Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 398

All civil wars between Kaleidoscope Shakers will eventually turn into Susanohue competitions.

Because this is the most powerful force of the members of the Uchiha clan, and it is also the ultimate manifestation of Yin Escape.

By expressing the desire for power in the heart in the form of chakra, and achieving the perfect integration of offense and defense, this is what makes Susanoo special.

And due to the different thoughts, consciousness, and experiences of the owner of each pair of kaleidoscopes, Susanoh's abilities and appearances are also all kinds of strange things.

Itachi's Susanoo is almost the right hand ten Fist Sword, once the target is stabbed, it will be instantly absorbed into the bottle gourd and sealed in the dream.

The left hand is the Eight Inch Mirror, which can transform attributes according to the attacked way, so as to achieve the effect of rebounding all ninjutsu and physical attacks.

apart from this , there is also a hole card called Yasaka's Gouyu, which can throw Susanoh's Chakra out, forming a huge gouja with a wheel-eye pattern, and at the same time causing a violent explosion.

In comparison, Sasuke's Susanoo is slightly inferior.

Maybe it's because I've just mastered the relationship for a while, or it may be because I haven't used it many times, so I'm far less skilled than my big brother.

Now, he can only rely on his advantage of holding a bow and arrow for long-range shooting, keep pulling away, and shoot one after another Chakra arrow with Amaterasu's black flame.

Because neither of them had any intention to keep their hands, so the battle situation looked extremely intense.

Especially itachi, whose body has been exhausted, not only his eyes are constantly bleeding, but his mouth and nose are also spewing blood from time to time, as if he will not be able to hold on in the next second. Instantly killed.

But with a firm and tenacious will forcibly hold on.

Because he wants to teach his beloved younger brother one last lesson before he dies.

"Sasuke, do you know what your biggest weakness is?" Itachi asked the Eight Inch Mirror in a low voice to block a chakra arrow attached to Amaterasu's black flame.


Two pillars subconsciously frowned.

As an extremely proud and conceited Uchiha, he has always pursued perfection.

Whether it is body refinement, ninjutsu, sword technique, Illusion Technique, or immortal mode, which is extremely difficult to master, he has learned it all without fail.

So in his opinion, he doesn't have any obvious weaknesses at all.

Even if there is, it is not something that the enemy can easily catch.

Itachi obviously knows his younger brother very well, and immediately smiled nodded: "Yes! Maybe you haven't realized it yet, but I will tell you with practical actions later."

tone barely fell!

He suddenly controlled his Susanoo and threw a huge red hook.

"Yasaka's Gouyu!"

The next second...

This thing that looks like a wheel-eye pattern is instantly in the shuriken like a shuriken The sky draws a beautiful arc, detouring directly behind Sasuke and causing a violent explosion.

bang! ! ! ! ! !

crimson's flames engulfed the opponent purple chakra giant on the spot.

However, for Susanohu, who has the perfect combination of offense and defense, this attack is obviously not enough to completely defeat the defense, it just blocks the realization.

But Sasuke obviously won't stay in place and be beaten passively, and immediately jumped out of the scorching flames.

But just as he jumped out of the flames, he suddenly found that Itachi was already waiting for him outside.

"Ten Fist Sword!"

I saw a long sword composed of Spirit Physique passed through Susanohu's protection and stabbed Sasuke's neck with the curse of heaven Seal, and then use this Orochimaru to completely eradicate the hidden danger of resurrecting himself.

After all this was done, itachi spit out a large mouthful of scarlet blood again, unable to maintain the ultimate power of Susanoh's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and stumbled and fell to the ground. , said in a very weak tone: "See? Sasuke! This is your weakness! You are too proud and conceited, just like most Uchihas, so you are often too hasty when making judgments, or It's not cautious enough."

"You took away the curse of the sky?"

Sasuke wiped the part where his shoulders and neck were connected, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He is not a fool, he understands that if the Ten Fist Sword hit him just now, then it is not just the curse seal that is sealed.

“en! Heaven’s Curse Seal is Orochimaru’s trump card used to revive itself. Although it can help you refine and use natural energy more easily, it is also not a small hidden danger. After the kaleidoscope, you don't need it anymore."

After that, Itachi took out a glass test tube directly from his arms and dug out his nearly blind eyes in front of everyone, cautiously put it in, and then handed it to Sasuke: "Here, take it, it's the last thing I can leave to you. Promise me, no matter what happens, you will live well."

"Don't worry, I will not only live well, but also revive the Uchiha clan."

Er Zhuzi took the blood-stained scarlet eyeballs with a complicated expression, and the whole person was emotional becomes extremely complicated.

"Hehe, since that's the case, then I can leave with confidence."

As the last one blurted out, the blood in Itachi's mouth and nose was like a flood that opened the gate. He couldn't stop spraying out, and finally fell on his back to the ground and took his last breath.

Just when all the people who came to watch the battle felt sorry for this young genius, a silhouette suddenly fell from the sky, taking advantage of Sasuke's distracted moment, and took Itachi's body directly.

He is none other than the pharmacist's pocket who has been hiding around for a long time.

Obviously, this guy wants to use the corpse to reincarnate in the dirt, and let Itachi, who has a kaleidoscope, become his right-hand man.

"Despicable mouse! How dare you?"

Sasuke burst into anger instantly, roaring and raising his hand, it was an arrow of Amaterasu's black fire.

"Shinra Tianzheng!"

For the pocket with Samsara Eye, ordinary attacks obviously have no effect.

Only relying on controlling the gravitational force, with no difficulty, the arrow deviates from the original orbit.

As a spy who is used to being cautious, he didn't stay too long with the core members of the Xiao organization. After getting what he wanted, he immediately performed Teleportation Technique disappeared without a trace.

"Bastard! Yakushi's pocket! I swear that no matter if I escape to the ends of the earth, I must kill you."

Sasuke Uchiha once again sent out his incompetent fury.

It's not that he doesn't want to chase, but that the brother's battle just now has consumed too much chakra. At the same time, the two kaleidoscope writing wheels are also swollen and painful, obviously overused, even if they catch up. There must be a pocket with Samsara Eye and immortal mode.

As for the rest, they basically know that this is a part of Alan's script, so they have no intention of blocking it at all.

At this point, the civil war between the Uchiha brothers finally came to an end.

Itachi got his wish and gave his eyes to his beloved younger brother, and prepared for the upcoming reincarnation of the filth.

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