Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 517


With a heavy sound, a small hole appeared on the Moby Dick's deck instantly.

You must know that the wood used in this ship comes from the legendary tree, and its hardness and toughness far exceed any metal.

But under the light blow of Whitebeard, it was directly penetrated.

And he didn't use the fruit ability, or the domineering armed look, he did it with the power of his own flesh.

Just when those "sons" thought that their father would teach this arrogant boy a lesson in person, they suddenly felt another astonishing domineering domineering, followed by Shanks. He jumped directly onto the deck, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and said with a smile: "That's right! He did not lose in that duel."

tone barely fell!

The entire Whitebeard Pirates was in an uproar.

Although in their minds, their father is recognized as the strongest in the world, but the other three Pirate Emperors are also not weak.

"You guy still has the face to admit that he was almost beaten by a newcomer?"

After getting the redhead's personal admission, Whitebeard finally began to take a serious look at himself. Alan in front.

"Don't rush to laugh at me, you'll understand when you play against him."

Shanks didn't defend himself, but sat down instead. Continue drinking without anyone else.

He wanted to know very much, whether the other party would like himself and suffer a big loss in front of the incomparable ability of the slow fruit.

"hmph! The old man is a white beard!"

Edward Newgate stood up suddenly, tore off all the infusion sets hanging on him, and raised his hands Cong Yunqie pointed to the small island not far from the broadside and said to Alan: "Let's follow the way of pirates and go to the island to fight between men and men."

"As you wish!"

Alan didn't say a word, just soared into the air like a cannonball traversing a trajectory in the sky, and then landed in the center of the island with a bang, Swinging the flame demon sword, he burned all the plants that were in the way within a few kilometers on the spot.

Not only plants, but the terrifying and hot flames even melted many stones and mountains into lava.

There is no doubt that he is deliberately showing his strength, to let Whitebeard know that he has the ability to hurt and even kill him.

But Edward Newgate grinned when he saw it: "Ah hahahaha! This kid is really funny. Looks like I can finally exercise my muscles today."

After saying that, he waved his fist to create a violent vibration in the air, and then jumped high with the help of the reaction force, landing firmly on the opposite side of Alan.

As a giant over 6.5 meters tall, when Whitebeard and Alan stood together, the latter looked like an ant that could be crushed to death.

The strong contrast and contrast is like an adult bullying a newborn baby.

Especially Alan, who was the client, once again had a strong resentment for his height.

But no way!

Due to the suspected curse, every time he becomes stronger, his height will inevitably shrink, and he can maintain his current height of about 1.8 meters, thanks to the few remaining height-enhancing medicines in the bottle.

The two looked at each other for about a few seconds, and Whitebeard asked first, "Aren't you going to attack?"

"no! I want to feel it first. Shake the destructive power of the fruit. Come on, punch here and do your best."

Alan opened his arms in an undefended stance, then pointed to the location of his heart on his chest.

Because only in this way can he determine whether the most powerful Devil Fruits have the power to really kill him.

"Arrogant brat! You are courting death!"

Whitebeard was instantly enraged, and immediately raised his fist and smashed it down.

bang! ! ! ! ! !

No surprises!

Alan flew out sideways, and the bones, muscles and cells all over his body were all shattered in less than a second.

Especially the chest cavity, which exploded a large blood hole like a grenade detonated from the inside.

Obviously, this is the power of the shock fruit, and it is also an ability that can never be defended.

Just when everyone thought Alan had been punched to death by Whitebeard, the shattered chest suddenly began to regenerate at an incredible rate.

When everything was back to normal, he immediately shoved the sword in his hand to the ground, forcibly stopping himself who was backing fast.

"How? Do you feel the essence of the power of the Zhenzhen fruit?" Alan asked through the spiritual link with an expressionless face.

"en! As I expected, this devil fruit can give the user the ability to induce resonance." Verna Lazas quickly gave the answer.

"Resonance? so that's how it is!"

Alan instantly understood why, with the strength of his own body, he would be knocked out by a punch.

The answer is simple!

It's not how strong the formidable power of Whitebeard's fist is, but that he triggers the internal resonance of the body through the power of the Devil Fruit, which eventually leads to the body's self-collapse.

No wonder the navy and the world government are so afraid of this 70-year-old man, calling him someone who has the power to destroy the world.

Because no matter who they are, they are as fragile as a piece of paper in the face of such a powerful resonance force, not to mention the terrifying tsunami that resonance can cause in places like the sea.

At the same time, Whitebeard was also very surprised that Alan could recover from such a fatal injury in an instant, and raised his eyebrows and asked, "You ate two Devil Fruits?"

"no! I'm just a little bit special in physique, so the recovery ability is relatively strong." Alan explained lightly.

He is not only a strong recovery ability, but basically equal to having a certain degree of Immortal Body.

At least until the enormous life energy is completely consumed, nothing can really kill it.

And to consume all these life energy, you need to cause at least the kind of damage just now billions of times.

It can even be said that the life force owned by Alan itself is equivalent to a planet, and it will continue to improve with time.

In fact, when he left the Chambord Islands, he had already secretly kept the ten-tailed Divine Tree among the large Alchemy mangrove trees.

It won't be long before it swallows and replaces these plants, taking root in this world, continuously pumping out energy to breed new fruits.

"The recovery ability is relatively strong? This is not a problem of recovery or not! Normally, you should have died just now!" Whitebeard shouted and rushed up again.

This time, he is no longer using a fist, but a machete wrapped in armed colors - Cong Yunqi.

"Sorry, it's not that easy to kill me." Alan raised his flame demon sword without showing weakness and greeted him.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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