Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 503

After the price broke through the figure of 800 million, the fierce bidding suddenly became deserted.

After all, although the pirates are doing business without capital, the cost is also not small.

Whether it is the purchase and maintenance of ships, cannons, and swords, which are essential tools in an adventure, or the condiments, wine, and food that are often consumed at banquets, a lot of money is bound to be spent.

So most of the pirate gangs tend to look very bold and rich, but in fact, there are not many funds for activities.

Looking at the adventures of Straw Hat Luffy all the way, only 300 million Baileys were saved until the Seven Waters.

And because they never loot merchant ships and towns, their main income basically comes from the gold of the empty island, so even if other pirate groups let go of their hands and feet to loot, it is estimated that the money they have saved It will not be much higher than this number, at best, it is five or six billion Baileys.

In addition, Luffy formed a small elite adventure group team, with less than ten crew members combined, and the daily expenses were basically reduced to 50,000 Baileys.

Instead of those large pirate groups with hundreds of people at every turn, just to satisfy the appetite of these big-bellied men can cause headaches for those responsible for purchasing and managing money.

Therefore, the figure of 800 million is already the limit that the supernovas in the first half of the great route can bear.

Looking at the hideous expressions of those who are still increasing the price, they know that they are about to empty the last penny from their trouser pockets.

"Eight...823 million!"

A pirate captain sitting in the front row raised his sweaty right hand.

The moment he shouted out this number, his whole body seemed to be drained of strength, and he sat on the chair with a limp ass, gasping for breath.

As for the other bidders around, they all chose to give up after hesitating for half a day.

Not everyone has the courage to give up their entire fortune and bet that they can conquer a powerhouse that has eaten a Zoological Devil Fruit.

Just as the Auctioneer was counting down and was about to drop the hammer, Alan suddenly raised his arm and reported a number that made everyone in the venue mute: "One billion!"



All eyes were on him.

Especially those guys who have participated in hunting slaves, after seeing Alan's beautiful face that words can't describe, they all showed rays of light that were extremely greedy and fierce.

In the eyes of these people, Alan is simply the most High Level slave that can sell sky-high prices.

Whether it's the aloof and remote draconians in Holy Land, or the women with amazing wealth and power in this world, they will be very happy to buy them at high prices as their favorite pets.

For these blatant and undisguised malice, Alan was just laughter with no intention of being angry at all.

Because in his opinion, these guys were dead from the moment they exposed this emotion.

"Ten... one billion times! One billion two times! one billion three times! The deal! Congratulations to this guest, you have won the finale of this auction." Auctioneer fell excitedly hammer.


With the crisp sound, today's auction finally came to an end.

Under the leadership of the staff, Alan came to the backstage and took out several large boxes of Bailey from his pockets and threw them directly to the other party.

Although he has never exchanged the pirate's head for a bounty, he has saved almost thirty or forty by taking advantage of a crisis for personal gain to take away the gold and silver treasures on the other side's ship. Billion, paying a billion is not a big deal at all.

After the Auction House staff had counted all the bills and confirmed that there was nothing wrong, the Auctioneer cautiously took out a chic bauble from the box: "Here! This is the device used to control those collars. . As long as anyone disobeys the order, press the yellow button, the collar will immediately release a strong current to make it incapacitate. If the slave tries to escape or resist, press the red button. At that time, the collar will explode with a bang, Blast the rebels' heads to shreds."

【remote control? ]

As soon as Alan got this control device, he immediately figured out the structure inside through his perception ability.

Although it's just a simple remote control like Wireless Electronics, its technological content is definitely beyond the average level of this world.

If there is no accident, 80% of it was made by the Vega Punk Academician who claimed to be five hundred years ahead of the world.

Just when he had a strong interest in this bauble, the Auction House staff had already left with all the money, leaving only a few slaves standing motionless in place.

Reilly was obviously tired of this boring farce, and with a slight tug, ka-cha broke the entire collar from the inside with a domineering sound, and threw it on the ground.


With the sound of steel falling to the ground, he then said with a smile: "Sorry, youngster, I'm afraid you will lose a billion baileys in vain today."

"Loss? No! To be able to see the right hand of One Piece, the famous Pluto Sirbaz Reilly, is well worth the billion." Alan smashed the remote control into pieces on the spot, and said the same thing. Respond with a smile.

"Oh? You know me!"

Riley noticed this action by accident, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Of course! Otherwise, why do you think I'm spending a billion? Just for this stupid big fellow?"

Alan glanced contemptuously at the muscles around him that were already tensing. Young people who can go wild at any time.

There is no doubt that this sentence completely angered the other party.

In less than two or three seconds, the young man's body began to swell rapidly, turning into a great ape with a height of ten meters and silver hair all over his body.

But the moment he slapped his chest hard and let out a series of roars, Alan disappeared instantly.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

He appeared directly on giant ape's head, knocking it to the ground with just one punch.

The terrifying force directly made this huge monster weighing more than 20 to 30 tons rise into the air, with its feet five or six meters above the ground, and then fell to the ground on its back.

Although the powerful fighting ability and recovery ability of the animal-type devil fruit did not make him completely faint.

But the severe concussion made this poor man unable to regain his balance no matter what, and he would fall down as soon as he stood up, and even his two arms began to tremble slightly uncontrollably.

"Hehe...hahahaha! so that's how it is! You are the most recent sea demon who has been hunting pirates and making everyone become terror-stricken at the news!"

"Hahahaha! so that's how it is! p>

Reilly laughed and revealed Alan's true identity.

Because of the punch just now, it was obvious that a rather high-level armament was used.

Combined with that incredible strength in the flesh, there will never be another person in the entire Chambord Archipelago who can do this.

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