Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 522


"Karp!!!! Look what you've done! Didn't you solemnly vowed to bring him back and train to be a qualified navy? But now? He actually became A pirate!"

Marshal Sengoku slapped a newspaper that had just been delivered today on the table, his tone full of anger and helplessness.

Outraged at the report detailing the "brief" fight between Whitebeard and Alan not long ago, and shocked by the strength and potential the latter showed.

You must know that even though Edward Newgate is in his seventies and his body begins to decline, he is still recognized as the strongest in the world.

But now, a youngster who has just debuted can actually fight with him for more than an hour without falling behind.

No matter from which point of view, the future will surely reach the top and become the most powerhouse of the new generation.

Especially the slow fruiting ability mentioned in the article is a headache.

After all, whether it is a person or an object, as long as it is irradiated by a 360-degree slow light without dead ends, it means that it will instantly fall into a short slow time flow.

For a Peak expert, this moment of sluggishness often means defeat and death.

Alan is still not very mature in the use of domineering, but as long as he can improve his armament and knowledge to the highest with time, then with the high-end battle strength of the Navy, I am afraid that no one can fight against it. .

Faced with the questioning of the old comrades in arms, Kap picked his nostrils indifferently and responded: "What can I do, if I want to blame, I will blame those trash draconians in Holy Land, and what they do with anger and resentment. For. To be honest, if it wasn't for the protection of civilians, I wouldn't be able to resist punching them fiercely in the face."

"Shut up! At this time, don't make trouble." Sengoku held his forehead and growled.

But soon, he turned his attention to the Old Lady next to him and asked in a deep voice: "He, what do you think we should do next? Publish a reward for him? Or... "

"I don't think we're in a hurry, let's see what this youngster does next. If he really wants to enter the New World and attack the position of the Four Emperors, we won't help in secret. One. After all, whether it’s Kaido or Charlotte Lingling, their power is already a little too large, and they can take the opportunity to muddy the water and weaken their power.” Admiral Crane said while dragging his chin with both hands. own judgment.

Although the navy itself is very resistant to the Shichibukai plan, it has to admit that after the establishment of the Shichibukai, the number of pirates that are so numerous has indeed been greatly reduced.

At least it won't let the entire world fall into a disorderly chaos like when the era of pirates first started.

So even her big staff member gradually began to support the use of pirates to weaken pirates.

After all, from a pragmatic point of view, there's nothing better than the cannibalism of threatening pirates.

"In other words, let's just leave it alone for now." Sengoku wrinkled frowned into thought.

Lieutenant General Crane nodded lightly: "That's right! After all, judging from what he has done, since he won't loot the merchant ship, he won't loot the town, so even if it is called New World The emperor, at best, is nothing but a redhead. Compared to the damage and threats caused by Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, it is almost negligible."

"Well, it makes sense. The red hair all these years There's really no trouble." Sengoku showed a thoughtful look. "In that case, let's observe it for a while."


Just as the navy headquarters made a decision, the dragon pirates in Cocosia Village on the Eastern Sea were far away. In the group's lair, Dora is wielding the sharp sword in her hand to fight with the dragon.

On the ground around, there were murlocs with bits and pieces that had been cut in half, blood and intestines flowing all over the place.

Obviously, this female swordsman has already killed the entire Evil Dragon Pirates to the last one, leaving only the last leader.

Nami stood aside, staring wide-eyed at this battle that in her eyes could be considered "heaven shaking, earth shattering".

For the first time, she realized that women can be so powerful.

"Ahhhh! Despicable human beings! Kill you! I'll tear you to pieces!"

The dragon opened its big mouth full of fangs like a madman and tried to bite it off opponent's neck.

It's a pity that in the face of Dora, who has mastered domineering and life energy, his ridiculous strength and speed are simply not enough.

The next second...

The sharp blade cut a deep, bone-deep wound on the chest.

pu! ! ! ! !

Dazzling blood spurted out immediately, dyeing the entire pool red.

"Despicable humans? How did I hear that the murlocs are just human slaves on the Great Route?" Dora flicked the blood on her sword, her tone full of irony.

There is no doubt that during this period of time, she has collected countless newspapers, magazines and books about the great route, and she is no longer the little white who knows nothing, and she is very aware of the survival of murlocs. What a tragic situation.

"No! !!!!!!!! Murlocs are the real higher races! And you humans should be our slaves!"

Dragon is undoubtedly caught by this The words were so stimulating that he completely lost his mind, completely disregarding the injuries on his body, and rushed up again to kill the female Swordsman in front of him.

Although he normally instills in his companions the idea that murlocs are a higher rank race than humans, this is precisely the manifestation of strong cowardice and inferiority.

Because since the beginning of the Great Pirate Era, Fishman Island has not stopped at all. Various pirates, Bounty Hunters and slave catcher teams have come one after another. If it weren't for the fact that Whitebeard personally announced that Fishman Island was his own. It is estimated that the murloc kingdom has ceased to exist.

"Fish... Murlocs are human slaves on the great route?!!!"

Nami was shocked and speechless when she heard this sentence.

Just when she was about to ask questions, Dora suddenly turned the sword in her hand across, activating the magic wrapped around the sword.


A powerful airflow spewed out of the weapon, forming an extremely powerful wind blade.

I saw her swinging forward sharply, directly causing a terrifying effect like an explosion.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

The slash was mixed with countless wind blades, engulfing the dragon and making him scream like a pig.

“ahhhh Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!”

In just a few seconds, this sinful murloc tasted chopped up ten-thousand The taste of times by a thousand blades.

Almost every wind blade will tear a small piece of blood on him.

Until the whole body turns into a chilling white bone.

There is no doubt that Dora was so enraged by the crimes that the dragon had committed on these islands and villages that she executed her enemies in the most painful and cruel way possible.

When the skeleton fell on its back and fell to the ground, she took out a handkerchief and cautiously wiped her beloved sword, then slowly put it back into its sheath.

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