Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 515

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I read that right! The captain was slashed!"

A member of the red-haired pirates stared in disbelief expression.

"It's the power of the slow fruit! didn't expect the silver fox Foxy, whose bounty is only 24 million baileys, the fruit power is so powerful and difficult to deal with."

Ben Beckman, apparently taking everything that just happened, took a cigarette out of his pocket and lighted it, taking a deep breath.

Even with his high IQ, he couldn't think of a way to crack it for a while.

Although Alan's performance just now is still a long way from Shanks in terms of domineering cultivation, it is no less than in terms of speed, strength, reaction and combat experience.

Combined with the slow fruit ability that appears and disappears unpredictably, it can suppress his own captain in an instant.

Even though he could clearly predict through the domineering and domineering, he couldn't resist the sluggish 360-degree light with no blind spots.

Although only the irradiated area will temporarily sluggish, it is deadly enough in an expert duel.

It is important to know that the human body is a sophisticated instrument that needs to be coordinated and operated as a whole. Once a certain part is out of coordination, whether it is attacking or defending, the movement will be deformed or stagnant uncontrollably.

Just when the red-haired pirates were shocked that their captain was slashed in the face, Shanks wiped a handful of blood from the wound, exuding astonishing surprises all over his body. The overlord is domineering and said meaningfully: "Have you completely fused the sword technique and the power of the devil fruit together? The newcomers are really terrifying."

"No, it's not me who is terrifying. It's the infinite possibilities that Devil Fruit gives me. Think about it, obviously my sword technique and domineering are not as good as yours, but why is it you who got hurt in the end?" Alan expressed his views seriously.

He really didn't understand why the redhead insisted on not eating Devil Fruits, and even none of the team members had eaten it.

Is it just that you don't want to appear a weakness out of thin air?

Or was it influenced by One Piece Roger, resulting in something similar to spiritual belief?

"hahahaha! Do you think you've won?"

Shanks asked with a laugh, completely ignoring the wound.

After all, the powerhouse life force in this world is really amazing. In just a few seconds, the wound has stopped bleeding.

"At least I'm not going to lose!" Alan responded feigningly.

In fact, if he hadn't deliberately lowered the power of his slash just now, the red hair would have been so relaxed as it is now, at least he would have seen his internal organs and intestines flow out.

It's a pity that Shanks didn't know the youngster standing in front of him, what terrifying power was hidden in his body, and he quickly used the two domineering looks and armed colors to the extreme, and took the initiative to launch attack.

At this moment, he finally dropped his normally lazy look and showed his true strength as a Pirate Emperor.

Similarly, Alan has used the power he gained in this world to the limit.

The two were like fire star colliding with Earth, and a fierce battle broke out in an instant.

ding ding dong dong!


In less than ten minutes, the entire island has become riddled with holes, and there are even faint signs of collapse.

Da Jianhao's destructive power is really amazing!

It's not much worse than those with natural devil fruit abilities.

As the red hair raised both the sight and the armed to the highest level, Alan could no longer cut the second obvious wound, and the two soon fell into a protracted war and a war of attrition.

After all, the high-level visual color can predict the opponent's actions in the next few seconds, and can avoid being irradiated by slow light to the greatest extent.

And the high level armament color can make the body harder than any kind of metal, even if it is occasionally irradiated, it can be used for defense.

So although Shanks suffered a lot of knives, most of them just cut a little skin and muscle.

In this way, the balance of power was maintained, and the two fought from dawn to dark, and from dark to dawn...

until the entire island was completely destroyed and began to sink slowly , a large amount of seawater spewed out from the pitted ground, and they finally stopped this twenty-four-hour battle.

Feeling the stinging pain from the cold, salty sea water hitting the wound, Shanks couldn't help sighing: "The formidable power that the Slow Fruit exerts in your hands is no less than that. Any other Devil Fruit. It seems that you want to challenge Whitebeard not casually, but really prepared."

"Of course! I would rather die than Will be someone else's son." Alan also put away his weapon and joked.

"Hahahaha! Don't say those words in front of the Whitebeard Pirates, or they will fight you hard." Shanks was instantly amused.

After all, as Whitebeard gets older, the speed and frequency of accepting sons are constantly increasing.

As long as other people want to call him Daddy, he wants to provide support and shelter like a parent for a period of time.

It seems that the strongest man in this world is not a pirate emperor at all, but is playing a family game.

But Alan spread his hands nonchalantly: "I just speak frankly. Those guys have lost their qualifications to keep climbing since they called out the title dad."

Shanks gently nodded: "That's right. The biggest difference between you and them is that you are the kind of person who aims at the top from the very beginning, and won't be subordinate to anyone at all. Let's go, let's go back to the boat and have a banquet, I haven't had such a good time in a long time. Besides, you will be in trouble if you, a devil fruit person, get contaminated with sea water."

There is no doubt about it. , this battle made Hongfa realize a truth, Alan would not accept anyone's solicitation at all, so he dismissed the idea of inviting the other party to the ship.

When the two returned to the deck of the Red Firth, every member, including Ben Beckman, looked towards Alan's expressions all changed, and even brought A touch of admiration.

Because the last person who could fight Shanks to such a level was Jorakor Mihawk, the world's number one swordsman.

powerhouse, wherever it goes, it will be respected and should be respected.

So when the banquet was announced, the members of the Red-haired Pirates already regarded Alan as a powerhouse of the same level as their captain, and even an intern with a bounty of over 100 million was specially responsible for pouring wine.

Someone once said that Shanks was either having a party or was on his way to a party.

So in the next period of time, he will have a banquet every two days, and a banquet will last at least 24 hours, so that Alan can thoroughly understand what it means to indulge in indulgence, wine and meat forest.

If it is replaced by an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will take a few days to die of overeating or alcohol poisoning...

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