Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 521

"Come on! Finish this drink! From now on, you will be the best friend of our Whitebeard Pirates."

"Foil" Bista put his arms around Alan's neck, Fill him with a large glass of fruit wine.

In fact, this is the sixth Captain who has come forward to express kindness and gratitude since the banquet started.

Although at the beginning, they were hostile and unwelcome to Alan who came to challenge his father.

But as Whitebeard completely recovered and suddenly became ten years younger, these people's attitudes suddenly took a 180-degree turn.

The most typical of them is the "Fire Fist" Ace who is toasting and drinking.

You must know that he was the first person who took the initiative to attack Alan, but now he is laughing happily like a child, and he keeps talking about his younger brother Luffy.

Obviously, for these guys who are straightforward and can't hide things in their hearts, hating is hating, and liking is liking.

Alan doesn't hate this kind of people, so he took the cup and drank it very happily.

With his physical condition, alcohol has long lost its effect, no matter how much he drinks, he will not have any reaction.

Seeing the empty cup, Bista immediately laughed happily: "hahahaha! Men should be so refreshing! I like you more and more now!"

" hehe! That's right! Come and try this!" Ace handed Bista a glass of luminescent green wine.

The latter took a sniff first, his eyes lit up for a moment, he took a gulp of fiercely, and couldn't help but complain loudly: "Damn it! Why don't you have such a good wine? Take it out earlier?"

"This is not my wine, but Alan shared it with us." Ace spread his hands innocently.

"What's the name of this wine? Where does it come from?"

Bista is obviously a qualified alcoholic, and immediately knows to ask for the name and place of origin so that it can be made in large quantities in the future purchase.

In fact, there are not many pirates who are not alcoholics.

On the one hand, under normal circumstances, fresh water will start to deteriorate after only a few days in wooden barrels. It can only be boiled by heating, and then covered with a layer of vegetable oil to reduce the foundation of water and air. , a little longer storage time.

This kind of fresh water is almost inevitable.

On the other hand, wine can not only keep longer, but also relieve the negative emotions such as anxiety, tension and loneliness caused by long-term floating at sea.

So it's only a matter of time before long-term sea voyagers become alcoholics.

"Morning Dew, I brewed it myself." Alan blunt cut off the other party's idea of purchasing a lot.


Bista's mouth widened in surprise.

After all, Alan has shown the strength to fight against Whitebeard before, and he is also a top craftsman who can make swords, firearms, and an alchemist who can concoct various magical potions.

That alone feels pretty hard to accept.

Now I have brought out this delicious wine that everyone can't stop...

Is this really something that only a teenage boy can do?

This is a monster in human skin!

Alan no doubt felt the strange eyes from the people around him, and couldn't help but smile and point to his nose and explained, "I think you'd better not judge my age by appearance. In fact, I really He is much older than he looks, and maybe he lives longer than everyone present."

Because of the ten-fold time difference between the copies, he doesn't even remember this body. age, but there must be at least a few decades old.

"Ah! I understand! You must have been maintained by the kind of life potion that can make people younger! No wonder! This way everything can be explained." Ace was a rare clever, Suddenly, he patted his thigh hard.

Alan lightly nodded: "Although the initial direction was wrong, the principle is almost like this. My body is a bit special, it will neither age like an ordinary person nor be easily killed. ."

"so that's how it is! Isn't it old fart? It sounds really enviable." Bista couldn't help sighing.

You must know that he is in his 40s this year, and in another 20 years or so, his body will inevitably begin to decline.

"hahahaha! Don't be so sentimental! When the time comes to get a devil fruit, or someone with the ability to grab a devil fruit, just change the bottle of life potion like an old man and drink it, right? ." Ace reminded with a laugh.

"Ah? That's true! Why didn't I expect."

Bista patted his forehead hard, and quickly returned to normally. A state of indulgence, toasting with the rest of the ship.

Looking at these heartless pirates who don't think about tomorrow's pirates after today, Alan couldn't help but hook the head, turned around and walked directly to where Blackbeard was.

Teach apparently also noticed this, and immediately pretended to have a chestless look: "thief hahaha! Hello! My name is Marshall D. Teach."

"Hello, my name is Alan, nice to meet you." With that, Alan stretched out his right hand.

"no! It should be me who should be honored. After all, you can be on an equal footing with the big pirates who cream of the crop like Daddy and the redhead, and I'm just an insignificant nobody. "

Titch obviously didn't realize what the handshake meant, and subconsciously stretched out his right hand to shake it.


A mysterious symbol flashed across the palms of the two, then disappeared without a trace.

Because of the speed, he didn't even notice it.

"No! You are wrong! Even an insignificant nobody, as long as he has a strong ambition, has the opportunity to become a great character. After all, people's dreams! It will never end!"

The corners of Alan's mouth were slightly upturned, and he said the words that Blackbeard should have said to Luffy in the future.


Titch seemed to be struck by lightning, his body instantly became extremely stiff, and his eyes began to release some kind of rays of light like wild beast.

But after just a second or two, he was back to normal and burst out laughing: "thief hahahaha! What you said is really good! I'm so moved! That's right! A man's dream It will never end! It's a pity, I'm afraid I don't have such a chance."

"Don't jump to conclusions. You have to believe in yourself and your destiny. Give it to you as a gift. Come on, I'll take care of you."

After saying this, Alan patted Blackbeard's shoulder lightly, then turned and disappeared into the darkness.

"Believe in yourself, believe in destiny..."

Looking at the metal glove in his hand emitting the green light symbolizing fel energy, Tickey's face showed a puzzled expression .

Because he couldn't understand at all, why people like Alan would look at him differently, and why give him this precious equipment worth at least one Devil Fruit.

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