Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 504

“pipe down!”

Alan lifts his feet, and ruthless stomps the giant ape head fiercely into the dirt, which is still trying to get up.

In the face of overwhelming power, even though this unknown youngster has quite good Devil Fruit ability, he still can only lie on the ground in the most humiliating posture, no matter how hard he struggles, it is useless.

Ensuring that this guy whose brain has been dominated by anger and tyranny can no longer make any big noises, he continued to say: "People always put gods, demons, and devils on the things they fear. It's like everyone is in awe of the draconian who claims to be a god. But in reality? Most draconians are just a bunch of stupid and ignorant garbage, and they can even be crushed like Stinking Insect with just the touch of a finger Death. So the nickname of the sea demon is just an outward expression of those pirates who fear me. As long as I remain strong and invincible, the demon will soon become a god. Because in essence, the two are not There's no difference."

"Hahahaha! You're really a youngster. You must know that the last batch of people who dared to describe the draconian in this way are basically either turned into an old fogey like me, or have been Buried in the soil and turned into a pile of bones." Rayleigh said with a smile.

"I'm just stating the facts. Sadly, the vast majority of people in this world are accustomed to the existence of the draconian as the supreme ruling class. Even in the face of death and insult, I don't even dare to have the spirit of resistance at all, and only extend the butcher knife to those ordinary persons who have little power. Tell me, shouldn't such pirates deserve to die?" Alan asked meaningfully.

Pirates represent the will of freedom and resistance?


He doesn't think so!

On the contrary!

Most of the pirates are actually a bunch of scum commiting any imaginable misdeed, just enjoying the satisfaction brought by destruction and venting.

It is true that their misdeeds greatly shaken the draconian rule, but they also bring endless disasters to the ordinary person.

So Alan didn't have the slightest liking for Brother Wang Er D. Roger, the pirate who started the era of the great pirates, and was even full of contempt and contempt, even if he conquered the great route and successfully reached the end Ralph Drew.

Reilly obviously noticed the strange look in the other's eyes, and responded with a chuckle: "Pirates are a bunch of guys regardless of the law and of natural morality and can't be restrained by anything! So from From the day they go out to sea, they should be ready to die in this sea. I don't care if you hunt them down, I just want to know what your motives are."

"No special motive, I'm just collecting Devil Fruits to pass the boring time." Alan shrugged nonchalantly.

There is no doubt that the answer of the One Piece vice-captain surprised him, but it is also reasonable.

The reason is simple!

Whether it's Roger, or the emperor among the pirates like Whitebeard, Aunt, Kaido, and Red Hair, there are basically each one, and they haven't received any serious education, and their way of thinking is stuck. In the stage of whoever has the bigger fist is justified.

So in their opinion, it is only natural for the powerhouse to kill the weak.

No morals!

No mercy!

More no order!

Some are just the law of the jungle like the law of the jungle!

"Collecting Devil Fruits?" Rayleigh grasped a key word keenly.

"en! I have mastered a technique to extract Devil Fruit from the body of the user." Alan admitted without any intention of concealing it.

It's not that he doesn't want to keep it secret, it's that there is no way to keep this kind of thing secret.

I believe that it will not be long before the navy and other powers will find patterns from recent attacks and make corresponding inferences.

"This is really big news! What do you want to do when you collect so many Devil Fruits? Build a powerful team into the New World to become the new emperor? Or overthrow the world government and the draconian rule ?" Raleigh probed with interest.

As one of Roger's witnesses to Ralph Drew Island, he has seen incredible things for a long time, and he doesn't feel that Alan can extract the devil fruit from the ability person again. a fuss about nothing.

What really interested him was what kind of thoughts and thoughts were in the mind of this youngster, who exuded an air of incompatibility with the surrounding environment.

Alan replied with a smile: "I haven't thought about it yet. How about you join my team?"

"Oh? ?" Riley couldn't help laughing.

"Of course! No matter what I want to do in the future, I need the assistance of someone who understands the situation in the entire world. If you, the pirate king's deputy, intend to join, it will definitely become very easy. "Alan explained half-jokingly.

But Rayleigh gently shook the head: "Forget it. I'm no longer the Hades on the arrest warrant. Right now, I'm just an old man who coats ships and plans to enjoy a few years of stability. But I have a hunch that it won't be long before you hit the front pages of the newspapers and become a super rookie who is more terrifying than any supernova ever before."

"Lend your good words. In a few days, I may We'll have a fight with the Don Quixote family near the pier. If you're free, come and see the fun."

After saying this, Alan immediately raised his fist and slammed it down. The youth who transformed into a giant ape was knocked unconscious, and then dragged the other party and gradually disappeared at the end of the street.

It was obvious that Rayleigh refused his invitation, which was not beyond his expectations.

After all, the two are completely parallel lines in terms of their way of thinking and basic concepts, without the slightest communication.

One Piece's world, companion this thing pays attention to a like-minded person.

Simply put, there must be a common goal.

But Alan doesn't even think about what he wants to do now, and naturally he can't attract the Peak powerhouse of the last era like Rayleigh.

At the same time watching Alan's receding back, Rayleigh finally sighed slightly and muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Is another monster born? This world really is It's getting more and more chaotic and exciting. Let me see what kind of change you can bring to this era."

tone barely fell!

He picked up an undamaged wine bottle from the ground and used his teeth to open the cork.

Not long after the two parties left, the security guards of the auction hall rushed in from the outside, staring at the mess in front of them.

Even after transforming into a giant ape, the young man was subdued before he had time to make any moves.

However, there were still several large pits smashed into the ground, and the surrounding decorations and furnishings were all spared.

"Damn! What the hell is going on here?" a Chief-In-Charge asked in an uncertain tone.

Auctioneer hurriedly shook his head desperately: "No...I don't know! I was fine when I left. Could it be that the slave went crazy, killed the buyer and everyone else, and ran away. Right?"

"Forget it! We've already received the money anyway, and that guy's life or death has nothing to do with us. Send someone to clean up the place immediately, and if it affects tomorrow's auction, I'll take you out Twisted his head off."

After issuing a threat, Chief-In-Charge quickly handed over the work of cleaning up the scene to his subordinates, and took out his phone bug and reported the matter to Boss.

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