Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 509

As Alan and Brother Ming reached a verbal agreement, the latter quickly evacuated the already chaotic sea with his men.

Although he lost two subordinates, his heart was full of anger and unwillingness, but he finally chose to retreat.

Just from this point, it can be seen that this god Yaksha is indeed a qualified formidable person.

Because only such people will not let their emotions dominate their minds, let alone shout unfathomable mystery slogans, trying to defeat powerful enemies through "hot blood" or "explosive seeds".

On the contrary!

After they make concessions, they will hide in the dark and silently observe the enemy's every move, then try to find weaknesses, and will not attack again until they are sure that they can win.

This also means that Brother Ming's retreat is not a throwback, but a temporary forbearance for better revenge.

Alan certainly knows what the other person is thinking.

But he didn't care at all.

Because of the high-end battle strength of the Don Quixote family, this organization can't become a big climate at all, otherwise Brother Ming of Doffran would not be so afraid of Kaido.

"Then...then it's a pleasant time to clean up the garbage."

Alan moved his muscles and bones a little, then turned to look at the pirate fleet behind him.

After Ike's attack for more than half an hour, there are less than ten large sailboats left on the sea.

As for the rest, they all sank into the seabed without exception, leaving only a few barrels, boxes and pieces of plank floating on the surface.

At this moment, this young man who ate the animal system—ape fruit—Vajra form—far ancient seed, was already dying under the siege of many pirates, and was lying on a giant ship. On the deck of the ship, there was a tenacious resistance with the little life energy left.

It is not difficult to see from the extremely satisfied expression that he has long been prepared to die in battle, and after killing so many enemies, he has no regrets in his heart.

"Go! Kill him! Never let this dangerous guy leave alive again!" a pirate captain roared loudly, waving the long spear in his hand.


Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A dozen snipers armed with large-caliber muskets pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation, and one guy even had bullets wrapped in armament colors.

Just as these buckshots were about to hit the huge body of Giant Ape, Alan suddenly swooped into the battlefield and pulled out his long knife at a speed that naked eyes couldn't tell.


The harsh cold light flickered in the air a few times.

When the long knife was put back into its sheath again, the round buckshots crackled all over the floor and shattered into tiny metal particles.

"This... how is this possible! My bullets are covered with armed colors!"

Only one sniper who knew how to use domineering showed an incredible expression on his face .

"No! No! How did this guy appear on our ship? What about the Don Quixote family?"

The other pirate hurriedly turned around and walked away Looking around, I just happened to see Brother Ming's ship of Dufferan drifting away from the battlefield, and his face turned extremely pale.

Not only him, but many people around him showed the same despair.

After all, these guys have seen with their own eyes how Alan and Qiwuhai fought so hard just now that he even suppressed Tian Yaksha and could only be beaten and unable to attack.

Now, Brother Ming, Dover, has withdrawn, equivalent to abandoning them all to this famous sea demon.


After a short silence, I don't know who suddenly shouted, and then almost everyone chose to abandon the ship. Plop Plop jumped into the sea and swam desperately towards the shore.

In the end, there were only two Devil Fruit capable people who stayed in place and stared blankly.

It's not that they don't want to run, but that jumping into the sea is about suicide, so they don't dare to jump at all.

"Hahahaha! This is the so-called pirate! A pirate that symbolizes freedom and resistance! How ridiculous! How ironic!" Alan couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter, while turning his eyes to the old man on the port lighthouse silhouette.

Rayleigh undoubtedly felt the sight, and immediately muttered to himself with a wry smile: "No! You are wrong! These guys don't deserve to be called pirates at all! Real pirates should be constantly challenging. And conquer the unknown, never yield to any force, and strictly adhere to the bottom line and never attack civilians. It’s a pity that there are not many people who can inherit this spirit now.”

Unfortunately, his this remark It did not reach the ears of the former.

Looking at the pirates who were constantly swimming towards the pier on the sea, Alan bent down slightly and took the posture of drawing a knife, exerting his understanding of sword technique to the extreme, and suddenly moved forward swinging a sword.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! !

Under the strengthening of Qi and momentum, the terrifying slash instantly cut the entire sea in half.

Not only that!

And the sea water rose directly from the ground under huge pressure, forming a wave head about 150 meters high.

It's like a giant wolf from Mercedes-Benz!

Open bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and dive down, swallowing all the pirates and Bounty Hunter.

You don't need to ask, these guys are all seabed in this blow and become bait for predatory fish.

Even the aftermath almost completely destroyed a pier in the Chambord Archipelago.

Fortunately, the naval commander stationed here stepped forward at a critical moment and fulfilled his responsibilities, otherwise this area is expected to undergo post-disaster reconstruction.

When the aftermath caused by the huge waves gradually subsided, the two Devil Fruit Powers standing on the deck suddenly softened their knees, knelt on the ground with a plop and began to cry out for mercy.

"Don't...don't kill me! I'm Danny Bardance with a bounty of 130 million! I meant to join your team and obey all your orders."

"Me too! My bounty is higher than his!"

"Sorry! I don't need scum and scum on my team! So - you can die!"

tone barely fell!

Alan slashed the heads of the two guys with a backhand sword, and ordered the red dragon to extract the Devil Fruit from their bodies.

In the blink of an eye, he had two superhuman Devil Fruits in his hands.

And one of them is actually a fruit of resistance.

As the name implies, it is to change the resistance of oneself and other people and objects, which can not only increase the resistance infinitely, but also make the resistance infinitely smaller, or even approach zero.

Obviously, if this fruit is well developed, it is not inferior to the slow fruit at all.

It's a pity that its previous user was an idiot who didn't even understand basic physics. It was only used to reduce the resistance of the bullet, so that the firearm could shoot farther and more accurately. Causes stronger penetration.

Alan finally understands why there are so many guys in the plot who eat great fruits, but in the end they only develop a bunch of useless abilities.

As the saying goes, knowledge is power!

Especially in One Piece's world, most pirates don't even know the secrets behind science and natural phenomena, and naturally they don't know how to properly develop the power of Devil Fruits.

It's like a modern person going back to the seventeenth century and talking to those ancients about electricity, magnetic fields, and nuclear weapons, only if the other person can understand it.

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