Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 511

In Xia Qi's ripping bar, Alan and Rayleigh sat side by side, silently drinking the drinks from their quilts.

About two 3 minutes later, Rayleigh couldn't help but ask, "You really decided?"

"en! It's decided! In fact, I There doesn't seem to be a better choice, does it?" Alan shrugged his shoulders in disbelief.

"Hahahaha! Indeed! With your character, if you join the navy, it won't be long before you can't help but fight against the draconian." Rayleigh's tone carried a strong sense of ridicule.

After a few days of getting along, he has a general understanding of why this youngster around him always has some kind of unfathomable mystery hostility and contempt for pirates.

The root cause is entirely because of the massacre and looting of civilians by most pirates.

He has always been full of disdain from the bottom of his heart for this move of raising a butcher's knife and swinging it at the weak.

And in regard to the world government and the draconian, the two unexpectedly reached an agreement, so they gradually became friends of forgotten year.

Especially Rayleigh, occasionally pointing out Alan's domineering cultivation and usage skills.

In return, Alan brought out the morning dew that had been forgotten in the warehouse for years.

As a result, after Old Drunkard Reilly tasted it once, he shouted on the spot that the wines he had drunk before were simply garbage, and then drank one cup after another until he was completely drunk.

After all, the function of Morning Dew is to restore nearly 3,000 mana.

Although there is no concept of mana in One Piece World, the accompanying mental pleasure has been perfectly preserved.

Combined with Azeroth's unique brewing skills and the special spices contained in them, it's a Supreme treat for any alcoholic.


Alan recited these three words in a low voice, a playful expression on his face.

From the moment he made his choice, it meant that the lives of these rubbishes entered the final countdown.

No matter what kind of power the world government holds in its hands, it cannot escape the fate of extinction in the end.

Just when Rayleigh was about to say something, the closed door of the bar was suddenly slammed open.

Navy hero Karp went straight to the bar, sat down, grabbed the glass from Rayleigh unceremoniously, raised his head and drank all the remaining morning dew in it.

After finishing all this, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and praised with a big smile: "This wine tastes good! Do you have any more? Give me some more!"


Riley was obviously surprised by the appearance of this old rival.

"hehe! long time no see, Rayleigh. I can't believe you've grown so old." Garp said hello, picking his nostrils.

"Aren't you the same? We are all remnants of the old times, it's time to retire and step out of the stage." Reilly responded calmly.

"No! I can work for another ten years!" Karp stretched his strong pectoralis major muscles to show his strength in this almost childish way.

Seeing this familiar scene, Rayleigh couldn't help laughing and shook the head: "You are still the same as before, nothing has changed. Tell me, what is the purpose of the Navy sending you? It's to arrest me. Yes, or for him? If it's the latter, I advise you to give up."

"Give up?" Karp subconsciously frowned.

If this sentence came out of someone else's mouth, he would definitely not believe a single word, but if it came out of the mouth of "Pluto", it would definitely not be wrong.

Because powerhouses like Rayleigh don't use silly little tricks like lying and cheating.

"That's right!" Rayleigh nodded lightly. "If you do recruit Alan into the navy, you must tie him around 24 hours a day or you'll soon hear the big news that the draconian has been killed."

In saying At this remark, the One Piece deputy did not hide his smile of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.


As soon as he heard the draconian, Karp immediately realized what was going on, and blunt asked Alan: "Hey, boy! Are you really sure not to join in? The navy?"

"If the navy announces its separation from the world government and allows me to kill all the draconians and Akainu Sakaski, then I'll join."

Alan also blunts Offer a condition that the other party simply cannot accept.

"Akainu? You have a grudge against him?" Garp's face changed slightly.

"No, there is no hatred, just disgusted by what he did. Absolute justice? If the killing of civilians can also be called justice, then what are the actions of those pirates? ' Alan asked the naval hero for his soul.

The red dog must die!

In his opinion, Sakaski is completely a world government and a draconian henchman, who has the right to put on a face of justice all day long.

If he really can't stand a trace of "evil", then why not kill those evil draconians in Holy Land first?

Is it bullying the soft and fearing the hard, or is it a typical double-standard dog?

Or maybe his logical thinking and cognition have been completely confused, thinking that everything the draconian does is not "evil" at all?

Kapp obviously felt the youngster's contempt for Akainu, and immediately understood that the recruitment mission given to him by the Warring States period failed, or that it was impossible to succeed from the very beginning, and in the end there was only a helpless sighed explanation Said: "Actually, there are still many people in the navy who stick to the justice in their hearts."

Alan shrugged: "I don't deny this! But no matter how you explain it, you can't get rid of your suffering The fact that the draconian and the world government control."

" decided to be a pirate?" Garp's eyes suddenly became very terrifying.

“en! Yes! Although I also hate those pirates who burn, kill and loot commiting any imaginable misdeed, there is one thing the Navy can’t give me anyway, that is, you can do it freely. What you want to do." Alan answered in the affirmative without fear.

"You really dare to say that! Aren't you afraid that I will arrest you here?" Karp asked with interest, dragging his chin.

Alan asked back with a smile: "The reason? What crime did I commit? Just because I said I was going to be a pirate? If even you, a naval hero, can't stick to the bottom line, then The navy is doomed."

"hahahaha! Youngsters are amazing now. Forget it! You'd better pray you don't run into me when the pirate flag is hoisted, or I'll kill you. Catch them up and put them in jail."

Abandoning these words, Garp immediately stood up, turned around and walked out of the bar, without any sloppy intentions at all.

Seeing his retreating back, Reilly immediately reminded: "You'd better be careful when you're being watched by the Old Guy Karp. You know that when Roger is still alive, He has caused us the most trouble and crisis."

"Don't worry! I'm not as weak as you think." Alan smiled nonchalantly.

Just kidding!

He now has the ultimate weapon, the Slow Fruit!

Unless Garp can create something out of thin air to resist the slow flow of time like Brother Ming did, then even if he is covered with the strongest domineering all over his body, he can only stand there obediently. as a target.

Even if it is the highest arrogance and domineering, trying to avoid the slow 360-degree fiber optic irradiation in all directions without dead ends is tantamount to a dream.

Even without revealing true strength, Alan is confident that Kap will have no choice.

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