Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 401

"The god of ninjas, Senju Hakuma, the first speed Senju Tobirama, Asura Uchiha Madara of the ninja world, and the strength of oneself alone created the Nine-Tails Rebellion, killing the four generations of Hokage and his wife Yellow Uchiha Obito of Springs. It seems that everyone who should come has already arrived..."

Looking at the familiar silhouettes in the distance, Kao couldn't help but slightly tilted the corners of his mouth to reveal a playful smile .

To be precise, the current three-way confrontation was created by him deliberately leaking information through the spies who had been planted in the Ninja Alliance.

As a prudent person, Dou will never do anything he is not sure about.

Especially he had experienced Madara's almost invincible speed and imposing manner up close, so even after acquiring Samsara Eye, he still didn't want to confront the famous Asura head-on.

On the contrary, his years of espionage made him prefer to use external forces to fight against powerful enemies.

But just as he was about to hide in the dark and enjoy the upcoming good show quietly, another silhouette suddenly came out slowly from the darkness and issued a send cold shivers down one's spine. laughter.

"he he he he! You are really unexpected, dou. I can't even believe that you, who has always been cautious, has come to this step today."

Having said that, the resurrected Orochimaru finally revealed that pale snake-like face under the illumination of the fire.

"Long time no see, Lord Orochimaru." Dou bent down to give a salute.

If it weren't for the rays of light called ambition flashing in his eyes, I'm afraid anyone would regard him as the well-behaved assistant he used to be.

Orochimaru no doubt noticed this, and nodded with emotion: "Yeah! Indeed, long time no see. Since I failed and was killed by Sasuke, the situation in the entire ninja world is like a runaway car. carriage, running along a Road of No Return at a high speed. What I didn't expect is that you have such courage and courage to be involved in it."

"No, you are wrong, big snake Maru-sama. What drives me to do this has never been courage or daring, but desire, the endless desire of human beings. Like you, I also desire to explore the truth of the world, and the legendary Ju Tai is the end of the truth. The key to . You are too addicted to the boundaries of blood, especially the writing wheel eye of the Uchiha family, so you will encounter failures again and again. But I am different. I set my sights on higher places. From In a way, now I have surpassed you and will become the second Six Paths immortal."

When he said this remark, Dou's tone was full of excitement and excitement.

He is obviously not surprised that Orochimaru can bypass those powerhouses reincarnated in the dirt.

After all, this place was originally one of the secret strongholds established by the other party, and Orochimaru had a stronger understanding of the ninjutsu of reincarnation of the dirty earth than him.

"Become the second Six Paths immortal?"

When Orochimaru heard this, a playful smile appeared on his face: "Then I wish you the last I can realize my wish."

He had already learned the truth of the whole thing from Ai Lu, and he knew very well that Fu was just a poor pawn that was used, and it was impossible to have the last laugh.

But Dou didn't know it, he still kept his vigilance, cautiously probed: "You suddenly appeared to say this?"

"Yes! I have already I accept my failure calmly, and then I just want to use my own eyes to watch the battle that will determine the future of the ninja world. So you don't have to be so prepared for me, because I have never been your enemy." Orochimaru blunt said its own position.

Especially his eyes, he didn't have the slightest greed for Samsara Eye who was close at hand.

Just as the two were talking, Madara, Obito, the first Hokage, the second Hokage, and the powerhouse reincarnated from the dirty soil finally ended their confrontation and fell directly into a three-way melee.

In a short time, the amazing ninjutsu of various formidable powers will permanently change the surrounding terrain and environment.

The dust escape of the second generation of earth shadows directly creates a huge pit, while the water escape of the second generation of water shadows fills the hole, and in the blink of an eye, an artificial lake with a large area is created. .

As for Madara, it is even more terrifying. With Susanoh's terrifying destructive power, he cuts off the top of a mountain.

Fortunately, both sides of the battle are Immortal Body reincarnated from the dirt, otherwise there will be a lot of casualties in this short time.

Senju Hashirama even turned on the immortal mode without saying a word, unscrupulously swaying his powerful wooden escape, forcibly suppressing more than 30 powerhouses reincarnated in filthy soil to the ground with strength of oneself impossible to move even a little bit.

When the vibration from the fierce battle spread to the ground, Alan, who was drawing nine-tailed chakra, finally opened his eyes and asked in a tone without any emotion: "Has the outside finally started? "

"en! Started! Although the main force of the ninja coalition has not arrived yet, the first Hokage and the second Hokage have already arrived." Xianglin gave a positive answer without thinking.

"Do you need me to stop them?" Neji asked, be eager to have a try.

Alan gently hooked the head: "No, not for the time being, let them play slowly now. Compared to this, I'm more curious about where Sasuke and the fourth Hokage wave Fengshui Sect went."

"If there is no accident, it should be to go to Naruto. For Sasuke, even his fateful opponent is also the most cherished companion. And for Bo Fengshui Sect , that is the biological son he has only seen once since he was born." Xianglin pushed his glasses and analyzed.

"In other words, Naruto vortex will face an extremely difficult choice next." Alan pursed his lips, and a meaningful expression appeared on his face. "Should I go back to Konoha with my father, or stand on our side with Sasuke? I really look forward to what choice he will make..."

"Is this important?" Ning There was strong doubt in his tone.

He couldn't figure out what kind of impact the loss of the nine-tailed vortex Naruto would have on the situation.

Not to mention the fool who often makes unexpected moves, even Sasuke can only be an insignificant cannon fodder in this final battle.

Alan responded with a smile: "Don't underestimate him! As the reincarnation of Asura Chakra, Naruto has great unimaginable potential. And do you think Six Paths immortal Yui is really dead? No? Not only has he not died, but his soul has been wandering in this world. So we have to prepare for the worst, which is to face Kaguya, Six Paths immortal, and the reincarnation of his two sons, Chakra, at the same time.”

"You mean...Six Paths immortal will stop us from killing Kaguya?" Neji started obviously.

"It's hard to say. You have to understand that Kaguya is his biological mother no matter what. Except for Uchiha Itachi, the crazy and crazy idiot, you've seen anyone kill him. mother? So we are taking the hardest road, and it is also the only correct road that can permanently solve all hidden dangers. No matter who the enemy is to face in the end, I will never hesitate or back down.”

After saying that, Alan closed his eyes again and began to concentrate on extracting the nine-tailed chakra and sealing it into the outsider golem.

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