Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 524

While Dora and Nami went to Rogue Town together, Alan, who was far away in the New World, was recalling the entire One Piece original plot, and those who appeared in the characters met his criteria for selecting companions.

First of all, it seems that only Trafalgar Law and "Big Stomach" Joe Ellie Bonney are the only supernovas who landed on the Chambord Islands at the same time as Luffy.

As for the rest, they are either rateless crooked melons or scumbags who have done bad things.

"Ai, I have a headache, where do I go to recruit suitable crew members." Alan sighed slightly.

So far, he has only targeted three or five people, which is simply unable to meet his needs.

among which is included Robin, who is playing for Crocodile, Trafalgar Law, who has a blood feud with Brother Ming, Dorflang, and Ani who is arrogant and conceited on the empty island road.

Especially the last one, which is still in the observation stage.

If this guy is ignorant, or has done too many bad things, then Ailu sees you will kill him without the slightest hesitation and extract the Thunder Fruit.

"Hahahaha! Do you have time to worry too?" Ace laughed while drinking ice-cold juice, taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

He was a temporary helper sent by Whitebeard to prevent the ship from veering off course again without a navigator.

In fact, when Shanks inadvertently said the embarrassment of Alan's disorientation and drifting around at sea at the banquet, the entire Whitebeard Pirates were shocked, followed by a burst of Laughing wildly.

I can't help but laugh!

Because they really didn't know whether to admire Alan's audacity and dare to set sail without a navigator and a recording needle, or should they envy his luck that no ship crashed.

The reason why the great route is called the great route lies in the changeable climate, as well as the strange currents and magnetic fields.

Maybe it was sunny one second, but the next second there will be an unprecedented rainstorm.

In the face of nature's terrifying matchless disaster, even those with natural Devil Fruit abilities will appear extremely insignificant.

The Golden Lion Shiki, who was all-powerful at the time, was not because of a terrifying storm, which ruined his huge fleet and lost to Roger, the pirate king.

So in order to prevent Alan from being accidentally buried in the sea, Whitebeard decisively sent his second team of Captains to help until the other party found a qualified navigator.

"Bullshit! I have very high requirements for my companions, unlike your father, who will accept him as long as he is willing to be his son." Alan rolled the eyes angrily.

Ace, who was scolded, was not angry, and still said with a smile: "Do you need me to give you some advice?"

After all, the two of them got along for a while. Time, so each other has already figured out each other's temperament, and there will be no disputes over a sentence or two.

"Tell me about it!" Alan suddenly became interested.

"It's very simple! Do a major event of heaven shaking and earth shattering, so that the navy has to issue a reward to you, and it is a high reward. Only in this way, those ambitious men will come Going to you. This method is much less labor-intensive than finding one by one." Ace suggested meaningfully.

In fact, this is what most pirates do.

You must know that pirates are not the navy. You can publish recruitment information through advertisements in newspapers, so arrest warrants have become the best recruitment advertisements.

The higher the bounty, the stronger the strength, which will naturally attract more people to come to seek refuge.

Alan touched the chin and hesitated for a moment, then quickly asked with a smile: "Do you have a suitable target?"

Ace nodded without thinking: "Of course! I think Shichibukai is a very good target. As far as I know, Moonlight Moriah has been hiding in the dense fog Sea Territory, which has already aroused the dissatisfaction of the navy and the world government, and even thought that he was unable to fulfill his obligations. So You can kill him and make a name for it."

"Moonlight Moriah, Shadow Fruit, Transparent Fruit, Spirit Fruit... is indeed a good target." A look of thoughtful appeared on Alan's face. expression.

There is no doubt that killing the Terrorist Bark Pirates during this time period will basically not have much impact on the existing situation.

And the navy and the world government will not care about the rubbish that doesn't care about the world and only knows how to get up and secretly make zombie Legion.

"So you decided?" Ace's eyes flashed with excited rays of light.

You don't need to ask to know, this guy must have itchy hands and wants to find a suitable opponent to fight.

"en! It's decided! But before that, I'm going to Alabasta to invite another person to join. After all, I'm not very fond of managing chores, and I desperately need qualified help."

When talking about this remark, Nicole Robin's silhouette came to Alan's mind.

As a professional woman who can manage a Baroque workplace in an orderly manner, Robin's talent in management is absolutely unquestionable.

In addition, she is still the only O'Hara scholar who can read ancient historical texts, so she must be pulled on board anyway.

As for the threat of CP9 and General Aokiji, Alan would not take it seriously.

If the other party dares to come to the door, he doesn't mind letting the world government and navy understand who is the most dangerous person in this world.

"Oh? Who are you going to invite? Could it be the sand crocodile?" Ace probed with great interest.

"Sand Crocodile? Forget it! This guy is busy launching a coup d'etat to overthrow the regime in the kingdom of Alabasta, and then find the ancient weapon Pluto through the historical text hidden under the palace. Like him This kind of wild ambition will not be subservient to anyone." Alan sneered and told Crocodile's secret plan.

"Coup? The text of history? The ancient weapon Pluto?!"

Hearing three extremely sensitive words in a row, Ace fell into a sluggish state.

He couldn't believe that Lao Sha was so daring and dared to do such a maddening thing under the eyes of the countries that joined the world government.

Because of these three, no matter which one it is, it violates the bottom line of the world government.

Once it is exposed, Crocodile will be greeted by the slaughtering order and even the dispatch of the General.

"What, you're surprised? Don't forget, he was also the man who dared to challenge the white beard back then. There is no shortage of ambition and courage. Come on, let's meet this interesting guy , by the way, dug his corner." Alan pursed his lips and showed a very bad smile.

He was looking forward to Crocodile's violent but helpless look after poaching Nicole Robin.

"Hehe! That's right! I also want to see how powerful this guy who dares to challenge Dad is." malicious.

Poor Laosha is completely unaware of what it means to "make trouble at home from heaven", and he doesn't even know that he is about to face a great disaster...

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