Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 506

Four days later, at the pier in the Chambord Islands, hundreds of ships with various flags gathered here.

Without exception, they were all scared to go out to sea by Alan's crazy hunting.

But today, under the leadership of Pika, the high-level cadre of the Don Quixote family, these people finally united and planned to wipe out the most recently ravaged sea demons completely. .

Just as this huge fleet slowly left the port for less than a kilometer under the watchful eyes of countless pairs of eyes, a black spot suddenly appeared where the sea and the sky meet, and at an extremely fast speed. Fall from the sky.

"Not good! Then...that demon is coming!"

"Prepare for battle!"

"Cannon! Put the cannon up on me!"

"This guy must not be allowed to run away today! Otherwise, with his mobility, he will surely hunt us down at sea!"


All of a sudden, all the guys who got involved started to get nervous and busy.

In the blink of an eye, the cannon leads that were placed on the trait shelf were ignited.

A few seconds or so, the deafening sound accompanied the cannonballs, shooting a pitch-black barrage into the sky.

bang! bang! bang! bang! bang!

Looking at these iron balls coming from the sky, Alan pursed his lips and showed a contemptuous smile, blunt asked: " Ike, have you found the enemy's location?"

"Of course! It's the ship with the red skull pattern painted on it!"

The young man's gnashing teeth pointed out the right rear of a pirate ship.

It has to be said that it is a good habit for pirates to design their own flags in various ways.

At least when it comes to revenge, it will never admit mistakes.

"Get ready! We're going to start a forced landing!"

Speaking, Alan suddenly accelerated, and it only took less than two or three seconds to get from the root The towering mast swept over, and immediately threw the young man down.

In the process of descending, Ike also immediately activated the Devil Fruit ability, in midair incarnation became a violent giant ape, directly like a cannonball hitting the deck of the enemy's ship.

Bang! ! !

With his huge size and tonnage, he smashed an incomparable gigantic hole directly on the deck.

Fortunately, this ship is made of special wood that is harder than steel.

"It's you?!!!"

When the pirate captain saw the true face of the visitor, his pupils suddenly enlarged.

"Ah! That's right! Are you ready to die? Chops!"

Ike slammed his fists and directly threw the two unfortunate people next to him who wanted to rush up to attack. Eggs smashed into patties.

"Damn! Hurry up! Go get the sea water! This guy is a devil fruit power user! As long as he splashes the sea water, he will lose his strength!" The captain, obviously suffering, immediately shouted to those behind him.

Actually last time, the reason why he was able to capture him successfully was because he took advantage of the weakness of devil fruit abilities that people cannot be contaminated with sea water, instead of being hard-headed.

To be precise, few of the guys who do such wicked things as selling slaves are really powerful.

At the captain's reminder, more than a dozen sailors immediately threw the wooden barrels tied with ropes into the sea, and then brought up a barrel of salty seawater, and then splashed on the enemy.

When the seawater drenched the deck, the fighters rushed up without the slightest hesitation, wanting to take down this stupid big fellow with muscles and no brains again.

To their surprise, things didn't turn out as expected.

Just as everyone approached, a violent red light suddenly flashed in Ike's eyes.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! !

He suddenly raised his fists fiercely and slammed them down.

"Super punch!"

With the terrifying power given to the user by the animal-based devil fruit, these unlucky bastards are directly squeezed into a sticky substance mixed with minced meat and blood. It splattered everywhere like an explosion.

As for the nearest captain, he roared like crazy: "No! !!!!!!! You... how come you haven't lost your strength after being drenched in sea water?"

"hahahaha! It's easy! I've recently mastered a new power! It creates a layer of protection on the surface of my body that the naked eye can't see. So the water just didn't really splash On my body. Now, are you ready for my revenge?"

Ike raised the incomparable gigantic slap with all his strength and slapped it down with all his strength.

Killing, destroying, dying...

Now he just wants to vent the backlog of anger in his heart and kill all the scum in front of him.


Meanwhile, another battle began on the huge battleship of the Don Quixote family hanging at the forefront of the fleet.

"You are the sea devil who brings death and doom?" Pika asked in a very sharp voice.

"If you're referring to the guy who hunted pirates here lately, I'm right." Alan shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Through a short period of observation, he found that the ship actually had the ability to explode the fruit - Gradius, the ability to turn the fruit - Buffalo, and the weapon fruit's ability. Ability - baby5.

That is to say, Brother Ming of Dover sent all the members of the special attack force under his command.

"Very good! Young Master wants to see you! Please come with us."

After confirming that the youngster standing in front of him is the goal of this trip , Pika directly stretched out a big hand wrapped in rocks and armed with domineering colors, intending to capture it on the spot.

But just as he was about to touch it, he suddenly felt that the surrounding space had fallen into some abnormal state.

Before realizing what happened, I immediately felt a sharp pain coming from my chest.


Everything is back to normal.

pu! ! ! ! ! ! !

Dazzling blood spurted out of his chest instantly.

Looking down, Pika found that she had been cut diagonally from the shoulder to the abdomen by some kind of sharp tool, half of her body was slowly sliding down, and countless internal organs such as intestines flowed out from the vicinity of the incision instantly. Makes the whole deck extremely bloody.

【How...what's going on? What exactly happened? ]

With strong doubts and the severe pain transmitted by the nerves to the brain, this high-level cadre of the Don Quixote family just fell into a pool of blood.

One move to kill!

Especially when Pika is still wrapped in hard rock and armed with domineering!

Everyone on board was stunned by the sudden reversal.

Only Alan shook off the blood stained by the long knife in his hand, put it back into the sheath, and asked with a faint smile: "Who else is going to do something to me? It doesn't matter! Stand up! If I can survive a knife, I agree to go with you."

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