Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 400

"Hehe, you're still here."

Doudou stood in front of the huge outsider golem, spreading his arms in a welcoming look.

Perhaps he never thought that one day he would be able to gain such powerful power, so his face was filled with a complacent smile.

"Yeah! I'm here! And with the other tailed beasts you want most. How about you get ready to be the second ten-tailed beast after Six Paths immortal. Are you strong?" Alan asked with a faint smile.

As a person who also pursues great power, he can understand Doudou's mood at this moment.

It's a pity that this spy-born guy has a very low vision, and he doesn't know the terrifying truth hidden behind the ninja world, and he doesn't know that the pair of Samsara Eyes have already been manipulated.

"Of course! How long will it take to seal all the last few tailed beasts into the outsider golems?" Dou directly asked the question he cared about most.

After all, whether it is Madara and Kurojue, or those ninja allied forces, will not give him too much time.

So before the defense line formed by the reincarnated army collapses, it is necessary to ensure that the ten tails are completely resurrected, otherwise they will die without a burial site.

"About five hours. Especially the last nine tails, it takes a lot of time. I believe you should be able to last until the last moment, right? After all, trash is not qualified to be ten tails. Humanity." Alan replied meaningfully.

Double's expression changed slightly after hearing this, staring at the pair of Samsara Eyes that did not belong to him and responded, "Don't worry! No matter who comes, I will keep them out."

tone barely fell!

His hands immediately began to seal at a very fast speed, and hundreds of coffins were summoned out in an instant.

About two or three seconds, the powerhouses that used to be all-powerful in the ninja world came out of the coffin.

Obviously, this guy, like in the original book, secretly dug the graves of many people.

Especially powerhouses like the third generation Raikage and the second generation Tuikage that can defeat ten thousand, even Madara will feel a headache, not to mention that there are a lot of cannon fodder with Immortal Body to help .

Without any hesitation!

With a single command, these controlled powerhouses left the secret base deep underground and began to arrange defense lines around them.

It didn't take a while to turn a few kilometers into an Absolute Death Region that even birds and mice couldn't get close to.

And Alan came to the outsider golem and began to extract the last few tailed beasts in his body that had been drained for use.

As a complete human supremacist, he doesn't care about the thoughts and lives of these tailed beasts, and he doesn't even think that these forcibly created things are real life.

Whether it is nine tails, eight tails, or three tails, as long as you dare to be dishonest and throw a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye Illusion Technique, you will immediately become more obedient than a dog.

As for the nonsense about getting along well with tailed beasts, he doesn't even believe a word of it.

What is a tail beast?

The tailed beast is a medium differentiated from the Divine Tree, a chakra aggregate formed by extracting life energy from the planet under its feet.

They are just some kind of nerf that Six Paths immortal deliberately made to prevent the Ten Tails from resurrecting.

And what about Divine Tree?

Divine Tree is a device used by aliens to extract energy, made by some unknown high-end biotechnology.

So it's just a tool from start to finish.

Under the strong suppression of Alan, although the grumpy nine tails kept roaring and cursing, they could only watch themselves little by little being stripped away and return to the huge outsider. Inside the golem.

When this process was about halfway through, Madara Uchiha, Obito, and Kurojue finally arrived at the periphery of the secret base.

"I can't believe that this bastard is hiding in the Iron Country! No wonder we haven't found him." Hei Jue's tone was filled with strong disgust and hatred.

"Not only that! He also prepared an army of filthy reincarnation. Be careful, some of these guys are quite difficult to deal with." Obito reminded with a pretense of kindness.

But Madara showed a disdainful expression: "Just because of these rubbish?"

"Trash? Hey! Who do you think you are! How dare you say this kind of boiled shamelessly If so?"

Yakura, the former hero of Sand Shinobi, stood up and asked loudly.

Although she was forced to intercept all enemies approaching the base here, she immediately felt a burst of fire after hearing the word trash.

Not only her, but other people who have not seen Madara Uchiha also eye shows the ominous light.

After all, anyone who can become a member of the army of reincarnation from the dirty earth is more or less famous, and they are also very confident in their own strength. No one can stand such a face-to-face insult.

Only the older generation, including the second-generation Tukage, recognized the true identity of the man in fiery-red armor with eyes full of aloof and remote standing in front of him.

Uchiha Madara!

A name that once went hand-in-hand with the god of ninjas, Senju Hashirama!

Just mentioning a name is enough to make other Shinobi villages feel fear and fear!

A name known as Asura for killing countless people!

Just when those juniors were clamoring to give this guy some color, the second-generation Shuiying Ghost Lanyue finally couldn't help but said, "Enough! Maybe others are not qualified to say that, But this man definitely has. He is Madara Uchiha, the blood-soaked asura who once made the entire ninja world shudder!"

"What? Madara Uchiha!"

"Kaleidoscope Shaker! Red's armor! Damn it! All the features match!"

"Why is Madara Uchiha here?"

"Ninja What happened in the world?"


For a while, these powerhouses from all ages showed puzzled expressions.

But there is only one person who has always maintained a calm appearance, and he is the last person to be reincarnated by the dirty soil - Uchiha Itachi.

Unlike the unfortunate one who was still controlled by Reincarnation of Dirt, he was fully prepared before dying.

When the time comes, you can use the remaining Heavenly God Kaleidoscope to break control and regain your freedom at any time.

"hmph! Ghost Lantern Huanyue, no, I can't believe you guys have been reincarnated. But just because you want to stop me?" Madara let out a contemptuous sneer.

But in the next second...

Another voice made his smile freeze on his face.

"What if we were added?"

I saw the first Hokage and the second Hokage descend from the sky and stand firmly on the treetops.

At this point, a three-way confrontation finally formed on the scene.

"Damn it! It's troublesome now!"

Hidden in the dark, Hei Jue finally realized how bad the situation was.

Ignoring others for the time being, a thousand-handed brother alone is enough to drag Madara here for a long time, impossible to move even a little bit.

PS: The recent diarrhea caused acute gastroenteritis, the update is unstable, sorry. These chapters are also suffering from a low-grade fever, sitting in front of the computer and finally typing them out...

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