Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 512

Stayed in the Chambord Islands for about three months, until Brother Ming of Doffran delivered a batch of sea tower stones as agreed, Alan just got a boat and brought the only crew member, Ike, Dive directly into the seabed and enter the New World through Fishman Island.

His purpose is simple, to see the power of this world Peak powerhouse Whitebeard - Edward Newgate.

And as time enters August 1519, the dark fruit and the black beard who have hidden themselves for twenty-eight years are about to surface, setting off a heaven within the entire world overflowing giant wave.

Alan actually wants to know, if Whitebeard doesn't have so many injuries, if he can recover his youth, then the outcome of the war will change.

After all, Edward Newgate is the only one of the four pirate emperors who has a huge territory, but never loots civilians, and even provides shelter for them.

Based on this alone, Alan felt that the old fogey should not be allowed to die so easily.

With the purpose of seeing the style of the strongest man in the world, he drove a small wooden boat slowly along the great route, feeling the unique romantic style of the sailing era.

But soon, he found himself underestimating the eerie climate change of the Great Route.

When he just left Mermaid Island, Alan was barely able to confirm the direction with the magnetic needle.

But after sailing for about 20 days, I suddenly found myself entering a place where the magnetic field was chaotic, and as a result began a tragic drifting journey.

Although several times he wanted to drop the ship, take Ike directly over the whole land from in the sky, and search for the target.

But unfortunately, although this young man has a very strong physique, he cannot endure the terrifying pressure of supersonic flight for a long time.

even more how, since you have decided to be a pirate, naturally you can't easily abandon your ship, otherwise what will you do if there are too many crew members.

So in desperation, Alan could only resign and let the boat drift on its own.

Anyway, there are many ways for him to get clean drinking water, and he has as much food as he wants.

Without the pressure of survival, getting lost naturally becomes less terrifying.

Especially Ike, he is even in the mood to exercise his physique, domineering and life energy every day, and his strength grows rapidly at a speed visible to naked eyes.

Seeing his serious appearance standing on the bow of the boat with his bare upper body and constantly throwing fists, Alan could not help but sigh slightly: "It's incredible potential. In just a few months, his life level has already been reached. It has been improved by at least three grades."

Verna Lazas said nodded: "en! It is indeed very rare. But I suspect that this is probably related to the Devil Fruit of the animal system."

"After observing for so long, have you figured out what the so-called demon factor is?" Alan asked enthusiastically.

"I'm already looking forward to it, but more research samples are needed. If possible, you'd better recruit a few more crew members so that I can make comparisons easily." Verna Lazas took the initiative made a request.

After all, she only has one research subject at the moment, and she has absolutely no targets to compare with.

"Don't worry! As soon as I meet Whitebeard, I'll be looking for someone to join the team. But before that, I need a qualified navigator."

As soon as he mentioned this, Alan couldn't help but hold his forehead and smile bitterly.

Because he seriously underestimated how difficult it would be to sail a wooden sailboat in the magnetically turbulent, climate-changing Sea Territory without satellite navigation.

No wonder Nami immediately got the attention of the dragon after showing her innate talent as a navigator at a young age.

Without a qualified navigator, I am afraid that soon after entering the great route, they will be annihilated by various extreme climates and chaotic magnetic fields.

Not everyone is like Alan with the ability to carry food that he can never finish and the ability to replenish fresh water anytime, anywhere.

Just as he was about to get up and pour himself a drink and continue enjoying the sunny weather, Ike suddenly stopped throwing his fists and shouted at the same time, "Captain! Look! Then There's a boat nearby!"

"A boat?"

Alan jumped up from the reclining chair after hearing this, and looked in the direction of the young man's fingers, he found a huge ship The wooden sailboat was heading towards him, and a very unfamiliar pirate flag was hanging.

Unfortunately, he didn't know much about the pirate flag of this world, so he couldn't recognize who the pirate flag belonged to.

Not to mention Ike, who has lived on a small island isolated from the world all his life. He doesn't even have a news feeder, and he doesn't even know what major events are happening in the world outside.

At the moment when the two of them stared at small eyes with big eyes, the pirate ship on the opposite side was already happy.

Especially Laki Lu, who is always eating meat, said with a big smile while nibbling on the piece of meat in his hand: "My God! That ship didn't escape after seeing us. I bet the captain of the other party must be quite a kind guy."

"hahahaha! Another newcomer who wants to challenge us? Captain, you must give them some love later. education." Another cadre patted Shanks on the shoulder and joked.

Obviously, these guys are none other than the famous red-haired pirates in New World.

Normally, whenever other pirates see the Red Firth, they will subconsciously turn the bow and choose to avoid it.

Unfortunately, at this time, neither Alan nor Ike recognized the iconic pirate flag at all, and they were even considering whether to vote and rob the other party directly. Then force it to take him to Whitebeard's territory.

"Yeah hahaha! Youngsters are so brave now."

Shanks scratched the back of his head with a smile. He didn't have the majesty of the other three sea emperors. It's all about getting along with the crew.

"Hello! How many people are there on the boat that's heading towards us?" Ben Beckman asked the lookout at the top of the mast, looking up.

The latter raised the telescope to confirm several times before loudly responding: "Two...two! There are only two people on the deck of that ship!"


"Aren't they really crazy?"

"My God! Two people just want to challenge us with red hair Pirates?"

"hahahaha! Captain! You've been underestimated!"

"no! No! No! I think their courage is commendable!"


For a while, the Red Firth was full of cheerful atmosphere again, and no one took the small wooden boat rushing towards it seriously.

After all, they are the Four Emperors of New World!

And everyone is an out-and-out powerhouse and elite, and any one you pick out has a well-known name.

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