Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 396

The Kingdom of Iron, a neutral country adjacent to the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Fields, and the last country to be ruled by a warrior.

As a permanent neutral country in the ninja world, the Iron Country was very lucky to have avoided several ninja wars.

And the current leader Mifune is also a very powerful sword technique expert. He once played against Hanzo, a pepper fish in the country of rain, and proved to the world that he has the power to protect the country of iron.

So for a long time, the Iron Country was synonymous with stability and security.

But with the rise of the rebel army, the country ruled by the last warrior also began to become turbulent.

In order to ensure that the Iron Country would not break out into a fierce conflict between the commoners and the upper ruling class like other countries, Mifune decisively carried out a series of drastic reforms.

It even absorbs a large number of civilians who have learned the ability to read, and grants them the status and low status of warrior.

Although this has led to dissatisfaction among many traditional warrior groups, and even crazy rebellions.

But in the end, all rebellions were suppressed without exception.

Just when Michuan was busy quelling the increasingly sharp and fierce conflicts between the two factions every day, he had no idea that a war was about to break out on his own territory.

To be precise, it was Dou who took advantage of the internal turmoil in the Iron Country to secretly establish a secret base here, and brought the huge outsider golem with him.

After all, as a permanent neutral country, the warriors of the Iron Country almost never take the initiative to participate in the war between ninjas, so the number of spies installed in the major ninja villages is also the least.

Less spies mean a lower risk of exposure, which can effectively reduce the chance of being discovered.

Standing in front of the huge outsider golem, he had put on the Samsara Eye's pocket and sighed slightly, "Is this the legendary ten-tailed body? It's unbelievable! It's just the feeling. I would shudder involuntarily with the remaining power of it. If I fully revive it and become the ten-tailed human pillar force, then I will become a god walking on earth, just like the Six Paths immortal back then.”

"Samsara Eye! Ten Tails! You have now got something for yearn for something even in dreams, don't forget to promise me something." The ghost shark deliberately pretended to be impatient and reminded.

"Of course! As long as the plan is successful, I will never forget you, an ally who provided key information." Dou turned around and responded meaningfully.

Although at the most open, he always felt that the man who looked like a shark in front of him was actually a spy sent by someone to spy on him.

But after the successful attack on Nagato, this suspicion was finally dispelled.

The reason is simple!

The attack was so easy and smooth that it didn't even use the hole cards prepared in advance, so it took the Samsara Eye from the leader of the Akatsuki organization with no difficulty.

This also means that the ghost shark is not loyal to Nagato, or Kurojue and Uchiha Madara.

Right now, the only thing Kao has to worry about is how to convince Alan, who holds the last few tailed beasts, to join him.

But the ghost shark obviously knew the next script, and casually comforted: "Don't worry, our plan will succeed. Because that guy Alan never cares who will become the ten-tailed person in the end, Zhuri, What he wants doesn't conflict with us in any way. Also, I suggest you pay the most attention to Shannon and Neji. These two are Alan's most trusted companions, and if he ever shows up, he'll be in touch with them immediately."

"I hope so! I've already sent someone to watch over Neji and Xianglin." Dou gently pushed his nose and put on his glasses, his whole being like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark.

I don't know if it's the relationship between the immortal model of Longdidong, or the transplant of too many Orochimaru cells. He is now like a cold-blooded reptile, even if it's just one movement and one look Makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"Then I'm relieved."

The ghost shark pretended to be nodded, then turned around and left.

But before he could take a few steps, Dou couldn't help but ask, "Where are you going at this time?"

"Of course, to watch Mr. Itachi and Mr. His younger brother resolves the last grudge." Gui Shao replied without hesitation.

"Oh? The brothers finally couldn't help but start killing each other?" A strange rays of light flashed in his eyes.

The ghost shark gently nodded: "Yeah! Maybe after this duel is over, there will be another pair of eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes in the ninja world. Just imagining it makes people look forward to it. "

"hmph! Whether it is a kaleidoscope or an eternal kaleidoscope, there is nothing to be afraid of in front of this pair of Samsara Eyes." A confident smile appeared on Dou's face.

There is no doubt that he is swollen, and it is a typical ignoreance is a bliss. He has no idea that Samsara Eye is the final evolutionary form of Sharinyan.

"Hehe, maybe. But I've been partnering with Mr. Itachi for so long, and now that he's dying, my companion has to go on a ride."

After that , the ghost shark ignored the pocket and left the all black, no daylight underground space.


At the same time, there is a mountain within the valley far outside the village of Yininin in Tianzhiguo.

Sasuke Uchiha had arrived at the promised place two days in advance, and was sitting on the ground looking up at the sky in boredom, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xianglin, who is responsible for ensuring that the civil war between brothers will not be interfered by others, is very curious and asks: "Hey! Sasuke! Do you really hate your big brother?"

"Of course! But it's not the crazy things I hate that he does! It's the stupidity! He thinks he stands taller, sees farther than all the other clansman, and has more than the entire Uchiha clan. He decides the fate of others without consulting anyone. But when the mystery is revealed, he is actually just an idiot who was kept in the dark and used by others." Sasuke said angrily. The truest thoughts in my heart.

" actually hate him for not telling you the truth?" Xiang Lin's face was full of gossip.

To be honest, she sometimes really wants to know what kind of feelings this dead arrogant child has for her brother.

But now it seems that 80% should belong to the type of love that turns into hate.

"no! What I hate is his believe oneself infallible! What I hate is why he didn't choose the family at first, but chose the dark and rotten Konoha, even with the three generations and Danzo's old few Fart's chops have reached an agreement. If it were me, I would rather use the kaleidoscope to release the nine tails directly, and let the whole Konoha be buried with the Uchiha family."

The extreme character of Sasuke's tone With intense resentment and anger.

Because if Konoha is really a home worthy of every effort to protect it, that's all.

But actually?

It's not worth guarding at all!

Whether it was before and after the Uchiha genocide incident, or the concealment of Naruto's identity, and the forced surrender of Hyuga's life as compensation to Yun Ren, the decision and choice of Konoha's high-level executives were all in line with their orders. Disappointing, even disgusting.

Especially Danzo, never intended to fulfill the agreement from beginning to end, just wanted to cut off the bloodline of the Uchiha clan once and for all.

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