Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 518

Under the collision of the domineering armed colors and the fiery flames released by the flame demon sword, the sky over the entire island instantly presented a magnificent scene beyond words.

Especially the flames soaring into the sky directly turned the whole sky into a piece of red.

"The show...finally begins!"

Shanks lifted the bottle fiercely and took a gulp of his favorite wine, his eyes twinkling with something indescribable Excitement and anticipation.

In contrast, Ben Beckman glanced at the ships that suddenly appeared on the surrounding sea, and reminded in a low voice, "I advise you to think about what to do while you are now. It's over."

But Shanks shrugged unconcernedly: "Don't worry! When this fight is over, whether it's Kaido or Charlotte Lingling, you'll understand Alan Not someone they can recruit. Quite the contrary! From now on, the Pirate Emperors of the New World will start thinking about how to keep their territory."

"You mean...he will soon be Then the battle for the summit? This is too fast!" Ben Beckman's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

"No, not at all. Although Alan's domineering and sword technique are far from the ultimate, with his incredible slow fruit strength, and the Divine Sword in his hand that surpasses the Supreme's sharp knife, even the so-called Kaido, the strongest creature, will be seriously injured if he takes a hit. What he really lacks now is not strength, but a group of reliable partners." Shanks explained meaningfully, licking his lips.

"That means, once he recruits the right partner, it means the war begins, right?" Ben Beckman narrowed his eyes in thought.

As the brain of the red-haired pirates, he is not as leisurely as his own captain, and he must take all adverse factors into consideration.

Especially when Alan decides to enter the New World, who will he choose to challenge?

Shanks undoubtedly sensed the concern of his co-captain, and smiled comforted: "Relax, he will not be our enemy. Don't forget what he has done in the Chambord Islands. Really need It's not the pirates like us and Whitebeard who never do anything to civilians, but the pirates like Kaido and Charlotte Lingling who let their subordinates take their lives and kill the civilians."

"So to speak. , we just need to get the wine ready and sit and watch the play?" Ben Beckman's face instantly revealed a smile of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Although the Four Emperors of New World appear to be independent, they are actually divided into two factions.

One of them is, of course, red hair and white beard, and the other is Kaido and Auntie.

The former follows the ancient spirit of chivalry and almost never does anything that goes against their conscience and moral bottom line.

But the latter is different.

They never take the ordinary person as one thing, and even think that since they are a powerhouse, they should be born with the right to dominate the weak at will, or even forcibly deprive the other party of their lives.

Pirates' reputation for cruelty, tyranny and unscrupulousness stems from this behavior.

So from the standpoint of the Red Hair Pirates, it is natural to be very happy to see one of Kaido and the Big Mom Pirates killed by Alan and replaced.


At the same time, the battle between Whitebeard and Alan on the island not far away also came to a climax.

After experiencing the destructive power of the fruit of shock, Alan let go of his hands and feet completely, took out the power he gained in this world, and challenged the man who is known as the strongest in the world.

I have to say that Whitebeard really didn't let him down.

In terms of strength, reaction speed, and slashing, they all surpassed the red-haired Shanks, who was also one of the four emperors.

The most outrageous thing is the shaking fruit, which can distort and refract light by shattering the cracks in the air instantly, so that the slow light cannot directly shine on itself.

There is no doubt that this method refreshed Alan's understanding of Devil Fruits again.

In other words, the Devil Fruit is more magical and incredible than he expected.

Of course, Whitebeard is also not feeling well.

Although he has found a way to defend against slow light, his brain is not a computer after all, and it is impossible to ensure that the slow light of 360 degrees without blind spots shines on him every time.

In addition, he was relatively old and suffered a lot of injuries when he was young, so he couldn't help the young challenger in front of him for a while.

Not only that!

Alan even seized a fleeting opportunity to leave another black scar on Whitebeard's body that had been completely scorched by the flames.

Feeling the strong stinging pain from the wound, Edward Newgate's eyes were full of admiration, and blunt asked, "Boy! Are you interested in being my son?"


"No interest! First, I won't be anyone's son. Second, you can't give me what I want." Alan refused, holding the flame demon sword in his hand without the slightest hesitation.

"Ah hahahaha! That's a pity." Whitebeard swung a blow, grinning and laughing loudly.

bang! ! ! ! !

After the two weapons entwined with domineering collided, the red flames burst into the sky again.

At this moment, there was nothing alive on the entire island, whether it was plants or animals, they were all dead under the sweep of flames.

And as the ambient temperature continues to rise, even the soil and rocks under your feet begin to melt, forming one after another of scalding lava pits.

Looking from a distance, it is purgatory on earth.

"I don't think so!"

Alan unexpectedly released a slow beam again, trying to suppress the opponent within his attack range.

Because he is now basically certain that facing these Peak powerhouses, once the distance of the slow light exceeds ten meters, the hit rate is basically zero.

Not to mention the slow light, even the true speed of light of the Navy General Kizaru can be intercepted.

After all, seeing this thing cultivation to the highest level is too perverted.

Especially the battle between two arrogant and domineering experts is basically a large nesting doll scene. I predicted your prediction, and then you predicted my prediction, and so on. Thousands of conveniences...

Sometimes, in a short period of time, the two sides will confront more than a dozen times.

If one of them makes a mistake in prediction, the opponent can take the opportunity to launch an effective attack.

This is also why, the Peak powerhouse in One Piece world is often a dozen for several days and nights, not like the powerhouse in other worlds, the winner will be decided in an instant.

It is almost equivalent to Golden Bell Cover VSIron Cloth if it is paired with the same level and imperial to sword and spear armament color.

Let's not say one-shot kills, and it is estimated that it is impossible to decide the winner unless one of them is exhausted.

Obviously, that's what happened with Alan and Whitebeard right now, and it was the same with Redhead before.

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