Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 505

As there were no casualties and the damage was limited to the auction site, the storm quickly subsided.

Not even the navy stationed here takes it seriously.

No way!

The Chambord Archipelago is not a peaceful place, and conflicts and fights between pirates and pirates are commonplace.

So generally speaking, as long as it doesn't cause bad influence, or threaten the draconian who frequents here, they don't bother.

As for those pirates, isn't it better to let them kill each other?

Anyway, no matter who wins or loses, the Navy is the one who benefits.

In this way, without everyone caring, Alan took the young man who had returned to human form, found a place near the sea, threw it on the ground, and got it. Light dry branches to raise a bonfire, catch a few plump fish and bake them slowly on the fire, sprinkled with a little condiment.

About ten minutes or so, when the aroma of grilled fish slowly drifted out, he said without looking back: "Stop pretending! Get up! I know you are awake. "

tone barely fell!

The young man who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed immediately opened his eyes, bit his lower lip and asked, "Who are you?"

"Me? A traveler. Here, eat, I believe you have been tossing for so long, you should be hungry already." Alan grabbed a few grilled fish and handed it over.

The young man was obviously a little confused by this sudden move.

But after he claimed to be arrested as a slave, he did not eat a full meal, so when he smelled the fragrance, his stomach immediately made a gu lu gu lu cry.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he finally decided to fill his stomach first.

As everyone knows, the people in the One Piece world, especially those powerful guys, often have a particularly terrifying appetite.

In the blink of an eye, this unknown young man killed all the grilled fish on the bonfire.

You must know that these fish are not the small fish that are less than one foot long on the barbecue stalls in the night market, but the big fish that weigh more than ten pounds.

But even so, after eating all the grilled fish, he was still a little unfulfilled, and even the head of the fish with hard bones was chewed and swallowed.

I don't know if it's the reason for filling the stomach. The tyrannical disappeared full of self-destructive tendencies in the eyes of the youth is replaced by calm.

At this moment, no matter how stupid he is, he realizes that this person in front of him has no hostility at all, otherwise he would have killed himself at the auction.

After a long silence, he finally took a deep breath and spit out two words from his mouth: "Thank you!"

"Do you mind telling me what happened to you? ' Alan looked at each other with interest.

"Nothing to say! Like all the islands visited by those pirates and Bounty Hunters, my hometown was completely destroyed. All valuables were looted, and those who survived became slaves , was sold all over the world. Besides, my name is Ike."

Although the young man tried to forcefully suppress the intense emotions in his heart when he said this remark, his face was still filled with emotion. Control expressions of anger and hatred.

In fact, something like that happens almost every day.

Since the beginning of the great pirate era, it can be said that the ordinary person is a group that has suffered the most pain and suffering.

That's why when the Navy revealed Portgas D. Ace's life and executed him, countless people all over the world applauded.

Because his father is One Piece - Gore D. Roger!


From the perspective of the audience, you may be moved by the brotherhood between Luffy and Ace.

But who would have thought that Roger's remarks caused the deaths of many civilians and shattered how many originally happy families.

So when it comes to One Piece in this world, the attitude of the ordinary commoner is not admiration and worship at all, but naked hatred and disdain.

After all, although the world government and the draconian have done countless disgusting things, their numbers are pitifully small, and at best they can only harm one or two places.

What about pirates?

These guys are like cockroaches, no matter how they kill them, they can't stop killing them, and they are all over the world.

If the victims of draconian and pirates are added together for a comparison, the number of the latter is likely to be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times that of the former.

It is the so-called right of the lesser of two evils!

Ordinary person rejects pirates and believes in the navy and the world government. It is not difficult to understand.

For civilians, order is always better than chaos, even if it does not represent justice.

"So what are your plans for the future?" Alan asked, staring into the youth's eyes.

"Vengeance! I'm going to find out those murderers one by one, then tear them all to pieces, and let them repent in pain and mourning." Ike gave the answer without the slightest hesitation.

"Hehe, you're lucky. I just have a chance here, I don't know if you're interested." Alan pursed his lips into a playful smile.

"Chance?" Ike lifts the head sharply.

"Yes! Chance! The pirates and Bounty Hunters on this island are secretly forming an alliance. If nothing else, I'll have a fight with them out on the sea in a few days. Thrilling battle. How are you, are you coming?" Alan blunt sent an invitation.

If it were someone else and heard that they were going to be enemies with all the pirates and Bounty Hunters in the Chambord Islands, it is estimated that even if they were not scared to pee their pants, they would immediately choose to think carefully.

But Ike, who only had revenge in his heart, responded without the slightest hesitation: "Of course! As long as you can send those guys to hell, even if you let me die, there is no problem."

"Fantastic! Then let's make a big fuss together and teach these scumbags what fear is with blood, killing and death."

Alan opened his arms, Murderous aura exuding terrifying matchless all over.

In just a few seconds, the surrounding seabirds and small animals were frightened and fled, and some even fainted on the spot.

"You're strong! Stronger than anyone I've ever met! It's my honor to fight alongside a powerhouse like you! And I swear, as long as you can kill your enemies, from now on my line Your life is yours." Ike solemnly swore an oath on his chest.

He used to be the strongest warrior on the island in his hometown, so he knows very well what this level of murderous aura means.

"Come on, let me teach you some real power while the moonlight is good tonight. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't live to end the battle at all."

With the last word blurted out, Alan extend the hand injected a trace of life energy into the opponent's body.

The next second...

Ike just felt that every cell in his body was full of inexhaustible energy!

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