Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 395

"It's not easy! I finally got all the nine-tailed beasts. How about it, how long does it take to drain the last two?"

Alan sat on the ground at the entrance of the dungeon, with his back Leaning against the white marble wall, he took the initiative to ask.

"At least eighty days! Especially the nine tails, the medium it contains is almost more than the sum of the first eight." Verna Lazas gave a clear time without thinking.

As the whole plan is about to enter the final step, she can't wait to swallow the ten-tailed Divine Tree and Kaguya and turn them into nourishment on her way to Dao Transformation.

"Eighty days? It looks like I'm going to be here for a while." Alan subconsciously extend the hand and stroked the cub beside him.


After such a long gestation, Rubers II finally gave birth to Rubers III.

And unlike father and grandfather, this newly born little fellow was transformed by Verna Lazas when he was still a fertilized egg.

Not long after she was born, she already had a full Strength of Six Paths and Samsara Eye.

It is estimated that if this iteration continues, when Lubos V or VI, it is estimated that the Six Paths immortal can be directly pressed on the ground and repeatedly rubbed.

"wu wu wu..."

The wolf cub stretched out its tongue and licked the owner's palm lightly, his eyes full of attachment.

It is estimated that in another hundred days, it should have entered a sub-adult state, just enough to catch up with this final battle that will affect the entire ninja world.

"Here! This is your favorite roasted quail. Eat more so that you can grow up quickly, and then help me bite the enemy."

Alan from the pocket He took out several roasted quails and put them in front of this little fellow.

Since he came to this world, he has been collecting all kinds of useful things and trump cards. Now that it is finally time to harvest, he will inevitably be a little excited and excited.

As for Lubos and Lubos II, they can only watch this little fellow little by little become the new leader of the wolf pack.

No way!

Because of the continuous evolution of Vernarasas, the wolf born later will always be stronger than the wolf born before.

And the addition of the new power system will also allow the wolves to begin to have a more and more clear division of labor.

Among them, Lubos is a typical remote control type, mainly relying on creating dark Shadow Clone self-destruct to kill the enemy.

The second generation is more like a warrior, and his body is far stronger than his father and his son. After the transformation, the underside of the fur is covered with a layer of firm and thick scales, plus the idea of strengthening the system. Ability and human body refinement, even if Alan wants to kill it, it will take a lot of work.

In contrast, Sanshi, who inherited most of the power of the Chakra system, is more like an assassin, who likes to hide in the dark and use the speed advantage to kill with one blow.

Simply feeding the three pets, Alan tries to combine all the abilities, strengths and cards he has on hand.

A hundred days in a copy is neither long nor short.

If he can make good use of it, he can definitely bring it up to a level.


On the other hand, Madara, after finishing the battle with her old foe, took Hei Jue directly to Yuren Village, intending to find Nagato for a showdown.

But when he saw that there were only two dark blood holes in Nagato's eyes in the wheelchair, the whole person became extremely angry and asked sharply: "What happened? What about Samsara Eye? ?"

"We were careless! Samsara Eye was taken away by a deliberate pharmacist!" Obito deliberately pretended to be replied with a gloomy look.

"Bou? Is that the guy who used the dirt to reincarnate and resurrect me?" Madara exuded an astonishing murderous aura from top to bottom.

He didn't expect in his dreams, that junior like a mouse actually had such an unknown ambition, and dared to take away his own Samsara Eye.

"That's right! Not only that! He also channeled the outsider golem. Now, the initiative is already not in our hands."

The belt of the actor possessed Tu clenched his fists tightly, and the expression on his face was as painful as that of a dead father.

In contrast, Nagato, who lost his glasses, was motionless in a wheelchair like a dead man, as if he had lost the faith to live.

Obviously, this is all for Madara to see.

Actually, all of this was pre-arranged by Alan.

Through the golden undercover ghost shark, Akatsuki with no difficulty told Douu the secrets about Juwei and Samsara Eye.

And as expected, Tou couldn't control his ambition at once, and wanted to become the pinnacle of the Shinobi world, or even become the only god in the world.

Decisively on the way to retreat, he ambushed Nagato with his army of reincarnated filth.

And in the case of Nagato's intentional waterproofing, he quickly captured Samsara Eye and escaped.

Right now, this guy has installed Samsara Eye, ready to wait for Alan to show up and negotiate with him to get the last few tailed beasts through trade.

But what he didn't know was that he had unconsciously become the best candidate to use the reincarnation technique to resurrect Madara Uchiha.

"Find him! Immediately! Immediately!" The pattern also gave Heijue an order.

You must know that the pocket is not with soil, and there is no back door left by him.

Once he becomes the Ju-Tailed Man Zhuli, even he can only end up with hatred.

"Not only do you need to find pockets! You also need to find Alan! Don't forget! He still has the last few tailed beasts on hand."

"I know! But the question is, does anyone know where he's hiding?" Madara turned and asked.

Obito smiled wryly and shook the head: "I don't know! This guy often disappears for an unfathomable mystery for a while. No one knows where he goes, so the only thing we can do is wait. Anyway, ten The days are not long."

"Ten days! In these ten days, you must find the pocket! The Moon Eye Project must not fall short!"

After saying, Madara disappeared without a trace.

Confirming that this dangerous element has completely gone away, Obito said with a cold laugh: "It seems that Madara has been fooled! In the next period of time, he will consume all his energy. In the pursuit of Kato and the fight against Senju."

"It was much smoother than expected! I can't believe that Alan expected all of Madara and Kuro's reactions. Could it be... does he possess some kind of power to predict the future?" Nagato asked in an uncertain tone.

"Maybe!" A shrugged shoulder with an indifferent expression. "But the current situation is the most favorable for us. Inform the ghost shark, let him keep an eye on his pocket, and make sure we can find this guy's location at any time. Once the time is right, let him cast the Reincarnation Natural Resurrection Spot and open the final God-killing plan."

"Don't worry, the ghost shark has been an undercover agent for so many years and should know what to do. I'm more concerned about where Alan went than him. He really will be in ten days. Will you show up as scheduled?"

Speaking, Nagato touched his empty eye sockets.

Because the timing of Dou's attack was very good, it was too late for him to put on the duplicated spare eyes.

But as long as the plan goes well, he doesn't mind being blind for a while.

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