Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 510

"Shocked! The sudden rise of a supernova covered the entire Chambord Archipelago like a dark cloud!"

"The sea demon that brought death and doom wiped out the pirate coalition!"

"Brother Ming, one of the seven seas, was actually repelled by a newcomer!"

"The youngest great swordsman in the new era is born!"

"Ling Unexpectedly strong Archfiend fruit - slow fruit!"


As the battle on the sea outside the port came to an end, all kinds of outrageous news and headlines instantly accompanied Newspapers are shipped around the world by Newsbird.

Especially those pictures of the fierce battle between Alan and Brother Ming of Dover, and the last sword he slashed while standing on the bow, are enough to make everyone realize that this is definitely a A newly promoted great swordsman, he is also a devil fruit capable person.

Unfortunately, Alan is not a pirate, and he has not done anything against order and law, so there is no arrest warrant sent with the newspaper.

But this does not affect the speculation of those who eat melons. If the world government puts a bounty on it, it should be able to offer a bounty of hundreds of millions of Baileys.

After all, in the eyes of many people, the reward has long been no longer a measure of evil, but a manifestation of reputation and strength.

No way!

Who made the draconian do so many disgusting things, the entire world government has long since lost its prestige, so everyone is gradually not ashamed and proud of being offered a reward.

What's even more outrageous is that pirates actually use their bounty as a symbol of their status. Pirate groups with high bounties can often attract more people to join.

Eastern Sea, a relatively remote island, Dora is sitting on the bar counter of the only local pub, drinking the slightly sweet and sour fruit wine in the glass, while thinking about what to do next .

Since she learned to use her life energy, she has challenged the pirates with a higher reward than herself in this Sea Territory in just half a month.

The results, without exception, were overwhelming victories.

The most obvious one is the Creek Pirates.

Not long ago, she felt unprecedented pressure when she fought against the ghost Ajin.

But now, they can one against two, with no difficulty pressing each other on the ground and rubbing them repeatedly.

After this battle, she has a new understanding of her own strength.

In addition to the two domineering comprehended sightings and armed colors, its strength can already be called the strongest pirate in the Eastern Sea to some extent.

Just when Dora was hesitating to look for the traces of the Evil Dragon Pirates, the short-haired girl suddenly rushed in from the outside waving a newspaper, and shouted excitedly: "Big sister! Look! This is the newspaper that was just delivered from the Great Terminal! Guess who is on the front page of this issue?"

"Oh? Could it be him!"

"Oh? p>

Dora put down the cup, took the newspaper from her little servant, and glanced at it.


Her pupils suddenly dilated, staring at the photo that took up almost 1/4/2022, and the sea that was split by the flying slash, and the sky huge waves.

The short-haired girl obviously noticed the change in her captain's face, and immediately said with great interest: "Sir Alan is indeed a great swordsman! And he defeated Qibukai and the Pirate Alliance by one person! It's amazing! I can't believe it."

"That's right! He doesn't have the arrogance and majesty of those great characters at all, he always has a faint smile on his face, and even helps I hoisted the mainsail." Another young man hurriedly followed Nodded to join in.

"Unfortunately, the report did not mention his bounty." The short-haired girl sighed with regret, then turned around and asked her captain, "Miss! What do you think if Lord Alan would How much would he be worth if he was offered a bounty?”

“As far as I know, the bounty offered by Don Quixote Daufrance Brother Ming before accepting Shichibukai was 340 million Baileys, and There are many big pirates worth more than 100 million in that pirate alliance. So if there is no accident, there should be at least 500 million." Dora stroked the long hair in front of her forehead to give the answer.

Since she made up her mind to go to the Great Route, she has been collecting this information in private, and now she is no longer a frog in well who doesn't understand anything.

"Five...500 million?!!!!!!" The short-haired girl widened her mouth in surprise.

"en! Only more than this, never less than this. Let's go, it's time to go to the realm of evil dragons and face the strongest pirate group in the Eastern Sea."

After saying that, Dora left a few banknotes on the bar, then turned around and took the lead to leave.

Because of the news in this newspaper, she couldn't help being overwhelmed by emotions, and she was impatient to enter the great route and fight against those powerhouses with bounties over 100 million in order to improve her sword technique level.

At the same time, Zoro, who was full of Lu Chi attributes, also got the latest newspaper from the two new acquaintances, Joseph and Johnny, and grinned wildly: "Hahahaha! Jianhao? You bastard really hides very deeply!"

"Zuolong big brother, do you know this person?" Joseph asked with rays of light shining with admiration in his eyes.

"Ah! That's right! This treasured sword of mine is a gift from him. Unfortunately, I didn't see his Swordsman identity at first, otherwise I must try to challenge it." Long clenched the handle of the knife tightly, and his tone was full of strong fighting intent.

"As expected of a big brother! I believe that sooner or later you will become the world's number one swordsman!" Johnny was moved to tears instantly.

But Zoro remained unmoved for this compliment, just raised his head and took two sips of wine.

He understands that he is still a long way from being a great swordsman.

Forget about the great swordsman, not even the swordsman.

After all, the minimum threshold to become a swordsman is to learn to cut iron.


In addition to these two acquaintances, empress located on Nine Snake Island, Kaido, Whitebeard, Aunt and Redhead of New World, as well as the Naval Headquarters and the world government , all began to pay attention to this super newcomer who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and began to plan to pull him into their own camp.

Especially the navy, which has long been inclined in this regard, directly handed it over to Iron Fist Karp.

After all, Alan's heavy-handed attack and the pirate's death-defying behavior have long made the Navy executives have some unrealistic illusions.

So on the third day after the battle, the old Karp with a dog-headed hat boarded the Chambord Islands, which he felt extremely disgusted with.

As soon as his feet stepped on the pier, he asked blunt, "Where is that little fellow currently?"

"Xia Qi's ripping off bar! He most recently , stay with Rayleigh, the former deputy of One Piece." A vice admiral gave the answer with a solemn expression.

In fact, if he hadn't been able to beat the opponent, he would have taken his men to grab someone.

"Rayleigh? hahahaha! Isn't that Old Guy dead yet? It's okay! Leave it to me here." Garp patted his shoulder with a big laugh, and strode straight to his destination.

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