Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 514

"Not interested in me?"

Shanks obviously did not expect the other party to say this, and the whole person froze in place.

Not only him, but other members of the red-haired pirates around also showed puzzled and puzzled expressions.

After all, in the eyes of these people, all the guys who challenge Whitebeard are just for fame.

And this kind of reputation can also be obtained by challenging another pirate emperor, and there is not much difference in essence.

"en! Because you're not a Devil Fruit power user." Alan gave the reason directly.

"What is this?"

Shanks couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all.

To be precise, it was the first time he heard that someone was only willing to fight against those with Devil Fruit abilities.

Alan shrugged explained: "You can understand that this is my personal quirk. Anyway, I have no interest in challenging you, and I will not be stupid enough to challenge a four emperor for the so-called reputation. The pirates, causing unnecessary trouble for themselves."

There is no doubt that this remark directly made Shanks unable to advance or retreat.

If it's the other three Pirate Emperors, I don't care if you're interested, I can do whatever I want. Anyway, I have a big fist and I'm justified.

But he is different.

He is a reasonable person. Although he inherited the bohemian style of Roger One Piece, he never likes to force others to do things they don't want.

Finally, after being silent for a long time, Shanks finally gave up his original plan and sighed helplessly: "Alas—you are really a strange guy."

Said After all, his hand that was holding the handle of the knife instantly loosened, and he let out a free and easy laugh.

Following, everyone else on the boat laughs along with them.

But just when some members of the red-haired pirates started clamoring for a banquet, Alan suddenly said: "Of course! It's not impossible."


When Shanks heard this, sharp rays of light instantly shot out of his eyes.

"Do you think it's weird that I go back on one's word?" Alan asked with a faint smile.

Shanks nodded: "That's right! You're the strangest one of all I've ever seen. And I really don't understand, why are you only interested in Devil Fruits? "

"Hehe, you will understand after this game. Compared with sword technique, domineering, body refinement and other things whose upper limit has been fixed, Devil Fruit is the real power with infinite possibilities. It's a pity that people like you will never understand." Alan replied meaningfully.

What is the attitude of the Red Hair Pirates towards Devil Fruits?

Just look at their crew.

From the captain to the cadre, no one has the ability of Devil Fruit, basically all rely on sword technique, spear technique, domineering and body refinement to conquer the world.

Of course, that doesn't mean they're not strong enough.

Especially domineering, it can actually interfere with matter through spirit strength, no matter what world it is placed in, it is definitely a cultivation system of cream of the crop.

The problem is that, except for monsters like Alan who can grow infinitely, most of the ordinary person's spirit strength is limited.

But Devil Fruits are different!

Some of the regular Devil Fruits are exactly the same as the most unreasonable traits and operation systems in the mind ability.

You don't even need to develop at all, you only need to meet certain preconditions, and you can overturn those enemies that are countless times stronger than yourself to the ground with no difficulty.

Among them, the most typical ones are Tongqu Fruit and Spirit Fruit.

So in Alan's view, Devil Fruit is the core thing in this world, and it is also the most valuable thing.

There is no doubt that a duel between two people with the strength of a great swordsman is definitely not acceptable at sea and on board.

Because their destructive power is too big, they have to go ashore.

Under the guidance of the navigators of the Red-haired Pirates, the two ships soon came to the nearest uninhabited island one after the other.

The area of the island is not large, only about ten square kilometers, and it belongs to the kind of Coral Island that will submerge more than half of it once the tide is high.

The red-haired who couldn't hold back the curiosity for a long time pulled out the weapon hanging from his waist and said cheerfully: "Come on! Let me see your ability."

"As you wish!"

Alan didn't talk nonsense, he directly pulled out the ordinary saber that was often used in normally, covered it directly with the armed color, and then swung it hard.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! !

The terrifying slash instantly tore the ground, leaving a terrifying crack with a width of more than 30 meters.

And Shanks, who was directly opposite this slash, also unhurriedly swung a slash.

When the two slashes collided in the middle, a terrifying impact erupted, directly blasting a huge pit in the middle of the island.

"It really is a great swordsman! Your slash is very good!" Shanks praised without hesitation.

"Many thanks! Be careful! I'm going to use the power of Devil Fruits next."

As the last word blurted out, Alan was like an arrow from a string rushed out.

The moment he entered the attack range, he immediately released a 360-degree slow light beam with no dead ends.

"Not good!"

Through a powerful sense of domineering, Shanks undoubtedly foresaw the attack, and immediately took off his clothes and threw it out, trying to prevent himself from falling into That super slow flow of time.

Unfortunately, Alan apparently also anticipated this action by seeing and domineering, and directly swung his long sword to tear a hole in his clothes.

As a result, the red-haired person underestimated the enemy and let his right foot be irradiated a little, and the whole person involuntarily fell into a short stagnation.

Although this process only lasted for less than half a second, for a speeder like Alan, half a second can already do a lot of things.

pu! ! ! ! ! !

I saw the cold light flashed!

Shanks' chest was instantly cut with a not too deep wound, and blood spurted out.

If it wasn't for his armed domineering, then he would have been cut into two sections by now.

The members of the Red-haired Pirates almost dropped their jaws when they saw this scene.

You must know that their captain fought against the world's largest swordsman, Hawkeye, for several days and nights, and he was not injured.

But now?

It was almost cut over by a newcomer!

With such a huge contrast, even Ben Beckman's mouth widened in surprise, and he didn't even notice that the cigarette fell to the ground.


After a successful strike, Alan did not immediately pursue, but stood in place and gently waved the long sword in his hand, throwing the blood on the blade to the ground, and said with a smile on his face : "Do you understand what I mean now? Devil fruit is not as you imagined, it is just a way to become stronger, or an amplifier of strength. On the contrary, it is the power closest to the essence in this world. ."

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