Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 397

Time flies, two days passed in a flash.

Waiting until the early morning of the third day, just when the morning sun just sprinkled the golden light on the ground, itachi, wearing the uniform of the red Yunxiao organization on a black background, finally appeared on the other side of the valley.

He looked thinner and weaker than he had been a few months ago, but only his eyes remained bright.

"You're finally here!"

Sasuke stood up and shook the dust and weeds from his clothes.

"Yeah! Because the moment to decide the fate of this world is coming soon. Even more how, your eyesight should have dropped a lot, right?" Itachi asked in a familiar tone. .

"It's okay! At least it's much better than your situation." Sasuke responded with a complicated look.

I have to say that if you don't know the real situation, you will definitely feel quite embarrassed and awkward just listening to the brothers' conversation.

Especially Xianglin, who has a straightforward personality, only felt goosebumps all over his body.

If it wasn't for Alan's warning before disappearing, she must not let anyone interfere with the duel between these two guys, she would definitely turn around and leave immediately, rather than stay here and suffer.

In contrast, those bystanders or witnesses from Xiao's organization just stood on a high place and silently watched the duel that was already doomed before it even started.

Anyone who knows about Itachi knows that as a big brother, he is absolutely impossible to win, and also has no will to win.

Sasuke was clearly aware of this, and slowly drew his sword, blunt said, "Now that you've arrived, let's get started. I can't wait to see you there. father, mother, and clansman who died innocently, see how you would explain what you did to them."

"I never expected to be forgiven, so naturally I don't need an explanation. What. Come on, use all your strength to avenge the father, mother and those dead clansman. Because this is your responsibility!"

Speaking, Itachi turned on the kaleidoscope and rushed Released an Illusion Technique with his younger brother.

It is a pity that Sasuke, who also has a kaleidoscope, bounced back this Illusion Technique with no difficulty.

The next second...

The two rushed out at the same time like arrows from the string, waving the sharp blades in their hands and colliding with each other.


Sparks flew all of a sudden!

Before the audience could react, the brothers started Susanoo at the same time.

When the two giants, one purple and one red, rose from the ground, the ghost shark finally couldn't help sighing: "Uchiha's blood follower limit is really too powerful! Madara and Obito are In this way, it is the same with Mr. Itachi and Sasuke."

"They are the direct bloodline of Six Paths immortal eldest son Indra, and it is not surprising that they have such strength. Compared with this pair of brothers, I I'm more interested in Six Paths immortal and his mother. As Goddess who swallowed the fruit and became the ancestor of Chakra in this world, how powerful should Kaguya be." Koto touched the chin very rarely, showing a worried look.

"I don't know! But from the point of view of the battle between Madara and Chishoujoji, it must be very, very terrifying. I don't know if Alan can really kill the opponent completely as he promised. ." Scorpion's tone was also full of doubts.

"Aren't you too pessimistic? Don't forget! Alan has the ultimate art of leveling dozens of kilometers at a time. I'm sure he will succeed! At least Isn't everything going according to his script so far?" Deidara retorted with interest.

Since witnessing the spectacular explosion of a nuclear weapon, he has become a huge fan of Alan, and has even expressed his desire to learn how to make that bomb.

But unfortunately, when Alan Zhengbajing started to talk about the principles of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, this idiot who had never read books since he was a child was completely confused.

In desperation, Deidara took a different approach and began to work on clay, and finally created another new material with ten times stronger formidable power than before.

So he is more looking forward to the final battle than the other members of the Xiao organization!

I intend to fully display my art at this highlight moment.

The nodded agreed with the ghost shark: "That's right! That guy Alan has hidden too many trump cards. And... he also secretly built a Divine Item - flame demon sword. It is said that Xiaonan once I saw it once and thought that even a god would be killed by this sword."

"This sword must be made of some special metal and material."

Scorpion subconsciously He touched his new body made of thorium, mithril and black iron.

He is quite satisfied with these raw materials he has never seen before.

Combined with the engineering of Professor Alan, the former genius puppet master of Sand Ninja has created a real "Gundam".

As long as he intends, he can release those huge monsters at any time to cover the enemy with all-round three-dimensional firepower.

After tasting the taste of overheated weapons, the scorpion no longer looked down on those inferior cold weapons, poisons and mechanisms, but moved towards the direction of truth in range and justice in caliber.

Deidara, who is also an art duo, is undoubtedly very aware of what his old partner has done during this time, and immediately teased with a smile: "Scorpion big brother! You seem to be starting to understand me too. It's art, isn't it?"

"No! The explosion is just a means! The eternity of the puppet itself is the art!" Scorpion glanced at the other party and emphasized.

In the face of artistic pursuit and belief, he will not give in.

While these people were chatting, Sasuke and Itachi in the valley had fought fiercely for dozens of rounds.

Especially the destructive power released by Susanoh's collision, almost tore up all the surrounding trees, rocks and soil, leaving only a big, bare pit.


"Sasuke, you really have grown a lot."

Itachi eyes gasping for breath There was a hint of joy in it.

Because he already felt that without using his hole cards, he was no longer the opponent of the younger brother.

"hmph! Isn't this something as it should be by rights. Do you know how much I suffered and beaten for this day?"

say this When remarking, Er Zhuzi also used the corner of his eye to scan the Xiang Phosphorus not far away.

Every time I see the fist of this violent woman, my stomach, face and chest will ache.

No way!

The conditioned reflex has been generated by getting too many fists.

But killing him won't take the initiative to speak out about this scandal.

"Hehe, but it's all worth it, isn't it? Also, I'm glad to see that you've made real friends." Itachi raised his arm and gently wiped the blood and tears from the corners of his eyes .

As the chakra was consumed in large quantities, he could already feel that his body was collapsing, and death would come as expected in a few minutes at most.

But being able to die here, at the hands of Sasuke, is a relief for him, a sinner.

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