Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 523

"Evil... the dragon is dead! The dragon is dead!!!!!!!"

Accompanied by a cry of no one who knows who it is, the villagers who are hiding in the periphery They stuck their heads out and looked at the skeleton that fell to the ground and scattered in a pile with disbelief, as well as the flesh and blood that was shredded by the wind blade and scattered around.

For them, the arrival of the Dragon Pirates seems like a nightmare.

Now, this nightmare is finally over.

It's just that no one knows if the Swordsman woman standing next to the pool of blood will be the beginning of a new nightmare.

After all, in this world where powerhouse dominates everything, ordinary persons like them have no qualifications to resist.

Just when the villagers of Cocosia Village were hesitating, Nami gathered up the courage to step forward and probed in a slightly trembling voice: "The dragon is dead, what are you going to do next? ?"

"Of course I'm leaving! Do you think I'll stay here tyrannically abusing power like this rubbish?" Dora glanced at the scattered corpses on the ground, with a faint look in her eyes. Disdain.

She was actually full of contempt and contempt for these murloc pirates who escaped from the great route to the Eastern Sea to bully civilians, and she was also a little angry, so she let the dragon come Taste the pain chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades before dying.

The most important thing is that the original sympathy for the murloc race has now been completely disappeared, replaced by deep disgust.

Hearing this remark, Nami instantly sighed in relief, immediately bent down and bowed deeply, and shouted with tears in her eyes: "Thank you! Thank you so much! Your great kindness and virtue We will never forget it."

"That's right! If you have any requests, please feel free to ask! As long as we can do it, we will definitely not refuse." Came back to his senses, hurried over the fence and ran in from the outside.

At this moment, he has already recognized this female Swordsman as Dora the "Quick Sword" who is most recently known to everyone known to everyone in the Eastern Sea and has a bounty of up to 25 million.

Although so far, the big pirate has not reported any evil deeds such as looting merchant ships and massacres of civilians, but he is still a little uneasy.

"No need to thank me, prepare some supplies for me."

After saying this, Dora turned and left with several crew members.

Looking at her retreating back, the tense expression on Ah Jian's face finally relaxed, extended the hand and touched Nami's head, said with a smile: "Very good! It's so bitter. After so many years, you're finally free again. Bellemel would be very happy if he knew."

"Yeah! I can't believe that the dragon died like this." Nami wiped away her tears, forcing herself not to cry.

You must know that when Dora broke in, she was still thinking about how to get 100 million Baileys to buy her own village.

But who would have thought that after only half an hour, all this nightmare would be over.

Including the dragon, most of the murlocs were killed by the extremely sharp sword, and only one or two jumped into the sea and escaped.

During this process, Dora's powerful sword technique gave the orange-haired girl a strong admiration and longing.

"Hahahaha! Let's go, let's throw a banquet for life saving benefactor and celebrate being reborn in Cocosia Village." Ah Jian laughed and patted Nami's shoulder.

Soon, with the help of the two of them, an unprecedented carnival was held in Cocosia Village.

For a while, the villagers seemed to release all the pain and sadness that had been accumulated in the past few years, and everyone was drinking and revelling to their heart's content.

Seeing these happy ordinary persons dancing and dancing, Dora took a sip of the fruit wine, then turned around and said to the crew members who had followed her for nearly a year, "I've finished it. The last test left by Alan is to set off for the great route. Not only is it full of various dangers, but there are also countless pirates stronger than dragons. With your strength, I am afraid it is difficult to adapt. In this cruel environment, you might actually die."

"Big sister, needless to say. We understand what you mean." The short-haired girl interrupted by biting her lower lip.

She is not a fool, and she has also learned a lot about the great route from her captain, so even if she is unwilling, she understands that it is not a place that she can go to.

Not to mention the great route, these crew members may not even be able to beat the pirates with a bounty of more than one million Baileys from the Eastern Sea.

If you forcibly enter the great route, I am afraid that you will not even be qualified to be cannon fodder.

"Since that's the case, then let's part here. As the captain, I thank you for your company along the way, and each of you has a share of the treasure on board."

Duo La did not procrastinate in the slightest, and his son and daughter were affectionate, and decisively announced the disbandment of the pirate group.

In fact, she was alone when she went to sea.

It's just that after becoming famous, it gradually attracted some admirers to join, and finally decided to form this small pirate group.

Now moving towards a more ambitious goal, it is natural to stop when it is broken.

After all, these crew members are not strictly partners, and basically do not need to undertake combat responsibilities and obligations. The work they normally do is closer to sailors than pirates.

In addition, there are basically no bounties, so it's not a bad thing to leave early with a batch of treasures.

In this way, the Quick Sword Pirates announced their disbandment immediately after defeating the dragon.

After participating in a night of carnival, Captain Dora drove a wooden sailboat slowly away from the island in the early morning of the second day, and moved towards Rogue Town.

For her, this is both an end and a new beginning.

But not long after the ship left the port, Dora noticed that a navy warship suddenly appeared at an unknown time.

Before she could figure out the situation, a smaller silhouette suddenly came out from the bottom of the cabin and yelled: "Not good! It's Colonel Mouse's ship!"

"Colonel Mouse? Who is he? Also, why are you on my ship?" Dora asked subconsciously frowned.

"Colonel Mouse is a naval scum who colluded with the evil dragon! Sister Dora, please be sure to kill him, otherwise the entire Cocosia Village will suffer." Nami looked urgent. pleading.

"Navy scum?"

Dora's eyes suddenly became sharp when she heard this word, Alone walked to the bow and waved gently at the warship not far away out a sword.

Under the action of the strong airflow, a terrifying tornado formed in the sea in just a few seconds, directly tearing Colonel Mouse and the naval warship into pieces.

None of the 100 sailors on board were spared, and all of them were buried in the sea.

Seeing that the last threat from the village disappeared, Nami shouted excitedly: "Long live! Sister Dora is really the best!"

"Stop shooting flattery! Tell me I, why are you on the boat." Dora turned and stared into the eyes of the orange-haired girl.

"Because I want to be as strong as you too!"

When Nami said this remark, her eyes flashed with very firm rays of light.

Obviously, under the wings of the butterfly Alan, Nami has deviated from the original fate and embarked on a completely unknown path...

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