Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 520

"Old...Dad's injury has really healed?!!!!"

Marco opened his mouth in surprise and couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes.

Because he himself is the team's ship doctor, he is very aware of how fast Whitebeard has aged in recent years.

In addition, the old wounds and diseases left on the body began to recur in large numbers, and even the revival flame of the undying bird fruit could not have a very good effect.

But now, a small vial of medicine of unknown origin can heal wounds instantly. No matter from any point of view, it belongs to "divine medicine".

If you can have a bottle of this potion when facing a strong enemy, it is equivalent to an extra life.

Feeling the relief after all the old wounds were gone, Edward Newgate subconsciously touched the slightly red skin at the wound, and then asked, "Exchange a bottle like this. What do I need for the potion?"

"It's very simple! Devil fruit, or devil fruit ability. At least five bottles of this healing potion can be exchanged for animal and superhuman types, and natural type can be exchanged. Thirty bottles. If the fruit is rare or powerful enough, I also intend to increase the chip, and there is no upper limit." Alan blunt offered a price that the opponent could not refuse.

After all, eating a devil fruit means that it will produce a fatal weakness, so not everyone who wants to eat it.

For those who are unwilling to eat, or who have already eaten Devil Fruit, it is definitely more valuable to exchange for a few bottles of life-saving potions at critical moments than to exchange for money.

"Interesting! Can you tell me where you got these rare treasures?"

Whitebeard grabbed a huge Dragon Slaying with a dazzling cold light Sword, compared it with his beloved Cong Yunqie.

It turns out that there is really no harm without comparison.

As one of Supreme's great sharp knives, Cong Yuncut, its quality naturally needless to say, is definitely the sword of this world cream of the crop.

Unfortunately, the quality of the Dragon Slaying Sword is obviously better, and the strength of the whole person in the hand has been slightly improved, as if some kind of power is transmitted from the sword body into the body.

"I'm a craftsman and alchemist. All of the things you see are made by me. Especially this bottle of life potion can make an old man like you instantly look ten years younger. All you need is one Devil Fruit, and it's yours."

Speaking, Alan took out the potion that fused Life Essence and his own life energy, and gently placed it in front of the other party.


All the members of the Whitebeard Pirates on the Moby Dick's deck focused their attention on the vial of the greenish glowing liquid.

Especially the Captain of the third team, Diamond Joze, took out a wooden box without saying a word, put it on the table with a bang, said solemnly: "I bought this potion. !"

Alan opened the box and saw a superhuman devil fruit with a unique pattern inside, and immediately threw the potion to the other party: "It's yours now."

"Many thanks!" Joz was obviously not the kind of person who likes to talk, and came straight to Whitebeard with the potion. "Dad! Drink it! It's my early birthday present to you."

"You're really my stupid son! Good! I'm Hah!"

Whitebeard has always regarded the members of the Pirates as writers. He naturally refused to be filial to his "son", so he immediately pulled out the plug and poured it in.

Before other people could react to what had happened, a surging life energy began to swim through this riddled body, rapidly attacking the internal organs, blood vessels and nervous system. Comprehensive repair.

After about two 3 minutes, the wrinkles on Edward Newgate's face disappeared in bits and pieces, and he became younger at a rate visible with naked eye.

You must know that in this world, sixty and seventy are definitely different concepts.

Especially at the Peak powerhouse, Peak at 60 is still at battle strength, while at 70 it will quickly start to go downhill.

In addition, the pirates have been floating in the sea for a long time, and the harsh climate, environment and dietary conditions will make them have each one, and they will inevitably suffer from chronic diseases.

As a ship doctor, Marko obviously noticed this change, and immediately asked with concern: "Dad, how are you feeling now?"

"Feeling? I feel My body seems to have gone back ten years ago!"

Whitebeard suddenly activated the ability to shake the fruit, setting off a terrifying matchless tsunami on the sea, directly destroying the sinking island completely. engulf.


This is the real battle strength of his peak period, and it is also the strength that the strongest man in the world should have.

Compared to the destructive power shown in the duel just now, it is more than two or three times higher.

"To celebrate Daddy's return to youth and health! How about we have a party?" Joz exclaimed excitedly.

"Ooooo! Banquet! Banquet!"

"Cheers to Daddy's health!"

"Ah hahahaha! Wine! Get the cabin Bring me all the wine in it! Today must have a good time!"


For a while, the entire Whitebeard Pirates fell into a state of carnival.

Because all the members who join this group are basically inspired by Edward Newgate's unique personality charm, they also sincerely hope that he can get rid of the entanglement of aging and illness and continue to lead everyone forever.

Except, of course, one person, Blackbeard -- Marshall D. Teach.

In fact, this ambitious who tried to hide himself had been flickering with terrifying rays of light in both eyes since Alan and Whitebeard went to war.

Especially when Edward Newgate recovered his youthful destructive power, he almost exposed the greed and desire in his heart.


At that time, everyone's attention was focused on Whitebeard and Alan, so no one noticed Titch's abnormality.

At this moment, he was sitting alone in the corner, gulps down his favorite cherry pie, and at the same time, out of the corner of his eyes, he kept swiping at the picture filled with various pie. A table of potions, guns, and swords, muttering in a very low voice: "Dad, why did you drink that potion? Isn't obediently and honestly getting weaker and older? Do you want to always occupy the most important position? A strong position, won't you give my son a chance to get ahead..."

But unfortunately, this "rebellious" remark was not heard by anyone.

Whether it is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates or a member of the Red-haired Pirates, they have all been attracted by the potions and weapons that Alan brought out, and many people even took out their own collections. exchange devil fruit.

In just half an hour, Alan got another twelve Devil Fruits.

And for those powerful big pirates, he began to be very generous to allow the other party to take credit first, and then slowly repay it later.

After all, the members of the Whitebeard and Red-haired Pirates are basically the kind of people who promise a lot of money, so there is no need to worry too much about renege on a debt.

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