Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 399

The appearance of the pocket undoubtedly drove Madara and Kurojue, who were frantically looking for him, into a frenzy!

In just a few days, these two lunatics unabashedly recruited a large number of Bai Jue, and started a 360-degree search without dead ends around Yinin Village.

Because Dou's behavior was completely unexpected, they both avoided becoming very impatient.

Because once Kau becomes the Ten-Tailed Man Zhuli, even Hei Jue will not be able to regain the dominance of the Moon Eye Project from him without restraint.

even more how, Dou just wants to be the second of Six Paths immortal, a god walking in the world.

He had no idea or intention to start unlimited monthly reading from beginning to end.

This kind of failure is absolutely intolerable for the Black Jue who has been planning for thousands of years to finally reach this step.

It's a pity that he never dreamed that he would hide himself and the outsider golem in the iron country, which is the most difficult to find.

At the same time, the first, second and fourth generations of Hokage, who got rid of the control of Orochimaru, have also integrated the ninja coalition that is facing disintegration, and once again let these guys who are about to be eliminated by history break out in amazing battles will.

Not only that, but they also took the initiative to launch an attack on the Bai Jue army that appeared in large numbers out of thin air, causing Madara to be in a rage and fighting with his old enemy Qianshou Zhujian several times in a row.

Just when the outside world was in chaos, Alan, who had disappeared for ten days, finally left the copy and appeared in his own room in Yinin Village.

As soon as he appeared, Ning, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately opened his mouth and asked, "Is it all done?"

"Ah! It's all done." Alan nodded with a smile. "Next, let's resurrect the ten tails and complete the unprecedented feat of killing gods."

"This is exactly what I've been looking forward to!"

Speaking, Neji Those white eyes flashed a deep blue rays of light.

You don't need to ask to know that his eyes have finally completed evolution and are eligible to join the final battle that will determine the direction of the world.

"Me too!"

Fragrant phosphorus suddenly injected a large amount of chakra into the eyeball, revealing a pair of light purple Samsara Eyes.

There is no doubt that both of them have completed the fusion of yin and yang, and they have become the other two people in this world to obtain Strength of Six Paths after Yui and Yumura.

Looking at the two hand-picked helpers, Alan had a satisfied smile on his face: "Very good! Let's get started! First, tell me where I am?"

"The country of iron! The last time Uchiha's brother was in the civil war, he had secretly sent information to me."

Xianglin didn't say a word, and directly sent a A simple map was handed over.

"As expected of a gold undercover agent! didn't expect him to win Doudou's trust so quickly." After Alan glanced at it, he immediately praised Gui Shark's professional ability and level.

It is not an easy task to know that it is not easy to gain trust.

This guy, who was raised as a spy since he was a child, doesn't believe in anyone but himself.

But Neji sneered and explained: "It's not how well the ghost shark did, but Nagato, for the smooth implementation of the whole plan, took the initiative to cooperate with him to perform a play, and let him go with him. no difficulty took away the Samsara Eye and the outsider golem. Madara and Kuro are now furious over this accident, and have fought several battles with the ninja coalition led by Senju Hashima."

"Orochimaru and Obito What? What are they doing?" Alan asked with interest.

"Ever since the first, second and fourth Hokage were reincarnated from the filth, Orochimaru has been hiding in the dark and refused to show his face, and even Junmalu and the original Yinin four people don't know him. Where is it? Obviously, this guy is waiting for us to take action. As for Obito, he has been by Madara's side, patiently waiting for the chance of revenge. In addition, as you expected, Tou also suddenly appeared and stole Itachi. Corpse."

Xiang Li quickly explained all the information he had collected during this time.

She has the super-wide perception ability of Kagura Mind Eyes, so it's easier to find out information than anyone else.

Often several kilometers away, she already knew what was going on in front of her before she waited for the gap to get too far.

"That is to say, although there are some minor accidents, everything is still going according to my pre-designed script." Alan touched the chin with a playful expression.

Obviously, it is not because of his high intelligence that he can play so many people on the applause, but because he takes full advantage of the information asymmetry.

He knew about Madara and Hei Jue's conspiracy from the very beginning, but they knew nothing about him.

In addition to the collective rebellion of Akatsuki's organization and the constant troubles of Qianshouzhujian, the other party has no time to calm down and think, and can only be passively exhausted.

After thinking about this, Alan immediately brought Xianglin and Neji, walked out of Yinin Village, and moved towards the secret base in the Iron Country.

Because he didn't hide his whereabouts, as soon as the front foot appeared, the rear foot Spot and Hei Jue got the news.

"Damn it! It seems that this guy really only wants to resurrect the ten-tailed, and doesn't care who is resurrected or who is the ten-tailed person Zhuli."

Obito took the lead. She pretended to be unhappy and cursed in a low voice.

As one of the participants in the whole plan, he knows very well that Alan's presence means that the final battle has begun, and he is close to the moment of revenge.

"We must stop him! at all costs!"

Madara is indeed a powerhouse from the Warring States Period, and made a decision in just a few seconds.

After all, at this time, no plans and words are as powerful as actual actions.

But what he absolutely didn't expect was that his sudden departure immediately attracted the attention of the opposing ninja coalition.

Haramama and Tobirama, the two brothers who knew Madara's character very well, immediately left the others and followed closely behind.

In this way, the two sides entered the territory of the Iron Country one after the other.

Although Mifune, the leader of the warrior group, wanted to fulfill his responsibilities, he was the opponent of these fierce men, and was overturned in less than a second.

If Madara hadn't been in a hurry, he would have been scorched by the huge fire of formidable power on the spot.

But the warriors who followed him were not so lucky.

A total of more than 500 people died, not even one survived.

Looking at the mutilated corpses everywhere, the aged warrior leader finally shed tears of pain and despair.

Because he understands that the Iron Country is over.

This is about to become the main battlefield of the Fourth Ninja World War!

The peace and stability that I have spent a lot of energy to maintain are all in vain, and I have no ability to resist the unscrupulous devastation of these powerhouses.

No matter who wins or loses in the end, the Iron Country will be the biggest loser.

The warriors who fail to fulfill their duty to protect the people will also disappear forever.

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