable? Sorry, but I don't think you guys have the right to say that about me. After all, you're a hundred times dirtier and meaner than I am. I once said that this twisted and deformed world It needs to be corrected, and you are the cancers that need to be removed."

Speaking, Alan opened his arms and spit out a few words from his mouth: "Woodun - the world of flowers and trees is coming!"


Before everyone could react, tens of millions of trees and vines rose from the ground, covering the entire area of more than ten kilometers.

Especially at the top of the flowers, they also spray deadly pollen around.

Even if a movie-level powerhouse is accidentally inhaled, it will be rendered incapacitated on the spot.

Looking at the ninja allied forces that were in a hurry and the finished products were put into the film, Itachi finally couldn't help sighing: "Is this the legendary Mudun used by the original Hokage? It's really terrifying!"

"Yeah! This is the power of Mu Dun! It seems that this coalition is going to end." Jiao Du also echoed Nodded.

He once played against Qianshouzhuma, and he is very aware of the terrifying of Mu Dun.

Compared to those purely offensive ninjutsu, the most terrifying aspect of Mudun is that it is a process of creating life.

All plants activated by chakra, no matter how serious the damage, will soon re-grow as long as the caster is still maintaining it.

And once these plants touch the target, they will immediately draw Chakra from the opponent until they completely lose their combat capability.

"Cut! I want them to see more art! This time is all in vain." Deidara curled one's lip very dissatisfied.

I don't know if this child was fooled when he was a child, and is always obsessed with all kinds of dangerous explosions.

Even his own body has been transformed into a super bomb, which is crazy to the extreme.

Just when Nagato was about to say something, several silhouettes suddenly fell from the sky and attacked Alan who was standing in the center of the battlefield at a lightning-fast speed.

"Flying Thunder God Slash!"

"Dayu Spiral Pills!"

I saw two silhouettes, one white and one yellow, with the help of the Kunai thrown in advance, The distance that crossed the space in an instant, cut in from the left and right at a lightning-fast speed, and completed a perfect match.

You don't need to ask to know that one of these two guys is Senju Tobirama, who invented the technique of flying thunder god, and the other is Fengshui Sect, who has the title of golden flash.

But unfortunately, Alan's nerve reflexes are too fast, and he has a good habit of driving circles and tracking humanoids in battle.

As a result, not only did their attack not have any effect, but instead they were fiercely smashed back by the punch of the sandbag.

Especially Tobirama who rushed in, half of his body was shattered.

If it wasn't for the Immortal Body reincarnated in the dirt, it is estimated that he was instantly killed on the spot.

"Interesting! Did Tsunade bring you here?"

Alan stared at the two reincarnated guys with a playful smile on his face.

Obviously, they have broken Orochimaru's control and are acting according to their own will.

Especially the fourth generation, who was once drawn half of the nine-tailed chakra, so I know that the youngster in front of me is also one of the secret masterminds.

"Ah! That's right! Tsunade asked us to stop your evil plan." Tobirama's gloomy face responded.

From those eyes full of anger and annoyance, it is not difficult to see that this second-generation Hokage already knows the current situation of Konoha and even the entire ninja world.

Alan is full of disgust for trying to subvert the order and start a new round of war.

"Then how are you going to stop me? Is it just those forbidden techniques that I invented while I was alive? If so, it's so disappointing. Because I've read the book of seals, to all You know all about forbidden techniques. And you thought you were the only ones who could fly Thor?"

tone barely fell!

Alan disappeared from the spot in an instant!

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! !

He appeared directly behind Senju Tobirama, raised his fist with terrifying destructive power, and smashed half of the second Hokage's body to pieces.

At the moment of the fight just now, Alan had successfully left the Flying Thunder God's spell in the opponent's body reincarnated from the dirt.

Combined with the kaleidoscope's sense of space, he is faster than the man who claims to be the fastest in the ninja world!

At the same time, the nerve reflex speed of dozens of times also determined that when he shot, no one in this world could escape.

"Two grandfather!"

The five generations of Hokage Tsunade just rushed out of the woods and immediately became extremely nervous when she saw the appearance of Senju Tobirama being smashed.

You must know that it took her a long time to drive away Orochimaru, and finally brought back these two powerful reinforcements.

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