Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 519

The battle between Alan and Whitebeard ended earlier than expected.

To be precise, it took less than an hour from the start of the war to the end.

Because the destructive power of the Zhenzhen fruit is so exaggerated that in just one hour, the small island under his feet completely collapsed, and a large amount of seawater spewed out from the cracks in the ground.

In addition, both of them are Devil Fruit capable users, it is naturally impossible for them to continue fighting even when the sea water is not over their feet.

As soon as he returned to the deck of the Moby Dick, the undying bird Marko rushed up, stared at the burnt black wound cut by the flame demon sword, and asked with concern: " Dad, are you okay?"

"Ah hahahaha! Don't worry! This little injury is nothing to me. Don't forget, I'm a whitebeard!"

Edward Newgate returned to his seat nonchalantly, took up the big bowl and drank all the wine in it.

In his opinion, scars are the best badge of a man.

But Marko knew very well how bad his father's physical condition was, and immediately gave the nurses a wink.

The latter immediately surrounded, reinserted the infusion tubes and oxygen tubes, and began to cautiously deal with the terrifying wound that had been completely scorched, like a black centipede.

"How? I'm right, Alan is not the challenger you've encountered before, he's got the perfect blend of sword technique, domineering, and devil fruit power."

"How? p>

Speaking, Shanks came forward with a jug and filled the empty bowl with wine.

Although as one of the pirate emperors of the New World, he shouldn't do this kind of self-indulgent behavior.

But if the object is Whitebeard, everyone present will think it is as it should be by rights.

Edward Newgate calmly accepted the toast from the younger generation, raised his head again and drank it, and then sighed slightly: "Yes! The ability to slow the fruit is too troublesome, there is a little one If you are not careful, you will be attacked. I have been a pirate for so many years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a disgusting ability."

"If it is an enemy, this is indeed the most disgusting demon. Fruit ability." Shanks agreed with nodded.

After all, he was also one of the victims. Now that the two victims are together, they will naturally have a lot of common language.

"Hey! Boy, when are you going to enter the New World?" Whitebeard ignored the red hair and turned his gaze directly to Alan who had put away the flame demon sword.

The latter touched the chin after thinking for a moment, and immediately replied: "It will probably take a few months to half a year. I need a little time to recruit the crew, and then train them enough to compete with the other Four Emperor Seas. The extent to which the thieves are fighting."

"What about the target?" Shanks asked with interest.

"Maybe it's Kaido's Beast Pirates, or it might be BIG·MOM Pirates. But it doesn't matter, the most important thing is what the navy and the world government will do about it. Reaction." Alan pursed his lips into a playful smile.

You have to know that he doesn't have any wanted bounty on his head yet, and he didn't even draw a pirate flag, he just hung a black flag at random to represent his camp.

Simply put, in the eyes of other people, this basically belongs to someone who has not officially debuted.

"Believe me! Whether it is the navy or the world government, they will give some support to your actions. Because for them, no matter who they are, as long as they can break the balance of New World, Or to cause trouble for any one pirate emperor, it is a happy thing." Shanks said meaningfully about the strategy of the most ruling group in this world.

Because personally going off the field and declaring war on the Pirate Emperors with powerful battle strength and destructive power will undoubtedly cause great damage to the strength of the navy and the world government.

Once their power is weakened, other pirates will quickly rise to take their place.

In the end, the tough repression by the world government and the navy will only be worth the harm, and it will turn into a tragedy of pressing the bottle gourd and floating the scoop.

The Five Old Stars have been dealing with political affairs for so many years, obviously they are a bunch of idiots.

So they resolutely changed their attitude and adopted the strategy of using pirates to deal with pirates, which means "using barbarians to control barbarians".

Whether it is the reward on the arrest warrant or the establishment of Qiwuhai, it all stems from the results born under this set of ideas.

There is only one purpose, that is, to let the pirates kill each other and consume each other, so as to prevent the emergence of a dominant one.

Whether you are the Four Emperors or the Seven Martial Seas, you must constantly accept the impact from the back waves.

If the former loses, their power will inevitably collapse, and the latter will take a long time to establish their own prestige and territory.

But if the latter loses, the Navy can use the hands of the Pirate Emperor to sweep away all those potential threats.

In short, no matter who wins or loses, the world government is sure to win.

And what they really want to deal with is a guy like Roger who is trying to uncover a blank 100-year history and truly threaten the existing order and domination.

Alan is obviously very aware of the way the navy and the world government behave, with a sarcastic smile on his face: "Then I'll wait to see what kind of support these people will give me. But here Before, I hoped to reach an agreement with the two of you."

"Agreement? Are you trying to form an alliance?" Shanks showed an interested expression.

In contrast, Whitebeard said simply and neatly: "As long as you call me Daddy! When you go to war with Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, I will take someone with me. Go help."

"No, I think you misunderstood. What I want is not an alliance, but some deals. For example, I can provide a Divine Weapon that is comparable to or even better than the Supreme Knife, providing As long as you drink it, you can cure all diseases and pain, and even the life potion that adds ten years of lifespan..."

Alan took out a variety of potions from his pocket, and a There are muskets inlaid with monster crystals, and a sword that is extremely sharp and contains elemental energy.

Obviously, he wants to use the power of these two Four Emperor Pirates to expand the scope to collect more Devil Fruits.

The extremely curious Shanks picked up one of the bottles of red's healing potion, shook it lightly in his hand, and asked in an uncertain tone: "This thing can really instantly make a person's body heal. Wounds healed?"

"Of course! If you don't believe me, I can give you a free bottle of field experiment." Alan glanced at the charred scar on Whitebeard's chest. it goes without saying.

"Bring it to me and try it!" Edward Newgate was obviously a cheerful person, and directly stretched out his big hand full of calluses.

Just when Shanks was about to hand over the healing potion, Marco suddenly stood up and stopped him: "Hey! Dad! Don't drink anything of unknown origin!"

"Ah hahahaha! Don't worry! There's no poison in it. Because I believe whether it's a redhead or Alan, it's not that despicable."

tone barely fell!

The giant, who is over 6.5 meters tall, jumped off the cork with his fingernails and swallowed the red liquid in his stomach.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of pink granulation buds emerged from the burnt black scar on his body, which split and grew at an extremely fast rate, and finally the scar healed.

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